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Jass implementation of string library from c++ accommodated for jass environment.
* String v2.3.0.6
* by Bannar aka Spinnaker
* Jass version of string library.
* struct String:
* readonly static constant integer npos
* special value, the exact meaning depends on the context
* String ctors & dctors:
* | static method create takes string s returns thistype
* | default ctor
* |
* | method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
* | default dctor
* |
* | static method operator [] takes thistype js returns thistype
* | copy ctor
* Capacity:
* | method empty takes nothing returns boolean
* | checks whether the string is empty
* |
* | method size takes nothing returns integer
* | returns the number of characters
* |
* | static constant method maxSize takes nothing returns integer
* | returns the maximum number of characters
* Element access:
* | method operator [] takes integer pos returns string
* | access specified character
* |
* | method operator []= takes integer pos, string s returns nothing
* | sets specified character
* |
* | method operator front takes nothing returns string
* | accesses the first character
* |
* | method operator back takes nothing returns string
* | accesses the last character
* |
* | method operator str takes nothing returns string
* | returns value of this string
* Operations:
* | method clear takes nothing returns nothing
* | clears the contents
* |
* | method assign takes string str returns thistype
* | replaces this string with a copy of str
* |
* | method assignSubstring takes string str, integer pos, integer count returns thistype
* | replaces this string with substring of str
* |
* | method insert takes integer pos, string str returns thistype
* | inserts str before character pointed by pos
* |
* | method insertSubstring takes integer pos, string str, integer subpos, integer count returns thistype
* | inserts substring of str before character pointed by pos
* |
* | method erase takes integer pos, integer count returns thistype
* | erases count characters starting at pos
* |
* | method pop takes nothing returns thistype
* | removes the last character
* |
* | method shift takes nothing returns thistype
* | removes the first character
* |
* | method append takes string str returns thistype
* | appends str to the end of this string
* |
* | method appendSubstring takes string str, integer pos, integer count returns thistype
* | appends substring of str to the end of this string
* |
* | method compare takes string str returns integer
* | compares value of this string with str
* |
* | method compareSubstrings takes integer pos, integer len, string str, integer subpos, integer sublen returns integer
* | compares substring of this string with substring of str
* |
* | method replace takes integer pos, integer count, string str returns thistype
* | replaces count characters starting at pos with str
* |
* | method replaceSubstrings takes integer pos, integer len, string str, integer subpos, integer sublen returns thistype
* | replaces len characters starting at pos with substring of str
* |
* | method substr takes integer pos, integer count returns string
* | returns substring of count characters starting at pos
* |
* | method resize takes integer count returns nothing
* | changes the number of characters stored
* Search:
* | method find takes string str returns integer
* | searches for the first occurrence of string str
* |
* | method findBuffer takes string str, integer pos, integer count returns integer
* | finds the first substring equal to the first count characters of str starting from pos
* |
* | method rfind takes string str returns integer
* | searches for the last occurrence of string s
* |
* | method rfindBuffer takes string str, integer pos, integer count returns integer
* | finds the last substring equal to the first count characters of str starting from pos
* Case conversion:
* | method capital takes nothing returns string
* | returns the value of string with first character in upper and all subsequent in lower case
* |
* | method upper takes nothing returns string
* | returns the value of this string in upper case
* |
* | method lower takes nothing returns string
* | returns the value of this string in lower case
library String
struct String extends array
readonly static constant integer npos = -1
private static integer count = 0
private thistype recycle
private string value
private integer length
static method create takes string s returns thistype
local thistype this = thistype(0).recycle
if this == 0 then
set count = count + 1
set this = count
set thistype(0).recycle = this.recycle
set value = s
set length = StringLength(s)
return this
method clear takes nothing returns nothing
set value = null
set length = 0
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
call clear()
set this.recycle = thistype(0).recycle
set thistype(0).recycle = this
static method operator [] takes thistype js returns thistype
return create(js.value)
method empty takes nothing returns boolean
return length == 0
method size takes nothing returns integer
return length
static constant method maxSize takes nothing returns integer
return 1023
// private asserts for String objects
private method assert_pos takes integer pos, string f returns boolean
debug if ( pos < 0 or pos >= length ) then
debug call DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60,"String::assert_pos failed at "+f+" for instance "+I2S(this)+". Invalid index at position "+I2S(pos)+".")
debug endif
return ( pos >= 0 and pos < length )
private method assert_size takes integer count, string f returns boolean
debug if ( count > maxSize() ) then
debug call DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60,"String::assert_size failed at "+f+" for instance "+I2S(this)+". Maximum size reached.")
debug endif
return ( count <= maxSize() )
private method assert_range takes integer index, string f returns boolean
debug if ( index < 0 and index > length ) then
debug call DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(),0,0,60,"String::assert_range failed at "+f+" for instance "+I2S(this)+". Invalid iterator at position "+I2S(index)+".")
debug endif
return ( index >= 0 and index <= length )
private method assert_resize takes integer count, string f returns boolean
return assert_size(length + count, f)
method operator [] takes integer pos returns string
debug if not assert_pos(pos, "operator []") then
debug return null
debug endif
return SubString(value, pos, pos+1)
method operator []= takes integer pos, string s returns nothing
debug if not assert_pos(pos, "operator []=") then
debug return
debug endif
set value = SubString(value, 0, pos) + SubString(s, 0, 1) + SubString(value, pos+1, length)
method operator front takes nothing returns string
return SubString(value, 0, 1)
method operator back takes nothing returns string
return SubString(value, length-1, length)
method operator str takes nothing returns string
return value
method assign takes string str returns thistype
local integer len = StringLength(str)
if ( assert_size(len, "assign") ) then
set value = str
set length = len
return this
method assignSubstring takes string str, integer pos, integer count returns thistype
if ( count == npos ) then
set count = StringLength(str)
return assign(SubString(str, pos, pos+count))
method insert takes integer pos, string str returns thistype
local integer len
if ( assert_range(pos, "insert") ) then
set len = StringLength(str)
if ( len > 0 and assert_resize(len, "insert") ) then
set value = SubString(value, 0, pos) + str + SubString(value, pos, length)
set length = length + len
return this
method insertSubstring takes integer pos, string str, integer subpos, integer count returns thistype
if ( count == npos ) then
set count = StringLength(str)
return insert(pos, SubString(str, subpos, subpos+count))
method erase takes integer pos, integer count returns thistype
if assert_pos(pos, "erase") then
if ( count == npos ) or ( pos+count > length ) then
set count = length - pos
if ( count > 0 ) then
set value = SubString(value, 0, pos) + SubString(value, pos+count, length)
set length = length - count
return this
method pop takes nothing returns thistype
if ( length > 0 ) then
set value = SubString(value, 0, length-1)
set length = length - 1
return this
method shift takes nothing returns thistype
if ( length > 0 ) then
set value = SubString(value, 1, length)
set length = length - 1
return this
method append takes string str returns thistype
local integer len = StringLength(str)
if ( len > 0 and assert_resize(len, "append") ) then
set value = value + str
set length = length + len
return this
method appendSubstring takes string str, integer pos, integer count returns thistype
if ( count == npos ) then
set count = StringLength(str)
return append(SubString(str, pos, pos+count))
method compare takes string str returns integer
if ( value == str ) then
return 0
elseif length > StringLength(str) then
return 1
return -1
method compareSubstrings takes integer pos, integer len, string str, integer subpos, integer sublen returns integer
local integer result = -1
local string sub
local string sub2
if ( len == npos ) then
set len = length
if ( sublen == npos ) then
set sublen = StringLength(str)
set sub = SubString(value, pos, pos+len)
set sub2 = SubString(str, subpos, subpos+sublen)
if sub == sub2 then
set result = 0
elseif StringLength(sub) > StringLength(sub2) then
set result = 1
set sub = null
set sub2 = null
return result
method replace takes integer pos, integer count, string str returns thistype
local integer len
if ( assert_pos(pos, "replace") ) then
if ( count == npos ) or ( pos+count > length ) then
set count = length - pos
set len = StringLength(str) - count
if ( assert_resize(len, "replace") ) then
set value = SubString(value, 0, pos) + str + SubString(value, pos+count, length)
set length = length + len
return this
method replaceSubstrings takes integer pos, integer len, string str, integer subpos, integer sublen returns thistype
if ( sublen == npos ) then
set sublen = StringLength(str)
return replace(pos, len, SubString(str, subpos, subpos+sublen))
method substr takes integer pos, integer count returns string
if ( assert_pos(pos, "substr") ) then
if ( count == npos ) then
set count = length
return SubString(value, pos, pos+count)
return null
method resize takes integer count returns nothing
if ( count > length ) then
if ( assert_size(count, "resize") ) then
exitwhen length >= count
set value = value + " "
set length = length + 1
elseif ( count >= 0 and count < length ) then
set value = SubString(value, 0, count)
set length = count
method find takes string str, integer pos returns integer
local integer count
if ( assert_pos(pos, "find") ) then
set count = StringLength(str)
if ( count > 0 ) then
exitwhen ( pos+count > length )
if ( SubString(value, pos, pos+count) == str ) then
return pos
set pos = pos+1
return npos
method findBuffer takes string str, integer pos, integer count returns integer
return find(SubString(str, 0, count), pos)
method rfind takes string str, integer pos returns integer
local integer count
if ( pos == npos or pos >= length ) then
set pos = length - 1
if ( assert_pos(pos, "rfind") ) then
set count = StringLength(str)
if ( count > 0 ) then
set pos = pos - count + 1
exitwhen ( pos+1 < count )
if ( SubString(value, pos, pos+count) == str ) then
return pos
set pos = pos-1
return npos
method rfindBuffer takes string str, integer pos, integer count returns integer
return rfind(SubString(str, 0, count), pos)
method capital takes nothing returns string
return StringCase(SubString(value, 0, 1), true) + SubString(value, 1, length)
method upper takes nothing returns string
return StringCase(value, true)
method lower takes nothing returns string
return StringCase(value, false)
struct StringTest extends array
static method print takes string s returns nothing
call DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 60, s)
static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local String s = String.create("this is a test string.")
call print(s.str) // this is a test string.
call s.replace(9,5,"n example")
call print("\nAfter replacing pos 5 span 9: "+s.str) // this is an example string.
call s.destroy()
call PolledWait(4.0)
set s = String.create("question string?")
call print("New string: "+s.str) // question string?
call s.insert(0, "hmm, ")
call print("\nAfter inserting at possition 0 'hmm, ': "+s.str) // hmm, question string?
call print("Character at pos 8: "+s[8]) // 's'
set s[4] = "Xxxx" // this also makes sure that only single char will be set
call print("\nInserted 'Xxxx' value at pos 4: "+s.str) // hmm,Xquestion string?
call s.assign("some things are just worth fighting for")
call print(s.str) // some things are just worth fighting for
call print("\nSearching for 'igh'")
call print("found at pos: "+I2S(s.rfind("igh",String.npos))) // found at pos: 28
call s.assign("This is an example sentence.")
call s.erase(10,8)
call print("\nAfter erasing 8 characters starting from pos 10: "+s.str) // This is an sentence.
call print("\nCharacter at pos 6: "+s[6]) // s
call print(s.upper()) // THIS IS AN SENTENCE.
call print(s.lower()) // this is an sentence.
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