Spell - Unknown Name :P

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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Havn't figured out a good name yet, so name it whatever you want if anyone can do it :)

The caster channels a draining spell on a targeted enemy for 8 seconds (its ok to just use normal drain life). While the channel is active the target cannot move and the caster gains 1 Soul Power every 2 sec. When the channel ends, the target of the spell takes damage based on Soul Power, and in addition the caster gains increased damage based on Soul Power and the target gets reduced damage based on Soul Power, lasts for 10 sec.

It's an ultimate spell so only needs 1 rank :)

I know it's alot of things happening but would be awesome if someone could do this :D
The trigger also must check if the channel ends, then the target must regain its movement speed (and ofcourse do the effects of 1-3 Soul Powers if the channel doesn't finnish).

Spell will be used by a Hero named Demonblade in my AoS.

Thanks for any help on this :D
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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Yes that is right :)

You can make it like 50x Soul Power for damage and 20x Soul Power in damage reduction/increase :)

Would be awesome if you could make this, I liked the Circle of the Dead you made for me, though it didn't fit very well into an AoS, the zombies would be messed up with so many obstacles around :/ but I'm really grateful you could do it anyway :D
I think he's talking about the fact that the target cannot move during the drain...

from what I understand, once you start the spell, the target will not be able to move (something like the effect of Aerial Shackles)... so once you stop channeling the spell, or when the spell ends, the target can now move again...
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Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
It would be really easy to use Arial Shackles actually; I'm pretty sure that's what he's asking for. Once you've got Arial Shackles to take care of the holding properly you can add the simple life drain and soul drain etc.
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
All mechanics and base spell is setup, Berb.
I'm only waiting for his confirmation on my previous post (#6)
He said that the target gains movement speed back ?
When the target can't even move, how's that LOL

I've been thinking he wanted to say that "the targeted unit can move once the spell is stopped/interrupted/finished"
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
hehe, yeah, sorry for the bad explanation :p

When the drain occurs, the target shouldn't be able to move, however he can attack and cast spells, which means if the target is ranged, the caster will take damage during the drain, which is one of the weaknesses of this ultimate. The other is that you can stun the caster, interrupting the spell, or silence or something. This ultimate is only useful against melee Heroes with no ranged stun or silence spell :)

And yeah, if the drain gets interrupted or is finnished, the target will be able to move again :) I thought about just doing it through triggers, set movement speed of target to 0. But there might be better ways to do it :)

If there is anything else that is unclear, please let me know and I'll try to explain it better :D
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Thanks for the spell, it works great! :D

Just one thing, the damage bonus/reduction is static atm, is it possible to make it % instead?

Thanks alot :)
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