Spell Development

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Spell Development [Vers: 1.18]

As some of you already know (And the rest of you when you read this), I’m the Diablo III spell creator. Currently I’m implanting the new spells into the Diablo III map (Version 1.18)... So I just wanted to keep you assure of how far I currently are in that process.

Skull Bomb
Mana Cost:
10 Seconds.
The Witch Doctor throws a haunted skull at an enemy unit or an owned mongrel. Upon impact the skull explodes; dealing damage instantly plus some damage each second for 12 seconds to enemy nearby units. If the skull is thrown at a mongrel a secondary effect are bestowed upon the mongrel (Either bonus fire damage or immolation). All targets are knocked backwards away from the centre of the spell.
1st Level:
85 Initial damage, 10 damage per second.
2nd Level:
135 Initial damage, 15 damage per second
3rd Level:
185 Initial damage, 20 damage per second

Soul Harvest
Mana Cost:
22 Seconds.
The Witch Doctor attempts to consume the souls of all nearby undead units. All targets loses life as a result of the Witch Doctors attempt. For each target the Witch Doctor heals 10% of the damage dealt in hit points and mana points, and if the target is destroyed; the Witch Doctor is healed for additional 25% of the destroyed creatures max hp.
1st Level:
125 Initial damage, 200 AOE.
2nd Level:
200 Initial damage, 250 AOE.
3rd Level:
275 Initial damage, 300 AOE.


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Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Due to personally matters, i've not been able to focus much of my attention on the spell making... That will be changed now so we can have 1.18 releases soon.

ps: How screw up my tables:hohum:

We will release 1.18 31 July so if you want to have the spells in for 1.18 you should hurry. :p
Well, hopefully you got the spells finished for 1.19.
(i hope people wont get dissapointed becouse we still havent improved the spells so much. or maybe not at all?)
We will release 1.18 31 July so if you want to have the spells in for 1.18 you should hurry. :p
Well, hopefully you got the spells finished for 1.19.
(i hope people wont get dissapointed becouse we still havent improved the spells so much. or maybe not at all?)

Well it can wait... Its just more epic if the spells get implented with a functionall skill tree...

Could we get somone to make a model for the zombiewall... Would be epic :D
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
Well it can wait... Its just more epic if the spells get implented with a functionall skill tree...

Could we get somone to make a model for the zombiewall... Would be epic :D

So, you want the spells to be added with the skill tree.
Then it hopefully will be for 1.19. If it wont be a "Inventory system case" where everything take months/weeks insted of weeks/days.

Well, that sounds like a plan.
And we cant wait with releasing the map anymore :p
We have given the official release date & people (including me) is starting to get annoyed for the long time we have waited.
Level 17
Jun 9, 2007
ps: How screw up my tables:hohum:

That happened to all tables.
Im trying to fix it for you but when i fix it, another wierd problem appears that i have never seen before. U_U

Some commands was messed up.
two [.tr] was missing and you had [./tr]] at two places.
And the table is now [.otable] & [./otable] insted of just [.table] & [./table] that was the main problem.
(remove the dots)

But i fixed everything for you. (was hard to find the missing codes :p)
That happened to all tables.
Im trying to fix it for you but when i fix it, another wierd problem appears that i have never seen before. U_U

Some commands was messed up.
two [.tr] was missing and you had [./tr]] at two places.
And the table is now [.otable] & [./otable] insted of just [.table] & [./table] that was the main problem.
(remove the dots)

But i fixed everything for you. (was hard to find the missing codes :p)

Great :D

Anyway, pm me when you've finished the Skill Tree or need to discuss it in any way.
Level 9
Dec 17, 2007
Please switch the Wizard's mirror image abillity with the teleportation one :) It's easily done simply move the wizard 60range in her facing direction, with a 'for 1 to x do' to avoid her to get out of the pathing-blockers. It's an awesome spell, and would really add something too the game, escpecialy with some cool effects :) I made it myself for one latest map.. It works great ;)
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