siphon mana not working like melee?

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Level 13
Mar 24, 2010
siphon mana does not go over the max allowed mana when used.
I already have all the gameplay contents as true for the drain options.

I can give mana to an ally and suck it from an enemy but when i hit my max mana limit for the hero it doesnt go over like it does for ladder melee, where is this setting?
Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
Two things why your attempts might fail:

1. You didnt set a "Bonus Mana Factor" in the ability data. This value specifies how much the bonus mana can exceed the normal mana.
2. You didnt set the gameplay constant "Gameplay - Drain Gives Bonus Mana" to true, so that the true-text is pink highlighted. To do that, just open the field with doubleclick and close it with enter. A normal black highlighted true-text is not enough for this constant to work.
Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
So you are talking about the Firelord using ANia instead of ANic when changing game data set. And not that changing game data set somehow changes internal properties of abilities..

If so, I agree :)..
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
So you are talking about the Firelord using ANia instead of ANic when changing game data set. And not that changing game data set somehow changes internal properties of abilities..

If so, I agree :)..

If you run Test Map on any non melee map, Firelords by default will come with the passive version of Incinerate.
Setting game data to default changes everything to default melee settings, just because the editor provides an alternative incinerate doesn't mean it just replaces abilities.

EDIT: Im an idiot.
The correct path is: Scenario > Map Options > Game Data Set > Melee (Latest Patch)
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Level 13
Mar 24, 2010
Two things why your attempts might fail:

1. You didnt set a "Bonus Mana Factor" in the ability data. This value specifies how much the bonus mana can exceed the normal mana.
2. You didnt set the gameplay constant "Gameplay - Drain Gives Bonus Mana" to true, so that the true-text is pink highlighted. To do that, just open the field with doubleclick and close it with enter. A normal black highlighted true-text is not enough for this constant to work.
i already have 2 done but elaborate more on #1, what do u mean for mana factor i see that option and it is set to 1 just like in the melee maps. So i didnt think that had much to do with it.

Scenario > Map Options > Game Data Set > Melee (latest patch)
i cant do that or it will change many other things i dont want messed with.. there is no other way eh?
Level 12
Mar 13, 2012
Try setting it to 2... that should allow you to have mana up to twice of your max

No, a value of 1 will allow up to double amount of max mana.

@Bond009: upload you map please, makes it very easy..
Level 13
Mar 24, 2010
alot of things through out the map like unit data spells maybe some constants it would be hard to know what all it will change and then make random problems that will take forever to be found.

" Another thing, are you sure the target still has mana to give? just making sure "
lol of course

hmm maybe its becuz im using it as a custom spell and not the actual spell? i know some spells glitch like this like spirit link etc.
Level 24
Oct 12, 2008
alot of things through out the map like unit data spells maybe some constants it would be hard to know what all it will change and then make random problems that will take forever to be found.

So you haven't even tried the solution and youre making up imaginary problems?
Bravo, bravo.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2010
So you haven't even tried the solution and youre making up imaginary problems?
Bravo, bravo.
Ive done that in a map before and it changes things so i already know these facts, its not imaginary.
For example if i didnt want the footman shield to reflect ranged attacks, if i set it to most up to date melee it will change that field. That is just ONE example, there is many more and some i might not even be aware of which makes it even worse.

Bond009, upload your map and we will sort this out in minutes.
There is no reason to upload a map. it takes sec's to test this, load up W.E put the bloodmage in the game and an enemy with mana and suck mana from a creep. (make sure the patch doesnt say (melee latest patch)
takes less time than anything u could test in my map. I can upload u my test map if ur too lazy to place 2 units on a map :p
Level 13
Mar 24, 2010
oh i know what the problem was i also let mana drain give a tiny bit of life drain too, and it seems when it does both it cant allow the users mana to go over the limit for some reason. so that is what was blocking it i guess. It was trying to give life gain and mana gain but couldnt.
If anyone finds a way to make this work let me know. Its not super important i guess but would be nice.
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