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Spell Impact

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Level 2
Mar 16, 2008
Hi! I picked up world editor four days ago, and have been teaching myself non-stop via online tutorials and examples. Today I learned about leaks, and have been replacing every on-the-fly point with a variable (which gets deleted with "call RemoveLocation( udg_tempPoint )"). I hope this shows the scope of my small skills.
Anyways, here's my question.
My unit casts a spell based off of storm bolt, which means the missile is homing. I have a trigger set up to deal damage based off of my strength. The problem is, how do I make the trigger execute (and do damage) at the time of impact, and not when "a unit starts the effect of an ability"?

Any help would be much appreciated!
Level 2
Mar 16, 2008

thanks Ghostwolf! your answer makes perfect sense.
that took me 30 mins but when I got it to work, I felt SO SMART!!!
now I have to clean "leaks"
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