Solving "Fatal Error" Problems in WC3

Level 11
Sep 1, 2006
When playing Warcraft, most people will eventually encounter a "fatal error" these errors are of course, unavoidable, but there is a way to minimize their frequency! Here's how:

Step 1:
•Go to the shortcut you run Warcraft III from(Usually on your desktop labeled
"Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos", or "Warcraft III: The frozen Throne", or make a new one.

Step 2:
•Right click the shortcut and click "properties" and in the "Target" box, add -opengl to the end
It should now look something like this: "C:\Program Files\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe" -opengl or wherever your shortcut is linked to.

You're done!
Warcraft III should now fatal error considerably less, keep in mind this alters Warcraft's graphics and performance slightly. Also keep in mind you will still have fatal errors, but thanks to this method, they should occur VERY rarely if never.


This is basicly like ralle's "playing warcraft in a window" tutorial, but instead of -window, you add -opengl, for a totally different effect, it's short, but i hope it helps some people who have problems with fatal errors! (like me).
Level 11
Feb 18, 2004
most fatal errors in WC3 custom maps are caused by the map, not by the game.

As for fatal errors not caused by the map, they are few and far between within Warcraft 3. If switching to the OpenGL rendering engine fixes a fatal error for you, then you should consider upgrading your graphics card's drivers. A crash when running soley under DirectX in WC3 is likely just a symptom of a larger issue, so simply switching to OpenGL is likely not the most prudent course of action.

Also, why not post a general command line switches tutorial, including all the command line switched WC3 uses? That would be far more of actual utility to many people.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
This sounds like a lie as -opengl runs WC3 in slower, less efficent openGL mode which can cause graphical errors (some people using openGL say the map SWAT aftermath crashes under some conditions now fixed) and disable you from applying your extra graphic enhancers from your driver (like AA or AF).

This may work for vista thou as then it ignores the DX9 emulator and uses openGL which is not emulated. However I use XP and DX9 and WC3 hardly ever crashes.

Also this does not work for users of MACS as they by default use openGL.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
DirectX mode is for microsoft windows only. So if your using it on linux or a mac, openGL is the only thing you can use.

However if your using XP and this is happening you have a major problem. To fix try reinstalling DirectX, warcraft 3 ROC + TFT and your graphic drivers as those all are linked to direct X.

If it still persists, make sure your card supports direct X properly as some ATI cards give trouble when using direct X.