Solar Battle Epic Finale

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This map features year 3000, when Earth being rejected by its low land values and dehydrated sea.

But someone accidentally found the elements for eternity of life on Earth.

Two giant organizations in space heard of this news and rush to get the elements store inside a thousand years old generator.

Their wrath breaks the generator into two. The generator explodes.

One fall on Earth while the other landed on Saturn.

Both the organizations, Cosmos and Avenger try to destroy their oppositions generator to gain control of their unlimited wealth.

A space war erupted. Who shall win? Pick your side.

Ride spaceships and destroy your enemy's generator.

That's all.

And sorry for noob'y' english
Imma chinese :p just learn english~

space, war, battle, sun, earth, alien, civilization.

Solar Battle Epic Finale (Map)

09:23, 17th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Rejected Map type is wrong. Also size of Sun is way to small. You need to create better gameplay all around. Add hints and special events as well.




09:23, 17th Jun 2011
Status: Rejected
Map type is wrong. Also size of Sun is way to small.
You need to create better gameplay all around. Add hints and special events as well.
Level 10
Apr 25, 2009
The idea is unique, however, the map seems to be lacking large amounts of upgradeable structures (A total of 43 custom units/structures) I'd suggest adding a Hero type unit, and many custom abilities. The combat felt unbalanced, as you can mass Space Frigates you've practically won because you can out-range every ground unit and they have the most health out of every other unit. I'd also suggest adding a way to increase your income, as +100 every few seconds can be slow. The description and terrain also need work, they're lacking currently.

For the terrain, it should be even to make playing both sides fair. Also, perhaps add rings, clouds, etc to make it more 'planety'
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