library SlidingSystem/* v3.4 By IcemanBo
*/ requires /*
*/ UnitIndexer /* The one in test map. (by Nestharus v4.0.2.6)
*/ TimerUtils /*
*/ Table /*
*/ WorldBounds /*
*/ Event /* The one in test map.
** Info
** ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
** Sliders can have a special sliding behaviour on different terrain types.
** Each slider also can have it's own movement speed while sliding,
** seperated and indepentand from the terrain type.
** This library provides various possibilities
** to create an individual behaviour for each terrain type. (Config - Part)
** Struct Terrain:
** static method create takes integer terainType, real terrainSpeed returns thistype
** Furthermore you can define and read these public members:
** (by default all values are "0" or "false".
** pullSpeed = Unit will be constantly pulled with this speed. (real)
** pullDirection = Direction for pulling, in degrees. (real)
** angle = Angle that will be added, when steering. (real)
** lifeAddition = Life that will be added each second. Negagtive values are also possible. (real)
** allowSteer = If unit can steer on the tarrainType or not. (boolean)
** allowCast = If unit can cast on the terrainType or not. (boolean)
** kill = Kill the unit on the terrainType or not. (boolean)
** You can have a look into folder TestMap -> "Terrain Settings" for a better understanding and examples.
** Struct Slider:
** static methods:
** ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
** static method create takes unit u returns thistype
** static method getSliderId takes unit u returns thistype
** static method isUnitSlider takes unit u returns boolean
** methods:
** ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
** method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
** method enable takes boolean b returns nothing (disabled instance can't slide)
** method isEnabled takes nothing returns boolean
** method getDefaultSpeed takes nothing returns real
** method getTempSpeed takes nothing returns real
** method setDefaultSpeed takes real s returns nothing
** method addDefaultSpeed takes real s returns nothing
** method addTempSpeed takes real speed, real duration returns nothing
** Deindexed units will be automatically removed from system.
** You can have a look into folder TestMap -> "Create Slider" for a better understanding and examples.
** Credits to guys named in brackets.
** Requires:
** - Table (Bribe)
** - TimerUtils (Vexorian)
** - UnitIndexer (Nestharus)
** • WorldBounds (Nestharus)
** • Event (Nestharus)
************************ Configuration - Start ***************************/
private constant boolean SLIDER_UNCLICKABLE = true // Make Slider unclickable.
private constant boolean SLIDER_NO_PATHING = true // Disable pathing for Slider.
private constant boolean CHECK_PATHING = false // Check for pathability while sliding.
/************************ Configuration - End *****************************/
private constant real INTERVAL = .03 // Sliding looks smoother smoother with .03 instead of 0.312500.
private constant real TPS = 1/INTERVAL // Operation threads per second
private trigger steerTrigger = CreateTrigger()
private trigger moveTrigger = CreateTrigger() // Sliding looks smoother with trigger instead of a timer.
private constant integer SMART = 851971
private constant integer STOP = 851972
private constant integer PATROL = 851990
private constant integer MOVE = 851986
* Terrain struct, to define sliding behaviour.
struct Terrain
private static key k
private static Table table = k
private integer terrainType
real speed
real pullSpeed = 0
real pullDirection = 0
real angle = 0
real lifeAddition = 0
boolean allowSteer = false
boolean allowCast = false
boolean kill = false
static method create takes integer whichTerrain, real whichSpeed returns thistype
local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
set thistype.table[whichTerrain] = this
set this.terrainType = whichTerrain
set this.speed = whichSpeed/TPS
return this
static method operator [] takes integer i returns thistype
return thistype.table[i]
* Acceleration struct, to manipulate Slider's temporary speed
private struct Acceleration
public timer tim
public real speedChange
public Slider instance
static method create takes Slider slider, real speed returns thistype
local thistype this = thistype.allocate()
set this.instance = slider
set this.speedChange = speed
return this
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
call this.deallocate()
call ReleaseTimer(tim)
* Slider struct (main code)
struct Slider
private static thistype array list
private static boolean array is // Is unit a slider
private unit slider
public real defaultSpeed // Permanent speed
public real bonusSpeed // Temporary speed
private real propWindow
private real turnSpeed
private boolean enabled // If slider is currently enabled.
private thistype prev
private thistype next
static thistype first = 0
static method create takes unit u returns thistype
local thistype this
local integer index = GetUnitUserData(u)
if (isUnitSlider(u)) then
debug call BJDebugMsg("Error - Sliding System - create: " + GetUnitName(u) + ", Index[" + I2S(index) + "] is already a Slider." )
return 0
set this = thistype.allocate()
set this.slider = u
set thistype.list[index] = this
set[index] = true
set this.enabled = true
set this.propWindow = GetUnitDefaultPropWindow(slider)*bj_RADTODEG
set this.turnSpeed = GetUnitDefaultTurnSpeed(slider)
static if (SLIDER_UNCLICKABLE) then
call UnitAddAbility(u,'Aloc')
call ShowUnit(u,false)
call ShowUnit(u,true)
call UnitRemoveAbility(u,'Aloc')
static if (SLIDE_NO_PATHING) then
call SetUnitPathing( u, false )
if (thistype.first == 0) then
call EnableTrigger(moveTrigger)
set = thistype.first
set thistype.first.prev = this
set thistype.first = this
set this.prev = 0
return this
method destroy takes nothing returns nothing
local integer index = GetUnitUserData(slider)
call this.deallocate()
set thistype.list[index] = 0
set[index] = false
set this.slider = null
if (this == thistype.first) then
set thistype.first =
set = this.prev
set =
if (thistype.first == 0) then
call DisableTrigger(moveTrigger)
* Sliding - Movement (periodic call)
private static method onMove takes nothing returns nothing
local real angle
local real offset
local real x
local real y
local integer terrainType
local thistype this = thistype.first
exitwhen this == 0
if enabled then
set x = GetUnitX(slider)
set y = GetUnitY(slider)
set terrainType = GetTerrainType(x, y)
// Check if slider is on a registered terrain type.
if (Terrain[terrainType] != 0) then
if (Terrain[terrainType].kill) then
call KillUnit(slider)
set angle = (GetUnitFacing(slider)*bj_DEGTORAD)
set offset = defaultSpeed + bonusSpeed + Terrain[terrainType].speed
// Heal/damage the slider.
call SetWidgetLife(slider,GetWidgetLife(slider) + Terrain[terrainType].lifeAddition/TPS)
set x = x + offset * Cos(angle)
set y = y + offset * Sin(angle)
// Sliding
static if (CHECK_PATHING) then
call SetUnitPosition(slider, x, y)
call SetUnitX(slider, x)
call SetUnitY(slider, y)
// Check if terrain type is pulling.
if (Terrain[terrainType].pullSpeed != 0) then
static if (CHECK_PATHING) then
call SetUnitPosition(slider, x + (Terrain[terrainType].pullSpeed/TPS) * Cos(Terrain[terrainType].pullDirection*bj_DEGTORAD), y + (Terrain[terrainType].pullSpeed/TPS) * Sin(Terrain[terrainType].pullDirection*bj_DEGTORAD))
call SetUnitX(slider, x + (Terrain[terrainType].pullSpeed/TPS) * Cos(Terrain[terrainType].pullDirection*bj_DEGTORAD))
call SetUnitY(slider, y + (Terrain[terrainType].pullSpeed/TPS) * Sin(Terrain[terrainType].pullDirection*bj_DEGTORAD))
// Make slider unmoveable while sliding.
call SetUnitPropWindow(slider, 0)
call SetUnitTurnSpeed(slider, 0.00)
// Make slider moveable.
call SetUnitPropWindow(slider, propWindow )
call SetUnitTurnSpeed(slider, turnSpeed)
set this = next
* Sliding - Steering
private static method onTurn takes nothing returns boolean
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
local real x
local real y
local integer terrainType
local integer order = GetIssuedOrderId()
local boolean b = true
if (isUnitSlider(u) and list[GetUnitUserData(u)].enabled) then
set x = GetUnitX(u)
set y = GetUnitY(u)
set terrainType = GetTerrainType(x, y)
// Check if slider is on a registered terrain type.
if (Terrain[terrainType] != 0) then
if( (order == SMART) and (Terrain[terrainType].allowSteer)) then
// Let the slider turn.
call SetUnitFacing( u, (Atan2(GetOrderPointY() - y , GetOrderPointX() - x) * bj_RADTODEG) + Terrain[terrainType].angle)
elseif ((order != SMART) and (order != MOVE) and (order != PATROL) and (Terrain[terrainType].allowCast)) then
// The slider is casting an ability. Let him face wanted position, if allowed.
call SetUnitFacing( u, Atan2(GetOrderPointY() - y , GetOrderPointX() - x) * bj_RADTODEG)
set b = false
if ((order == SMART) or (order == MOVE) or (order == PATROL) or (b)) then
call DisableTrigger( steerTrigger )
call PauseUnit (u,true)
call IssueImmediateOrderById(u, STOP) // That will abbort unit's order if unit is not casting.
call PauseUnit (u,false)
call EnableTrigger( steerTrigger )
set u = null
return false
// API - Start
static method getSliderId takes unit u returns thistype
return list[GetUnitUserData(u)]
static method isUnitSlider takes unit u returns boolean
return is[GetUnitUserData(u)]
method enable takes boolean b returns nothing
set enabled = b
method isEnabled takes nothing returns boolean
return enabled
method getDefaultSpeed takes nothing returns real
return defaultSpeed*TPS
method getTempSpeed takes nothing returns real
return bonusSpeed*TPS
/* Permanent Boost */
method setDefaultSpeed takes real s returns nothing
set defaultSpeed = s/TPS
method addDefaultSpeed takes real s returns nothing
set defaultSpeed = defaultSpeed + s/TPS
/* Temporary Boost */
private static method callback takes nothing returns nothing
local Acceleration this = GetTimerData(GetExpiredTimer())
set this.instance.bonusSpeed = this.instance.bonusSpeed - this.speedChange
call this.destroy()
method addTempSpeed takes real speed, real duration returns nothing
local integer handleId
local Acceleration newData
if duration > 0 then
set speed = speed/TPS
set bonusSpeed = bonusSpeed + speed
set newData = Acceleration.create(this, speed)
set newData.tim = NewTimerEx(newData)
call TimerStart(newData.tim, duration, false, function thistype.callback)
debug call BJDebugMsg("Error - Sliding System - AddTempSpeed: Duration must be greater 0.")
// API - End
private static method onDeindex takes nothing returns boolean
if (thistype.isUnitSlider(GetIndexedUnit())) then
call thistype.getSliderId(GetIndexedUnit()).destroy()
return false
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( steerTrigger, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER )
call TriggerAddCondition(steerTrigger, Condition(function thistype.onTurn))
call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(moveTrigger, INTERVAL, true)
call TriggerAddAction(moveTrigger, function thistype.onMove)
call DisableTrigger(moveTrigger)
call RegisterUnitIndexEvent(Condition(function thistype.onDeindex), UnitIndexer.DEINDEX)