Spellbook Suicide Issue

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Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
No, this isn't your average question about "how iz i hsa disabled spellbook???!?".

Instead, I have a really weird bug with my map that I don't understand at all. It might be bad code somewhere, but whenever I try to add a disabled spellbook to a unit, it instantly kills that unit. Because it is an AoS map and lists the killer, the killer's name is " ". As in blank, which leads me to believe that it is some sort of game function that kills the unit.

I've been looking through the forums for an answer to this question or even for a question remotely similar to this one. I've had no luck. If anyone can shed any light on this, I would be happy! If you need to see the code, I'll be more than happy to supply it.
Level 9
Oct 7, 2007
are you sure the problem is in spellbook??

did you try adding other spellbooks and disable it or something?

or maybe other disabled abilities?

does it work on every your map or just one?

It normally works on every other map. It is only this map (Honor of the Damned) where it does NOT work, so this leads me to believe it is a specific trigger or something of the like which is causing the problem.

No other ability causes the problem. In fact, not even disabling the spellbook and adding it to a unit on runtime causes the death of the unit. The only situation where the unit is NOT killed instantly is if the unit started with the ability in the object editor. It is DEFINITELY a spellbook issue.
Level 14
Mar 4, 2009
well copy-paste your map first....

reset game-contains and than try to add ability

after that test (if ti does non work good)

remove all triggers and make one trigger to add spellbook

anyway i think the problem is in spellbook abilities,did you try to another spell book like spellbok with just repair ability?

and also to another unit...

btw trigger should not be a problem because there is no detect added ability system (it can be done but im 99.99% sure it is not :D )

maybe you have kill unit in your add spellbook trigger ? xD :D
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