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Stars of Destiny

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Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
The original link for this post can be found here.

Welcome to my public thread for my map,

Stars of Destiny
Last Update: 5/9/12

Players: 2 - 5 (5 is heavily recommended)
Released Yet? Playable Beta Test Available! See below for details.

Heroes: 100%
Enemies: 99%
Systems: 99%
Items: 100%
Triggers: 90%
Terrain: 85%
AI: 10% (The Last)

Project Team
Ignitedstar - Everything

The credits section will be completed when this map is released.

Summary: This is a Warcraft 3 RPG map that takes its main inspiration from Final Fantasy Forever (abbreviated as FFF, a clan TDG map) and has elements drawn from Shin Megami Tensei and Etrian Odyssey with a touch of Final Fantasy and Valkyrie Profile. From what some people have told me though, this map borderlines on an open RPG. The reason why it has taken me so long to present this map is because I always felt that I was not at a respectable place to consider ever giving a formal launch of the map. Especially because I was restarting it every single year (experimental versions, no sarcasm intended). HOWEVER! This time around, I have to say that I am very happy with how it is turning out and want to share the great news.

Learning Curve:
Exponential. The map starts out relatively easy to ease in new players and to get people accustomed to their hero and how they should build them. At first, you will run into a lot of battles where you will easily defeat the opposition.

However, as you make your way closer to the second continent, you will notice a spike in difficulty. Enemies will have significantly higher health, more dangerous abilities, and will have many ways of picking on weaker teammates or turning your hero into a helpless wreck. You must be prepared for it. Enemies can also null, absorb, or reflect your attacks back at you, so enemies will punish careless players. Teamwork is key, and you will need all of the elemental type coverage your party can manifest. There is no such thing as "the best weapon" or "the best armor", because what you need to survive is entirely based on what enemies you encounter and how one likes to play their hero.

In short, the "Game Over" message becomes your best friend. Just another day in paradise!

- Seven playable heroes: the Guardian, Warden, Monk, Astrologist, Magus, Divine Apprentice, and Summoner. There are nine in the screenshot below; the Blademaster and the Shaman are scheduled to be made after the map is officially released.
- Each hero has a distinctive style of play. They all start knowing nothing and it is impossible to learn everything. Finding a build that can cover a weakness in your team is essential.
- Hero stats are re-worked so all three are significantly important. Strength raises health and the weight of items one can carry, Agility increases your hero's accuracy using physical attacks and evading them, and Intelligence raises your hero's ability to deal and evade status ailments.
- A simple equipment system. Every hero can wear one weapon, one armor, two accessories, and two consumable items. See the next feature, though.
- A comprehensive list of item abilities. There's so many that that's all I can tell you without listing the hundreds that there are. Their effectiveness depends on the enemies you are pitted against.
- Armor has been thrown out the window. It has been replaced with something called Weight. It doesn't do that much-- kind of an arbitrary number.
- Replacing armor is a resistance system that accounts for all damage that can be used to resist, nullify, absorb, or reflect damage. The archetypes: Physical and Spell and the "lower" elemental types: Fire, Water, Thunder, Earth, Light, Dark, Neutral, and Galaxy. "Armor" is now dynamic!
- A wide range of status ailments that are not useless with varying degrees of severity. Level 1 Blind isn't particularly troubling, but Level 3 on the other hand...
- Enemies are divided into fourteen Creature Types. Each type has many strengths that they will often try to play and abuse with. It's your job to find and exploit their weaknesses.
- Every enemy has its own unique AI. Later on, you'll start finding enemies that have very particular strategies. It's up to you to find out what they're thinking and find loopholes to their logic.
- Bosses that provide challenge, instead of being so overly powerful that you have to "cheat" or rely on some overtly maimed strategy to win.
- Said bosses are completely optional; you can play the entire map without fighting a single boss, if you wanted.
- Enemies drop loot frequently, so farming items isn't taxing. Several enemies also have special loot where conditions must be met before the enemy drops it. Rare loot drops even more frequently once you discover the conditions needed to get them.
- Store keepers have a "likeness" value when you spend gold at their shop. The more money you spend, the more wares they will sell to you.
- Shops hold the item crafting, most of which will require their "likeness" value to be a certain amount. This is one of the only ways to get items and equipment necessary for certain cases later in the game.

Teaser Screenshots (This section will get updated as further progress is made)
SoD Pic 1.jpgSoD Pic 2.jpgSoD Pic 3.jpgSoD Pic 4.jpgSoD Pic 5.jpgSoD Pic 6.jpg

When will this map be finished?
I want to be finished by the end of the year, but school comes first, so probably next year. It this is my first and final project and I will be around to update it. This map is basically me saying good bye to Warcraft 3 and leaving a mark somewhere.

Why did you post this when the map isn't finished yet and you're not necessarily asking for help?
I've been at wc3c.net for many, many years. The only thing I have to show for it is plenty of stories and experimental test maps. No one thinks I've ever put myself behind a real project. I have been working on something; it's just not done yet. It has taken me years to fine-tune the miniscule details so that I have as little regrets as possible when the map is open to the public. I do take game design very seriously; a third of the time was learning Jass and then vJass (the programming language needed to make it), the second third was planning the entire map (knowing what's possible within my skill level, patience, time, and motivations), and now I'm at the last third: actually making it.

What's with the corny name? xD
lol xD Well, it's a long story. I scripted the general direction of the map first before doing anything else. I had this entire story embedded into the map to enrich the player experience. However, as the map size started climbing up, I realized that I probably did not have the space in the map or the time to integrate all of it. Although the story is non-existent, all of the remnants of the world I made have been left in the map with no real explanation. Such as the planet being called Asver, why there's an element called Galaxy, the "sickness" known as Galaxia, as well as characters, places, etc.


A beta release is currently available on the bottom of this post.

Please take these precautions, though:

- All heroes can be used except the Shaman and Blademaster. These two heroes are not done and will not be until the first official version is released. Now's the best time to get yourself comfortable!
- Most of the second continent can be traveled.
- A good amount of shops have basic inventories available.
- About 90% of all equippable items in the game are available. Play around with them.
- You cannot fight any bosses.
- Quests will activate, but cannot be finished.
- If you get stuck, Player 1 can type -debug to activate special cheat codes for the map. Only Player 1 can activate -debug, but every code works for all players.
- Take good screenshots if you can. >_>

The reason why I am releasing this beta test is because I need to know what will crack the map. I can only test so much testing alone; I have a feeling that the map will run into a lot of issues if five players are playing at once. So please gather up some clanmates or friends and do everything you can to break the map the way it is.


  • Stars of Destiny .70a.w3x
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Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
WOW, Final Fantasy VIII and Shin Megami Tensei xD

Looks fine and neat, Im supporting this and is hoping more updates from you, I would be glad to give review once you release an alpha/beta test. goodluck xD
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Thanks for the support! Indeed, it's mostly the support from friends, family, and other users that has kept me going for all of the years it took me to finally get this map where it is. And I'm not even done, yet. x_x

New screenshots added! Also, a new question in the FAQ.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
nice description on Items, It looks really interesting, though it would be better if you post some more information of the map. Example, Hero Details, Their Skills, Items, The goal in your map, how will you lose. anyway make this map your best one then ;)
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Hmm, the reason why I will not put down all of the hero information is because each hero can learn about 16+ abilities each. 16 x 7 ~ 112, so it would be a very long list. Also, I don't want to give away too much information right now, because it makes the map lose its "neat" factor too fast.

I can do the rest though. >_> Tomorrow, though.
Good luck in project, I'm impressed that you are doing alone such map. If heroes have to choose the specialization (talents/spelss) I would recommend to add some kind of 1-2 points of 'retrain' - not like many other RPGs that do not have such thing and you have to start new character if you made mistake somewhere or just user wishes to change the style of hero.
When will this map be finished?
I want to be finished by the end of the year, but with school comes first, so probably next year. It this is my first and final project and I will be around to update it. This map is basically me saying good bye to Warcraft 3 and leaving a mark somewhere.
This reminds me times when I started playing warcraft/doing stuff in world editor. It's shocking thay already 9 years have passed, hope your 'mark' will show the best of you ;)
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Good luck in project, I'm impressed that you are doing alone such map. If heroes have to choose the specialization (talents/spelss) I would recommend to add some kind of 1-2 points of 'retrain' - not like many other RPGs that do not have such thing and you have to start new character if you made mistake somewhere or just user wishes to change the style of hero.
Yes, you are right and I do plan to address this. Abilities are learned via upgrades, so I can't do the most direct way of un-doing hero skills. The only possible way of doing it is to integrate it in the save/load code. If a person would like un-learn all of their hero's skills, you will get a new save code that gives back your hero with nothing learned, all bonus stat points you assigned removed, and the level of the hero reduced by five as payment.
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Level 6
Dec 9, 2010
When I saw the name was "Stars of Destiny" I was hoping it would be a Suikoden-based map. Nevertheless, this looks like it could be worthwhile.

I do have one question. You said that this has elements based on Final Fantasy VIII. Does this mean you'll add some sort of Junction system? And secondly, are the battles going to be Real-time or Turn-based?
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Stars of Destiny sounding like Suikoden... I found this out AFTER my brother bought Suikoden 3 and 5. Do note that I named the map about seven years ago. Back then we didn't know what Suikoden was at the time. I thought, "Ah, lame," but I didn't want to change the name. I could easily change it to something else, but I haven't found much that worked.

Hmm, to be honest the one thing that I had mixed feelings about in FF8 was the junction system. It made characters stronger in the long run, but junctioning spells to stats was better than the spells themselves. The only spells I ever found myself using was Cure/a/ga, Life, Regen, Double, Triple, and Aura. It was something I was thinking about, but it didn't make it as a gameplay feature that should be allowed for all heroes.

Although, now that you mention it... the Magus was originally like this. He could "draw" elements from enemies and he would use those to cast spells. It was a super neat idea, but a few good friends of mine actually tested this in simulated battles and it turned out that it took too long for the Magus to be useful. We found it very tedious to an offensive spell caster's job. He felt too limited, so I made the decision to drop the idea. If his job is to nuke enemies, it didn't make sense to limit it, especially when the Draw ability had a tiny cooldown and no cost (adding needless work on the player's part). Then he would just have to recharge the elements and the mana needed to use it. Unnecessary work on the programmer's part making something to hinder a character for doing what they do best, and inconvenient for a player that expects to play a hero that is supposed to dish out as much damage as possible before the enemy can run up and kill your hero.

Not surprisingly, this is one of the reasons why the Magus got featured on one of the screenshots on level 1. He has horrible max HP. The first enemies you will encounter can kill him in about 6-7 hits. Compare to the neighboring HP superior Guardian that has 877 HP on level 1. Then the rest of the heroes who have an average HP of about 500 on level 1.

That idea came looooong ago. I did write in my intro post that I had made several "failed" versions of this map. Those were all tests to find out what I would find fun. To find out what would work. The thing that *kind of* was taken from FF8 but probably matches Valkyrie Profile more is how a person can dynamically change their elemental resistances. Maybe I should take FF off the inspiration list. I definitely started there, but it's more SMT and Etrian Odyssey now.

Thankfully battles are not turned-based. The game would be really, really slow and not fun. Considering that there can be five players, turn-based would be really bad.
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Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
I'm doing my best finishing the enemies. This will take a long time.

Every enemy counts is a pseudo-hero, which means that they have stats, too. To do this, I use a very specific formula table with the most important independent variable being the enemy's Creature Type.

Most people would think that doing enemies would not take that long. However, I want to keep this enemy encounters more exciting. I don't want them running up to you to get themselves killed or mindlessly spamming abilities. This was the HUGE, glaring problem with FFF; the enemies were very boring to fight. Remember that I want to have enemy AI inspired by Etrian Odyssey and SMT, so while every enemy will run up to your face to get you killed, they will employ certain strategies.

It's one of the main reasons why the AI of enemies is going to be done last. Enemy AI is not specifically important in the beginning of the map where the enemies have little active abilities and have the common "run up and kill" tactic. Enemies that you encounter later which come chocked full of them will run up to you, screw with your heroes, insta-kill anyone that isn't prepared, then slaughter whoever is left. Dying is very common, which is why revive items are relatively cheap and why any revive ability brings all heroes that died back to life.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
I Like the idea of the AI, it would be better if they played like a player too, anyway keep up with the work and hope your project is gonna be a blast when released ;)
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
They won't necessarily play like players, because they have abilities and passives that players cannot get. The AI will take time, because while a hefty group of enemies will share general AI, most enemies in the latter half of the map use specific strategies.
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
A teaser... release?

Hey, everyone.

I finally got the map optimizer working.

A beta release is currently available on the first post of this topic.

Please take these precautions, though. Yes, these were done on purpose:

- All heroes can be used except the Shaman and Blademaster. These two heroes aren't done and will not be until the first official version is released. Now's the best time to get yourself comfortable!
- Do not go the second continent. The game will bug if you run into any enemies.
- Many shops are empty and many items are not available.
- You cannot fight any bosses.
- You cannot save.
- Quests will activate, but cannot be finished.
- If you get stuck, Player 1 can type -debug to activate special cheat codes for the map. Only Player 1 can activate -debug, but every code works for all players.
- Take good screenshots if you can. >_>

The reason why I am releasing this beta test is because I need to know what will crack the map. I have a feeling that the map will run into a lot of issues if five players are playing at once. So please gather up some clanmates or friends and do everything you can to break the map the way it is.



Level 9
May 28, 2008
Oh my, Etrian Odyssey.

Imma try out this rpg with friends then. Definitely gonna feedback when i do.

The name Stars of Destiny is nice though. Original and beautiful (Y). Reminds me of Suikoden somehow o.o
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Aw. xD

If I could join the beta game with you, that'd be awesome. What I more or less want is extra screenies with multiple players.

EDIT: Also, a small update put into the Beta test. Thanks, everyone!
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Level 9
May 28, 2008
Well due that i cant host this in lan or garena, i had to play this singleplayer.

And....this is wat i got for first try lol..

All I did was, just research 5 of them in a row. They just stacks lol..


  • lol...JPG
    47.8 KB · Views: 162
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004

It was a simple mistake that I overlooked. Getting the skill system done right and making sure it worked every time took me a couple dozen tries. I knew I had it working the version I had last. I do know what the problem is, though; I keep making enemies using Player 1 and then forgetting that they belong to said player.

If it wasn't that, I really don't know how you did that. I've tried plenty of times trying to break it, but it always stopped me from researching anything, even if research was queued.

Thank you for the effort, though. The fixed version is available, now.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
wow at last beta test is out, I shall try it and give some review later on! YEAH and +rep for your beta release ;)
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Huh, that's weird. There IS an enemy player team. The map asks you to put in an enemy team? It doesn't do that for me. Can you screenshot it?
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Haha, funny... There is an enemy team, but since their player setting is fixed, you can't see them. I didn't think this was going to cause problems, though. I will fix it as soon as possible and have another test map out.

EDIT: Okay, fixed. New version uploaded. I still want to know why you had this problem and I never came across it, though...
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Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Ooooooh, I see. LOL >_>

Now that I know what actually happens, I know how to fix it. Who'da thought that would happen. >_<

Updated. Also, the second portion of areas are now open. To be honest, I forgot about opening them up.



Level 9
May 28, 2008
Just tested with a friend.

The same bug from before, the upgrading part. But this time I can only have 1 extra :)
Such as the food turns 5/4.

Player 2 (blue) can't choose hero for some unknown reasons o.0

This is the one that stopped me from testing half-way :)
Right after our second fight with the monsters, our mobs turned all invul D:

Idk about this, my friend said that he can't root his Oreph (Ent) to enable the Oreph's skills.
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
Can you implement some kind of follower AI? It's so annoying to control two characters in an ORPG - I did the same in mine, atm it's halfway done but it works like a wonder and you don't have to do anything with him ;)

P.S. sry the system I made wouldn't fit in your map since it's fully written to fit into my map and has little to no room for customization :(
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Just tested with a friend.

The same bug from before, the upgrading part. But this time I can only have 1 extra :)
Such as the food turns 5/4.

Player 2 (blue) can't choose hero for some unknown reasons o.0

This is the one that stopped me from testing half-way :)
Right after our second fight with the monsters, our mobs turned all invul D:

Idk about this, my friend said that he can't root his Oreph (Ent) to enable the Oreph's skills.

Ai ya. Most of those should have been obvious. Goes to show that I was in a hurry.

Bug #1 - Hmm... I don't know. I thought I got rid of it for good. I have an idea why, though there's a good chance I could be wrong. Hopefully it's fixed this time.

Bug #2 - That's my fault. I didn't check to see if all players could use the altar. I did found out though that every player could pick a hero except blue. >_> I'm sorry!

Bug #3 - Also my fault, although it was more because I was in a hurry. It will take some time before I solve this, so this tidbit will be left off.

Bug #4 - The issue your friend mentions is that he unrooted the summon, but cannot reroot it. I have no idea. I thought it had something to do with the Ancient's collision size being too big. It's also strange, because I remember playing around with the Ancient's Root. It worked 100% of the time. At least, it used to. What Root essentially does is trade a unit for a structure, but a structure needs a valid building space around itself before it can be built per say. This may be the problem that the Ancient is running into. This seems like a WC3 engine thingy and I will have to accommodate it somehow.

Bug #1 is probably still around, but I am not sure if there's more I can do. The other issue I am unable to fix right away is Bug #4. Although it's not really a bug. More like Warcraft 3's engine limitations.

Can you implement some kind of follower AI? It's so annoying to control two characters in an ORPG - I did the same in mine, atm it's halfway done but it works like a wonder and you don't have to do anything with him ;)

P.S. sry the system I made wouldn't fit in your map since it's fully written to fit into my map and has little to no room for customization :(
I wouldn't want to, even if I was able to. This is how the Summoner is meant to play. The tooltip for the Summoner when people select him says that if you can't micromanage him and his Companions, he's pretty useless. It seems like you learned the hard way. >_<

And yes, I will update.
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Level 3
May 23, 2009
Map is great I love it, but there seems to be a problem with 2 of the Astrologists' spells. Astral Night lags the game every time it's cast after it finishes then it resumes to normal.
Then theres the Circuit Break spell completely froze the game and then crashed. Not sure how or why that happens but it seems to be only those two specific spells. The upgrade limit bug mention earlier is indeed fixed, I even tried pointbreak to go past it and that didn't work so excellent job!! Looking forward to more updates and the release of Shaman :)
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Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
so you are still developing this map, I encourage you to continue and I will play it when it is almost done. :) +rep
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
Thanks you guys.

@Seshira: I knew there were more game-crashing bugs. Thanks for pointing those out.

@haxel96: This isn't a map to be played alone, and your team is doing something wrong if you can't attack air units. There are more heroes that can target air units than there are heroes that cannot attack them at all. Shops carry nets and the Warden has Ensnare as an ability.
Level 3
May 23, 2009
is the save/load system implemented already ?

Not when I tried it, it wasn't. I don't know when he'll update it again just yet. But I do like the map and hope to be able to save/load soon :) as well as play the Shaman hehe
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