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so I screwed up..whats new

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Level 1
Jan 19, 2014
ok so I was just starting to understand warcaft 3 world editors Object editor but I did something and now everything is abbreviated for instance instead of base movement speed its "spd" that one was pretty easy to figure out ..but not the rest of it... how do I change it back to the way it was in the first place?
Level 1
Jan 19, 2014
dear god your a life saver thank you. Been trying to figure out for the past hour which one did what lol. working on a set of necromancers that can summon skeletons from zombies who can also summon skeletons. with max movement speed ..going to call it z day ... its to bad there is not a way to give the zombies a way to infect others lol
Thank you again
Level 14
Jun 27, 2008
CTRL-D does the same, Rawvalues are required when createing objects using Jass.
In GUI you can just do "Create 1 Footman for Player 1 at ...".
In Jass its: "call CreateUnit(Player(0), 'hfoo', ...)".
'hfoo' is the raw id of a Footman :p

Yo and next time, post here: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/world-editor-help-zone-98/.
This forum here is not for questions about the worldeditor but for thirdparty tools or worldeditor modifications.
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