Some fantasy artworks

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Level 11
May 16, 2013
So a few months ago I came back from a year-long art break, and as I've told some, I mainly do fantasy-themed artworks in my spare time. Part of it includes the improvement or reassestment of past designs for my characters / locations / stories adding more interesting or different dettails on them.

I Didn't notice this part of the website until now xD so I figured I could share some artworks with you all when possible.

Something interesting that occured to me the other day was changing the armor design on my main character (zeth holyblade)'s human form as shown here:


While I love adding many weird pointy / winged stuff to my characters, I've come to realize some of them could actually pose a liability in what they do (specially when fighting), even though it may look cool in some cases. So, I checked several sources on real-life full plate armors (both simple and ornate ones) and this is what I came up with (A slightly more practical and less cumbersome or pointy version - specially at the shoulders):


Curiously enough, it does look much more like Blood Elf Lieutenant does xD, even the Falchion which looks like a Medieval machete to me.

Not wanting to wait much before drawing the new armor in action... I recalled these 2 pictures:



And remade them with the new version of zh hehe.



It'd be worth mentioning those scenes kind of happen on a map I've got.

If my working schedule isn't that busy I'll try posting a couple more of these as they go :)

Coloring these on the computer would be a pain though, I'm very slow doing that on photoshop (Still haven't finished the kako-doll colored version for example) But who knows? Perhaps I may get them done some day.




That's one heck of a Doodle-Effort you got there, Keep up the great work, Doc!
Level 28
Nov 12, 2007
Interesting that your only digital painting showcased looks really really good, even though you seem mostly interested with drawing with ballpoint pen. The only constructive criticism I can think of right now is that your lines all seem like very strong strokes or medium strong strokes. Maybe you should try some light-pen lines in some of your drawings to add variation.

You've got good skills mate, congratulations!




Does your ball-pen lines even smudge when you make a hell-a amount of Ink drawings?
Level 11
May 16, 2013
Interesting that your only digital painting showcased looks really really good, even though you seem mostly interested with drawing with ballpoint pen. The only constructive criticism I can think of right now is that your lines all seem like very strong strokes or medium strong strokes. Maybe you should try some light-pen lines in some of your drawings to add variation.

You're right about the strong pen lines. Sometimes I do them to help me add a bit more of emotion to the characters (Plus it helps me relax).

About the digital part, it was actually a traditional artwork I made a long time ago, which I colored + improved using Photoshop. I like doing both types of artworks as a matter of fact, but while traditional drawings take me between 1-3 hours (if I focus on it), the other one takes me days to accomplish because I'm pretty slow at it -.-

That approach is very interesting, using contrasts.

Thanks man, sometimes it can be difficult to get that with just the ink though.

Your drawing area must smell of ink.

Yeah it's invigorating. :thumbs_up:

Does your ball-pen lines even smudge when you make a hell-a amount of Ink drawings?


Yes they do hahaha :grin:




Use a Smudge-Guard Glove, It helps you to prevent Pen smudges and it glides easily to the paper :p I mostly do that when I doodle both in tablet and in paper :p




Do you have a Graphic tablet? I was surprise that you're good at digitalize your drawings :D
Level 11
May 16, 2013
Thank you KILLCIDE :D


Now I can upload stuff without spamming other sections.

I've begun coloring the succubus character from the other day:




The last pic shows a golden right arm bracer, though the current version has a purple-ish one instead, similar to the one on the opposite side.

BTW the lips's gray color may seem odd, compared to the rest of the color palette that I've chosen, but that's where the character gets her name from (ashkiss)
Level 11
May 16, 2013
Great! Your detail-heavy style is indeed cool. I'm glad you're uploading colored stuff now, they look nice with your personal style!

I'm glad how are they turning out :D This method may allow me to color many artworks I have out there, even the old (and high-detailed) ones.

I already finished coloring my Succubus character


Though I'm still debating whether or not I should add a background.


And a new one I've finished within 6 hours, a new personal record :D


Perhaps any of you are familiar with it and can take a guess which game is it from :)
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Level 11
May 16, 2013
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Level 11
May 16, 2013
Having some trouble deciding which one should be the main coloring set:


I originally thought about making this guy wear a crimson armor, but when I first uploaded this...


... I gave him golden tones instead.

- Fancier and Shiny
- Easier to color
- Easier for him to be distinguished from other demons and his father.
- Grants him the (joke) nicknames of 'Goldy' and 'GodlyBoy' by his adversaries.

- Warrior oriented
- Enhances his savagery and hostility
- Easier for him to be distinguished from the main character ZH who wears golden armor


There is also the possibility of a golden-black armor set...


But it would make him look very similar to his own father's armor

Hell, it's very tentative too, isn't it? :D
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Level 14
Nov 7, 2014
*cough*, excuse me.

The crimson armor really reminds me of khorne, and the golden one is a little monotone (or monochrome, whatever). Between the two, I'd definitely prefer the golden one. :)
By the way, do you have any demons who wear black armor with golden edges?

Oh hell, you do actually have it :D
The 'black' color you have there is rather dark gray, or maybe coal of some sort.

As the ultimate solution, try combining all 3 patterns into one: Black + Red + Gold.
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Level 11
May 16, 2013
As the ultimate solution, try combining all 3 patterns into one: Black + Red + Gold.

Hey there, thanks xD

Yes I've done that kind of color combination before, it's one of the coolest 'evil' color schemes one can pick from


Here's a mixed version of these colors I just tried for the current character:

I've been thinking I could keep the golden version as his 'base form' and when his 'berserk form' is triggered his armor changes accordingly.



Level 14
Nov 7, 2014
Yes I've done that kind of color combination before, it's one of the coolest 'evil' color schemes one can pick from
Agree on that!

The current version of his armor looks gorgeous!
And in case he looks too similar to his father, you can always add more red xD

I've been thinking I could keep the golden version as his 'base form' and when his 'berserk form' is triggered his armor changes accordingly.
That is also a solution :D
Level 11
May 16, 2013
So far so good I'd say.

This is the same one in my album, the color palette has been completed for each character and background.


I added a Torch as one of two light sources (the other one being the moon from above) which served as a reference for me to add and remove brightness accordingly. Still, it doesn't right considering all the colors at nighttime.


I decreased the brightness at certain areas and added 2 color masks to simulate the effects of both the torchlight and moonlight. I like how it's turning out.


Now on to adding a few more details like blood, raindrops, rainwater, mud, etc...
Level 11
May 16, 2013
On to the next coloring project :)


Barely begun. I've outlined each character I'll be working on and made a few changes.


I've shown some of these characters in previous artworks, mainly the three at the front who were present in the 'Meeting' scene.
Foreground: Allard, Aelena, Zeth, Alanah, Eva.
Midground: Cpt Sygberht, Adrian, Markus, Kaeleb, some Men-At-Arms and some Militia.

I'm expecting this to have tons of color at the end.
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Level 11
May 16, 2013
Took a little break after the WIP3 in order to draw new stuff :D

This guy...
Is meant to be this one... (and is also present in the previous picture (top left))

There are some references to certain games and movies here xD


No, I'm not giving him a harem.

...A love triangle maybe.


Several things are shown here, as they should be since this scene is based on a chapter from the story I wrote some time ago.
Level 11
May 16, 2013
Very nice thread. I'll be following this :D

Thanks a ton :D I'm currently coming up with another artworks group (no less than 3 pieces per bundle). This time depicting more demonic antagonists.


The one on the bottom right is not complete yet. I'm adding the demon's son ( Captain Xemnoth Grimeye ) on the picture.
Level 11
May 16, 2013
Doing a little coloring of one of the Hellish Kings :D


Both his skin and Monarch Mantle's colors are set in stone.

- The Skin will be dark green since it represents the color of bile (starts yellow due to the bilirubin pigment but later turns dark green when it becomes biliverdin)
- The mantle's "coat" is composed of rotten organic materials, could be of demonic origin.
- The mantle's "decoration" is composed by sharpened obsidian.
- The mantle's "fabrics" are composed of Sullen souls.

Also, try zooming the picture and watching the many leathery faces there in his outfit, hopefully you'll find it a bit disturbing :D
Level 11
May 16, 2013
Best quote :D

I think I've already said this once, but I will say it another time
Your artworks are so rich in details, its amazing! :D
I also like those two lost souls(?) struggling for their lives while trying to grapple onto his mantle

Thanks bro. Yes, dettails are essential to what I do.

Those souls are the Sullen, his entire mantle is made of them (It will be easier to tell in future versions).
Just like those from the Divine Comedy, they are angry souls inhabiting the depths of the River Styx, and though it seems they're climbing, in fact, they're pulling down those above themselves back to foul waters.
Level 11
May 16, 2013
@deepstrasz There are dark tones of desaturated green in the demon's skin (what isn't covered by demon bone, flesh, hide/leather, or other decorations).

Reasons for choosing that color include the common belief is that angry people have a 'choleric personality'. Chol means Bile, and Bile is a human substance or humor concentrated at the gallbladder to facilitate lipids digestion among other things.

Its color derives from the Bilirrubin pigment, which looks bright yellow, and yet its precursor substance is called Biliverdin... of dark-green color, which in turn derives from a substance inside the red blood cells. On a side note, it's also related to bruises on the skin which start red (haemoglobin+oxygen) and later change color into purple/blue, then green (destruction of blood cells and formation of biliverdin), then yellow, and eventually disappear.

If you don't mind watching
Picture is fairly tame for medical standards.

You will understand why I selected that color.

As for the purple I picked for his flaming head, I made it keeping this in mind:

Level 11
May 16, 2013
Done with the color palette for King Alaster:

Zoom it, check the little details and tell me what you think :D

As I've mentioned before I've focused on colors such as dark-green, black, and purple as part of his looks and outfit.

The red and orange parts aren't his flesh but someone else's. What I mean by that is that this guy collects other creatures (demons and fiends)'s hides or skins and bones as well.

Think of him as a hellish Leatherface in that sense; that bone jaw, for example, isn't really his own but belongs to a powerful beast he has slain in the past.

Also, since he's a King, his ornaments are a mix of gold, gems, and bones.

As per usual, I just need to work on the shades/brights and then create a rather simple but fitting background in order to finish it but, I'll do it in another time, as I intend to post it together with other colored projects like Arise, Ashkiss and King Mammon (Greed)
Level 11
May 16, 2013
King Mammon getting his colored version as well:

I wanted to quit just from 'carving' every single of those little ruby gems alone...
- Creating a duplicate of the background layer, using the select tool to draw each gem's silhouette or outline, invert the selection, delete the layer.
- Using the select tool on the background layer, drawing each gem, duplicate layer, invert the selection, then delete the layer.

Same result, different method.

They weren't supposed to be rubies at first though, but diamonds instead; then again I might just change them some into more varied colors to represent different types of gems like sapphires, beryls, amethysts, topaz, etc (This demon supposedly enjoys all kind of gems as tribute from his minions).

As for the Angelic feathers, I'm also debating whether they should all share the same color or be varied.
In order to determine it, I must first define the races within the Angels and whether or not their wings should change depending on who they serve.

One thing for certain is that 4 out 5 Angelic Castes (' wings will be present in the demon's outfit:

- Dominions' wings as part of the central headress.
- Principalities' wings as part of the outer headress.
- Zealots' wings as part of the shoulders.
- Heralds' wings as part of the mantle (underneath).

In an ideal world this guy would love to have Seraphim wings rather than Dominions' at the center :D
Fantastic work dude! :D I'd say, try finding more balanced design. not everything has to be super over detailed :D start detailling the main areas, like the face and the blade and the chest, and leave secondairy subjects with perhaps less details. it will help bring your concept-art to something more appealing and less noisy :D
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