Full Review Emerges!
Okay so I've done my homework. The map was pretty great! The doodads are naturally abundant, fog and other effects works like a charm. Although you should be aware that your map isn't classified as a melee because that you've touch something on the doodads/triggers/object editor, I understand this is needed to make some of your decorations to work but that really is something bothers any skirmish player. I would go and import custom environment skins if I would continue to make this a custom-ed skinned melee game like sonofjay did, but otherwise I would reset them to default. Also, your map is a bit assymetric in a bad way, I have no big criticism in this but be sure that creeps are equally distributed for the forces, I'd avoid setting them into random and their placement should atleast symmetric to another's location. By doing so, you can make this map an FFA balanced giving us players more freedom on choosing game types. Also I would also suggest not to use the 'Noise' tool, it makes your terrain uneven and ugly, easily remedied by 'Smooth' tool however.
Just a few more notes though, the starting locations are rather small and very tight but not really a problem. I'd reduce cluttered trees over the map if I were you but otherwise its a good sense of having someone getting ambushed.
Overall I love this map and I definetly say that you upload your map along with the improvement. If you do so, I'd be happy to vouch it by pasting my review on your map once its released on the map section.
4/5 from me!
I am very confident that the map has improved more or less! It's really a great experience for any melee player.