A model ripped from a game called 'Priston Tale' - an MMO that got released in the east in 2001 and the English beta following in 2004. The Priston Tale 1 community has a larger presence within private servers nowadays and is also the reason why I managed to get my hands on the files for this model from a website called 'Ragezone'. They've aided me on the forums to set me on the path of realizing it as a functional MDX file.
Contributors: Wc3 Tutorial- 3DSMax guidance and converting aid Stefan. K - Texture guidance and aid Biridius - Fixing animation names Tillinghast - Polishing 'stand' animation, recalculated extents, added a collision shape and fixed the attachments
Extra: Members of the 'Ragezone - Priston Tale' Community - Basic beginning guidance and aid
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