14:17, 9th Jul 2008
Ash: This map attracted me on the premise that you control your own units, as apposed to a hero system. However, when I found out that 'your own units' is one person and that, on top of that, this one person has very very limited upgrades, abilities and items I was rather put off. Oh, and did I forget to mention that you're sent in blind? Yes, thats right. Although you're part of the barbaric horde, or the valiant humans, they just don't attack.
This means that you -- under equipped, weak and with less items than a homeless man -- are left to fight off the other team with up to 4 other people. I'd usually say that it would result in a long game, however it seems that the other teams bases have little to no guards; no problem there then.
On the other hand, the map is beautifully terrain'd and extremely well thought out, in fact; it's one of the only real Strategic maps left on You are guaranteed to have countless games figuring out new strategies and little tips and tricks that you can do to gain the upper hand.
Another 'pro-point' is that the game is very user friendly, it took me and my mates about 2 minutes to pick up the whole details, however one could argue that it is because the map has less items -- and by that I'm referring to the characters, upgrades, items and the battle system -- than a tooth pick thats just been inside an Anorexics mouth.
Which takes me onto my next point rather swiftly, speaking of emptiness, the cinematic at the beginning seemed pretty pointless, almost like it was put there to make players leave. It might be a good idea to spice it up with a bit of action, or remove it all together and place the story in F9 so that the players that want to read it, can and the players that couldn't care less about the story can continue with their caveman-like-esque.
And we can’t forget the quests either, although entertaining (and adding in the MMORPG’s Grind) it seems that if you buy something when you’ve taken the quest items back, the man won’t continue. I.E Your return the items, and he goes to summon a god. He then stops because you respawned the shamans. Whoops!
As the map stands, it’s better than most but it’s still only mid par. Being honest, this map is nothing special. Although, it could be.
Ash: This map attracted me on the premise that you control your own units, as apposed to a hero system. However, when I found out that 'your own units' is one person and that, on top of that, this one person has very very limited upgrades, abilities and items I was rather put off. Oh, and did I forget to mention that you're sent in blind? Yes, thats right. Although you're part of the barbaric horde, or the valiant humans, they just don't attack.
This means that you -- under equipped, weak and with less items than a homeless man -- are left to fight off the other team with up to 4 other people. I'd usually say that it would result in a long game, however it seems that the other teams bases have little to no guards; no problem there then.
On the other hand, the map is beautifully terrain'd and extremely well thought out, in fact; it's one of the only real Strategic maps left on You are guaranteed to have countless games figuring out new strategies and little tips and tricks that you can do to gain the upper hand.
Another 'pro-point' is that the game is very user friendly, it took me and my mates about 2 minutes to pick up the whole details, however one could argue that it is because the map has less items -- and by that I'm referring to the characters, upgrades, items and the battle system -- than a tooth pick thats just been inside an Anorexics mouth.
Which takes me onto my next point rather swiftly, speaking of emptiness, the cinematic at the beginning seemed pretty pointless, almost like it was put there to make players leave. It might be a good idea to spice it up with a bit of action, or remove it all together and place the story in F9 so that the players that want to read it, can and the players that couldn't care less about the story can continue with their caveman-like-esque.
And we can’t forget the quests either, although entertaining (and adding in the MMORPG’s Grind) it seems that if you buy something when you’ve taken the quest items back, the man won’t continue. I.E Your return the items, and he goes to summon a god. He then stops because you respawned the shamans. Whoops!
As the map stands, it’s better than most but it’s still only mid par. Being honest, this map is nothing special. Although, it could be.