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Spellbook question {How to enable/disable abilities for a hero type?}

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Level 2
Jul 12, 2011
I know that there are a lot of tutorials for spell books but im unsure if anywould answer this question: Im making an RPG with a hero tavern. how would I disable/enable abilities for a certain hero type? if not i also had another idea to buy the skills from a vendor maybe?
Level 26
Mar 19, 2008
Disable/enable abilities action do not refer to just hero, but whole Player's forces. You better use add/remove ability action.

So, your tavern could have some dummy spells - which do nothing, just when you click on it, you get new spell according to what you have clicked on. Dummy spells represent the buyable spells themselves with desription/informations ect.
For unlearing you can always use: Type -unlearn {ability} followed by removing typed ability.

Acions, that should be usefull for you:
  • Custom script: call UnitAddAbility (udg_u, udg_i)
  • Custom script: call UnitRemoveAbility (udg_u, udg_i)
Where 'u' is your unit and 'i' represents the rawcode of given ability. To get rawcode enter Object editor, head to abilities and click Ctrl + D, ability's Id (rawcode) will replace spell's name.
Level 2
Jul 12, 2011
Everyone time I use a custom script it causes my map to be unopenable.
the units to they require the raw code or do I just use unit name?
and the rawcode say is (A00B:Aens) is that the entire code or do i use a portion of it?
Level 28
Jan 26, 2007
"A00B" is the actual rawcode of the spell, "Aens" is the rawcode of the ability you based it on (here: Ensnare, or "Ability ENSnare" --> "Aens").
Every rawcode is only 4 characters long, that's how you can recognize them.

And then you're using custom scripts ( = JASS) in a wrong way :p
Well, GUI has "unit add/remove ability" as well though. So you don't have to use those custom scripts.

Spinnaker's method is correct though (for buying abilities from a merchant).
Level 26
Mar 19, 2008
ap0calypse don't negate using better functions :DD

If Id of your custom spell A00B:Aens you can see that its made from two pieces, explained by ap0calypse already but once again: 1st part -> Id of your spell, 2nd part -> Id of spell you have based custom one on.
So you need just A00B :p

Actually if you want to write A00b in place of udg_i which is here an integer variable you have to type it between ' ', like 'A00B'. Using custom scripts it should be something like this:
  • Custom script: call UnitAddAbility (udg_u, 'A00B')
  • Custom script: call UnitRemoveAbility (udg_u, 'A00B')
However, (just to inform you) you can also use this:
  • Custom script: set udg_i = 'A00B'
And then again:
  • Custom script: call UnitAddAbility (udg_u, udg_i)
  • Custom script: call UnitRemoveAbility (udg_u, udg_i)
Just if you were curious. :S
Level 2
Jul 12, 2011
I figured it out like 10 seconds after i asked my question lol
I had another question while im here, im using a dummy area of effect ability but when it kills a target my hero gets no exp?
Level 2
Jul 12, 2011
Yes, I have it creating the dummy for owner of the unit and deal damage to an area, but it kills and gives my hero no experience.
Level 2
Jul 12, 2011
If you dont mind can you also check my ThunderClap based trigger. its damaging the hero and allied players as well.
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Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
Level 2
Jul 12, 2011
Im sorry for the stupid questions but i cant seem to find how to set the trigger for the owner of matching unit is an enemy of owner of triggering unit.
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