[General] Spell that not required turning

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Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Hi to everyone.
I have a problem with a carrion swarm dummy ability.

To avoid create a new dummy and facing to target point, every time the hero ability is casted. I create a unique dummy that move to caster position and cast dummy ability (carrion swarm).

The problem is that dummy unit dont turn fast to cast the carrion swarm in the correct angle.

I use root ability of ancients, that allows you to cast spells without turning. But do not works if dummy unit is moved. And always cast spell in 0 degrees, but in-game manually cast works fine.

i guess that this is posible, kunka torrent in dota 1, don't require turning.

Thank you for reading.
Level 13
May 10, 2009
Check your gameplay constants; there is a field there were it limits the minimum movement speed a unit may have, which is 150 by default, I believe.

If that does not work, then try removing move ability
from the dummy.
call UnitRemoveAbility(YOUR_UNIT, 'Amov')

Note: I don't have access to world editor right now as im on my cellphone.
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Check your gameplay constants; there is a field there were it limits the minimum movement speed a unit may have, which is 150 by default, I believe.

If that does not work, then try removing move ability
from the dummy.
call UnitRemoveAbility(YOUR_UNIT, 'Amov')

Note: I don't have access to world editor right now as im on my cellphone.

You did not understand me, I just want to know if it is possible to cast a spell without turning towards the target point.

Zorry if it is not clear.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2017
Reveal doesnt interrupt unit and fails to cast if out of range without any error. You have to code it if you wanna "kunkka"
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Thanks for reply.

What i said about turnrate + movespeed.
Also make sure your dummy caster: cast point = 0 and castbackswing cast = 0.
Then he will cast non channeled spells (non rain of fire) in any angel instantly.

My dummy is configured exactly that you mention. And cast a target point spell without turning, works perfectly, but malfunctioning if dummy is moved with.

call SetUnitPosition(dummy,x,y)

And after this, order the dummy to cast the spell, always throws it the current facing.

I think this is something weird about Warcraft.
Level 3
Nov 3, 2017
dont u listen?
catch ISSUED_POINT_ORDER event, check if thats ur spell's order
check if unit in the cast range aoe
if so, disable trigger, order unit to use the same order as ur spell on coordinates which are right in front of him (GetUnitFacing()), enable trigger
dont forget to save original coords
if unit is out of range, remove saved coordinates
whenever ability is casted, check if there are proper saved coords. if so, do your code at another location, instead of spellTargetX.

Of course its about code and nothing else. You dont need any of those retarded shit like roots or ward or anything
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