Reviewed by Maker, Simple Spell Power System v1.4, 6th Jan 2013
The system works fine and is easy to use.
You could do SP_Value != 0 check in save and lose triggers,
and skip the rest of the actions if it is 0.
20:09, 15th Jul 2012
Pharaoh_: The custom function is not really flexible at the moment.
Make it get Unit as a parameter and return real:
function GetUnitSpellPower takes unit u returns real
return LoadReal (udg_SP_Hashtable, GetHandleId (u), 1)
function GetUnitSpellpower takes unit u, boolean b returns real
check in the function if b then -> create tag. In both cases (outside of the if/then), return the Spell Power value.
22:07, 6th Jul 2012
Fix the BJ's; address it to Triggers & Scripts, if necessary.