Mana Siphon/Life Drain issue

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I have this dummy unit with a Mana Siphon spell.
The dummy unit is meant as an indicator.
When a boss unit is about to cast an Impale I create the dummy unit at the player units' positions and order it to Mana Siphon the boss. This indicates in which direction the Impale will travel.

The problem.
The unit does not cast the Mana Siphon.
I have checked all the usual problems like range, mana cost, sight range and so on. It all seems fine.
Moreover. If manually used by a player unit on the boss the Mana Siphon fires.
If I order the dummy unit to Mana Siphon a player unit it also fires.
It's only if the dummy unit it ordered to target the boss unit that is doesn't work.

Any work around?
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
Is the player that controls dummy unit controlled by computer?

Yes -> if dummy is only for indicating create it for neutral.

No -> try casting with another ability with dummy.
Is the player that controls dummy unit controlled by computer?

Yes -> if dummy is only for indicating create it for neutral.

No -> try casting with another ability with dummy.

Actually I have tried with both a computer player (same as the boss unit) and with a non specified player to no avail.
I have avoided using neutral passive because in my experience it only works half the time.
However. it did actually work in this case. I feel stupid for not at least trying it out.
Thanks for the help.
Level 27
Sep 26, 2009
Depends if you want to have the lightning above ground or not.

  • Lightning - Create a Chain Lightning - Primary lightning effect from source loc1 to target loc2
  • Set lightning_var = (Last created lightning effect)
This creates lightning from loc1 to loc2 and saves it into variable. Nothing really hard, but the problem is that the lightning is on ground.

If you want lightning above ground, you will need to use custom script.
  • Custom script: set udg_lightning_var = AddLightningEx(lightning, vibility , x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
lightning_var is the variable into which you save the lightning you create through this action.
Inside brackets, the lightning is type of lightning you use. It is a 4-letter shortcut inside quotes. For example Drain Life lightning has shortcut DRAL, so in the action, it would be "DRAL", because you need to write it inside "" quotes.
visibility has either true or false written there, all letters lowercase. True means that the lightning will not be seen through fog of war.
x1 ... z2 are all coordinates. x1, y1 and z1 are X, Y and Z axis coordinates of point 1, the same goes for point 2.
Z is the "height" axis.
You can get coordinates of location through the GetLocactionX(udg_point_var), same GetLocationY and GetLocationZ. You can also increment and that's what may want. GetLocationZ(udg_point_var)+70 will get Z coordinate of point_var and add +70 height there, thus moving the lightning up by 70 units.
Or you cna write the number there immediately.

Example: You want to create magic leash lightning effect from point p1 to point p2, move it up by 200 units into air and save it into Light variable.
  • Custom script: set udg_Light = AddLightningEx("LEAS", true , GetLocationX(udg_p1), GetLocationY(udg_p1), GetLocationZ(udg_p1)+200, GetLocationX(udg_p2), GetLocationY(udg_p2), GetLocationZ(udg_p2)+200)
Do note: custom scripts can contain only certain amount of letters (dunno how much), so you may not want to use way too long variable names (e.g. my_temp_point_number1, etc.), else your World Editor will freeze and crash.
Destroying lightning that does not exist causes ingame crash.

Here, this may tell you more (how to move lightning, lightnint-types, etc.)
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
Actually I have tried with both a computer player (same as the boss unit) and with a non specified player to no avail.
I have avoided using neutral passive because in my experience it only works half the time.
However. it did actually work in this case. I feel stupid for not at least trying it out.
Thanks for the help.

Sorry my mistake, shouldn't have said neutral.

Dummy units created by computer controlled players and neutrals may cause problems.In your case best player would be creating siphoner dummy for a player controlled player or empty player.
Sorry my mistake, shouldn't have said neutral.

Dummy units created by computer controlled players and neutrals may cause problems.In your case best player would be creating siphoner dummy for a player controlled player or empty player.

Yeah. I hate this stupid AI.
Though it works with Neutral Passive so I'll just leave it at that :)
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