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Siege of Quel'Thalas LR 3.6

Siege of Quel'thalas LR
Created by Marshmalo


"Only days after Uther's death, the Lich King's gaze turned upon the Elven kingdom, Quel'Thalas. Kel'Thuzad, still vitally important to the Scourge, must be revived by the Sun Well's magical waters. However the Elves refuse to relinquish their immortality.
As two titans clash, only one may be the victor. Reenact the dramatic battle for the Sun Well as the vile Scourge or the mysterious Elves."


This map centres on the conflict between the Scourge and the high Elves during The Third War, it takes many aspects of the lore portrayed in WC3s campaign story. The Elves, although physicaly weaker and less numerous than the undead Scourge must protect The Sunwell at all costs. At their disposal are the various natural and arcane defenses that protect their homeland. SoQT offers a massive amount of strategy for players to employ, both defending and attacking players have a wide range of tactics at their desposal, from destroying Bridges to Targeting certain waygates.

This map was originaly created by Marshmalo years ago, it was released unprotected. Since then a great many versions have popped up; some better than others. Legacy Reborn version attempts to bring back the original feel of SoQT, that means getting rid of some of the bad changes while keeping or expanding upon the positive. In summary I'm pleased to present this map with many of the improved features I originaly planned all those many years ago!

Game play Tips and Advice

Tips and Advice:

Elven Rangers
Syvlanas Windrunner
Alleria Windrunner
Vareesa Windrunner
"Long have the Rangers protected the Elven home of Quel'thas, now your skills will be sorely tested!"

As an Elven Ranger you and your sisters are the first line of defense, use guerrilla warfare tactics, when you attack strike fast and hard then flee back to the safety of the forests. Your greatest asset is your speed and range.

You must make the most of Quel'Thalas's many defenses, create tree walls to halt the Undead, destroy bridges to direct their flow and protect the Elf gates and power generators from destruction.

Remember, should you die you will return as an Undead and serve Arthas.
See in-game quests for more hints.

King Anastaran Sunstrider
Anastaran Sunstrider
"For three thousand years you have ruled over this Elven realm, if you fail now all that could change today..."

You represent the elite and highborn of Quel'thalas, your strength lies in magic and melee combat. Let the Rangers specialize in ranged. You should support them by building up defenses and forces around key strategic targets like power Generators and Gates.

But be wary, even if the Rangers cut of routes for the Undead Arthas may try sneaking in through an air attack. Building Dragon Hawks and Anti Air towers to counter this.

Remember you too will also come back as a servant of the Lich king should you die in battle!

The Scourge
Arthas Menethil
"In their pride the Elves think themselves safe behind their puny defenses and arcane tricks, level their cities and purge their race from the world of Azeroth!"

As an undead general you should constantly be on the offensive, use your superior numbers and wear down the elves defenses. Look out for Elven Rune traps, buy an Eye of truesight to counter these and hunt the rangers.

Use your skills to target Elven Heroes, if they die they return as undead and fight on your side! But be aware that any Dark Ranger who gains her free will can turn against you if she wishes, keep an eye on your Dark servants.

The waygates have powerful shield runes protecting them that damage and slow down any undead that pass near, you must de-activate these defenses by destroying the relevant power generator. There are three generators in total. Destroying all three will also give you Kel'thuzad in Lich Form!

Alternatively you can fight your way through the outer Elven Gates through brute force alone.

If the pesky Rangers start destroying bridges use air units to target strategic points but remember you are unlikely to win by massing solely all air units.

Use meat wagons to tear your way through tree walls, Ghouls can also attack trees.


Image Description:
Vareesa gathers her Rangers


Image Description:
The Undead advance on an Elf Gate



Notable Editors: Territo, KOA-Wind

Art Contributors:
Klayton - Elf Doodads
Grendel - Models
Callahan - Models
Mc - Models
67chrome - Skins/Icons
Marshmalo - Icons/Models
B2M - Doodads
Mr.Goblin - Icons

If you have suggestions, criticisms. or etcetera, please let me know.

High, Elves, Elf, Quel'Thalas, Arthas, Scourge, Siege, Windrunner, Silvermoon, Sunwell

Siege of Quel'Thalas LR 3.6 (Map)

Vengeancekael - [Contact] Date: 2012/Aug/21 21:40:08 Comment: [Approved] Resource Moderation - Rules
Level 1
Oct 21, 2015
Follow up

Also as you are only hostile to the silvermoon guards and Scourge bases, such as Arthas, Noth, and Anub'rekhan, you are still friendlies with the elves and auto spawned Scourge. Anastarian also has a bug i think because according to the 3.8 data he is to be revived as one of the servants of the Lich King when he dies but you can just revive him at the altar of heroes, i am very curious to see the king of the high elves become a servant of the lich king.
Last edited:

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

A game with my favorite races, the elves and the undead? O_O !!!! Gonna download it soon!
Level 2
Mar 12, 2016
It only a recommendation You can put the amani troll like a playable faction,that would be good The Amani troll could be alone and they can choose gel the evil and retake QuelThalas for they own or Help the Elves,If you give me permission I could doit,pls Answer me
Level 1
Jun 22, 2021
I like it a lot, although I usually play it only because of my internet instability, but if I am having fun in single player, I can already imagine how it will be in multiplayer.