i'ts not only that, most of them has posted zero times.
Someone should create a bot to delete inactive accounts after a year o so, beacause I've visited loads of profiles which last activity was in 2006, posts = 0 and join date 2005 D:
EDIT: redmarine's idea is good too.
why? whats the point of doing that? all that would is reduce our statistics of joining members. do you think sites like slashdot and digg delete the thousands of members they get who never post? of course they dont, its more hassle than its worth, and it makes the site look less popular to tracking sites.
who Cares About The Statistics Of The Site?
We Don't Need Advertizings!
We Are The Best Site For Wc3 Modders!
We Won't Use Such Filthy Methods Of Propaganda!
(will We?)
Ralle! We Await Your Answer!
We need to try harder.Statistics are everything. We're running a professional quality website. Are the inaxtive users some how holding you back? No. Do they directly effect you? No.
A million people before you have suggested the very same thing, and we've said no to all of them.
Which is more than enough to classify the site as "active".
What slows this server is stupidity of such posts. Seriously, get over it, we are NOT doing this.
don't they slow the server?