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spell that damages allies

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Level 11
Jul 17, 2013
hey i want to create ability. enemy hero owned by player 2 uses the spell on unit owned by player 1, then a negative debuff is created ower unit owned by player 1, during that time every few seconds other unit in some range of that unit who has negative debuff will get damaged.

in short hero uses ability on enemy, then as long as the debuff lasts on enemy other unit of enemy will get damaged too if enemy doesnt send away the unit who got debuff.

for the first time i completly dont know how to do it, i need a guide what events i need, for which parts i can use vanillia abilities? or its not possible at all? maybe a such spell alreday exits in hive workshop spell section?
Level 6
Feb 22, 2009
Sounds like you want the Lightning Shield ability. I'm pretty sure you can change it's Targets Allowed to not damage the caster's allies.
Did they change it in the newest patch?

I am pretty positive the ability is coded to damage anything around it.

The field in the object editor is referring to what target the buff can be placed upon.
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