- Joined
- Apr 5, 2011
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- Curves
- Fly
A: Every object's movement in 3-dimensional space can be represented as a composition of XY (surface) and Z (height) movement.
Most custom maps XY movement is nothing more than simple linear trajectory with constant movespeed. Jump is an obvious example, where specific Z coordinates form parabola. Same maps don't have flying units realistically interact with each other and require those parabolas just as visual.
Meanwhile our sense of continuity is about 0.025 sec, we are less sensitive to rate of trajectory, so smooth trajectory and right amount of points, connected linearly, look almost same for us. Thus, speed can be updated every 0.1 sec, or 0.2 sec, or even bigger, which depends on situation (the faster is movement the less must be frequency).
Relatively small amount of points, required to satisfy our senses, makes wise to use constant set of points for geometrically similar curves.
Curves library is meant to put normalized curves, which can be easily scaled then.
Normalized = {0, 0.75, 1, 0.75, 0} (parabola)
Scaled (x400) = {0, 300, 400, 300, 0} (parabola)
Movement algorithm is made so it uses rate of curve, to minimize input data, some inner calculations and opens door for composite Z movement from different sources (by summing up all rates).
Curve = {0, 0.75, 1, 0.75, 0}
Rate of curve = {0.75, 0.25, -0.25, -0.75}
Q: How can I do my curve?
A: Very easy:
-=- Library Curves -=-
-=- Library Fly -=-
Example of usage:
It makes unit fly for 2 seconds with 300 height at maximum
XY movement is done separately
Btw, if you see some memory leak, point me please
- Curves
- Fly
A: Every object's movement in 3-dimensional space can be represented as a composition of XY (surface) and Z (height) movement.
Most custom maps XY movement is nothing more than simple linear trajectory with constant movespeed. Jump is an obvious example, where specific Z coordinates form parabola. Same maps don't have flying units realistically interact with each other and require those parabolas just as visual.
Meanwhile our sense of continuity is about 0.025 sec, we are less sensitive to rate of trajectory, so smooth trajectory and right amount of points, connected linearly, look almost same for us. Thus, speed can be updated every 0.1 sec, or 0.2 sec, or even bigger, which depends on situation (the faster is movement the less must be frequency).
Relatively small amount of points, required to satisfy our senses, makes wise to use constant set of points for geometrically similar curves.
Curves library is meant to put normalized curves, which can be easily scaled then.
Normalized = {0, 0.75, 1, 0.75, 0} (parabola)
Scaled (x400) = {0, 300, 400, 300, 0} (parabola)
Movement algorithm is made so it uses rate of curve, to minimize input data, some inner calculations and opens door for composite Z movement from different sources (by summing up all rates).
Curve = {0, 0.75, 1, 0.75, 0}
Rate of curve = {0.75, 0.25, -0.25, -0.75}
Q: How can I do my curve?
A: Very easy:
//-=-=-=- Settings -=-=-=-
//! textmacro CURVES
constant integer CURVE_TRAJECTORY_1 = 0 //Array address of curve data
constant integer CURVE_TRAJECTORY_2 = 5 //Array address of curve data
//! endtextmacro
//! textmacro CURVES_DATA
set DATA[0] = 4 //Amount of points
set DATA[1] = .75
set DATA[2] = .25
set DATA[3] = -.25
set DATA[4] = -.75
set DATA[5] = 6 //Amount of points
//! endtextmacro
-=- Library Curves -=-
//-=-=-=-] Curves [-=-=-=-
library Curves
//-=-=-=- Settings -=-=-=-
//! textmacro CURVES
constant integer CURVE_PARABOLA = 0
constant integer CURVE_PARABOLA5_RATE = 6
constant integer CURVE_PARABOLA7_RATE = 11
//! endtextmacro
//! textmacro CURVES_DATA
set DATA[0] = 5
set DATA[1] = 0
set DATA[2] = .75
set DATA[3] = 1
set DATA[4] = .75
set DATA[5] = 0
set DATA[6] = 4
set DATA[7] = .75
set DATA[8] = .25
set DATA[9] = -.25
set DATA[10] = -.75
set DATA[11] = 6
set DATA[12] = .6
set DATA[13] = .3
set DATA[14] = .1
set DATA[15] = -.1
set DATA[16] = -.3
set DATA[17] = -.6
//! endtextmacro
//! runtextmacro CURVES()
struct CURVES extends array
readonly static real array DATA
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
//! runtextmacro CURVES_DATA()
-=- Library Fly -=-
//-=-=-=-] Fly [-=-=-=-
library Fly requires Curves, Support
private integer I = 0
private unit array Unit
private timer array Timer
private integer array Curve
private real array Scale
private real array Speed
private integer array Node
private real array Height
private function Refresh takes nothing returns nothing
set Support.workTimer = GetExpiredTimer()
set Support.workInteger = I
if Support.workTimer == Timer[Support.workInteger] then
set Node[Support.workInteger] = Node[Support.workInteger] + 1
set Support.workReal = CURVES.DATA[Curve[Support.workInteger] + Node[Support.workInteger]]
set Height[Support.workInteger] = Height[Support.workInteger] + Scale[Support.workInteger] * Support.workReal
if Support.workReal < 0 then
set Support.workReal = -Speed[Support.workInteger] * Support.workReal
set Support.workReal = Speed[Support.workInteger] * Support.workReal
call SetUnitFlyHeight(Unit[Support.workInteger], GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(Unit[Support.workInteger]) + Height[Support.workInteger], Support.workReal)
if Node[Support.workInteger] == CURVES.DATA[Curve[Support.workInteger]] then
if Support.workInteger == I then
set Unit[Support.workInteger] = null
set Unit[Support.workInteger] = Unit[I]
set Timer[Support.workInteger] = Timer[I]
set Curve[Support.workInteger] = Curve[I]
set Scale[Support.workInteger] = Scale[I]
set Speed[Support.workInteger] = Speed[I]
set Node[Support.workInteger] = Node[I]
set Height[Support.workInteger] = Height[I]
set Unit[I] = null
set Timer[I] = Support.workTimer
call PauseTimer(Support.workTimer)
set I = I - 1
set Support.workInteger = Support.workInteger - 1
function UnitFly takes unit u, integer curve, real height, real time returns nothing
set I = I + 1
set Unit[I] = u
if Timer[I] == null then
set Timer[I] = CreateTimer()
call TimerStart(Timer[I], time / CURVES.DATA[curve], true, function Refresh)
set Curve[I] = curve
set Scale[I] = height
set Speed[I] = height * CURVES.DATA[curve] / time
set Node[I] = 1
set Height[I] = height * CURVES.DATA[curve + 1]
call SetUnitFlyHeight(u, GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(u) + Height[I], Speed[I] * CURVES.DATA[curve + 1])
Example of usage:
call UnitFly(GetTriggerUnit(), CURVE_PARABOLA7_RATE, 300, 2)
XY movement is done separately
Btw, if you see some memory leak, point me please
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