Shooter maps ideas needed.

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Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
hey, me and my friend are currently working on a shooting map,
we basicly need ideas for it o.o
if theres a existing idea you dislike, or want to change,
tell me your new idea, or why you dont like it,
and ill see what i can do =]

---------------- modes:
basicly, you can pick mode, creep type, difficulty, and extra.

1.ffa ( all vs all)
2. 2 teams ( total players / 2 each team. )
3. 3 teams ( 2 each team if 6 people)
4. 4 teams ( 2 each team if 8 people)

creep types:
3.combined (aliens and zombies fight each other, while humans survive aswell. so its like all 3 types combined fighting all vs all.)

1. rocky - 25% hp creeps.
2. beginner - 45% hp creeps.
3. average - 60% hp creeps.
4. higher then average - 80% hp creeps.
5. insane - 100% hp creeps.
6. Hell - 150 - 200% hp creeps. (random on spawn)

---------------- spell ideas:

1. grenade - done -
2. jump - done -

gameplay idea:
on spawn, you get 5 grenade, and 3 first aids, and 1 revive potion (if on team mode)
basicly, grenades are thrown at enemys, and they explode, creating 6 firebolts coming out of it, going at random distance, with random angle ( 6 firebolts, 60 angles each),
then if a unit dies from the grenade main explode, he has a blood effect (big one).

first aids - you can heal your self, or an ally, for X life,
i didnt decide yet if its gonna be over time, or instant.

revive potion - you can revive a dead ally, cannot revive your self.
im not so sure about this item, cuz people can bug with it sometimes..
but ill try balancing it. (like 10% hp spawn.. etc)

jump - you can basicly jump over terrain, etc.
usefull to run from zombies/aliens.
it will have around the 3 - 5 seconds cooldown,
and it have 350 cast range.

thats all atm ;/ (not much, i know)
if you got ideas, please share them =]
Level 5
Sep 15, 2010
If this doesn't have crappy weapons, then it's already better than Elimination Toruney.
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
eh.. if you dont want it to have crappy weapons, i need weapon ideas,
and icon/model, (i got a icon maker friend, but if theres an existing icon its better cuz it takes time to create icon)
Last edited:
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
thanks, ill look what he got :D
btw, i sent you a visitor message

and a small edit:
i've made my own projectile system, which allows pretty much berb's library allows, and maybe a bit more after i edit it some more..

this is what i got so far in user API:

    * Created by dardas from                    *
    * User API: (note that @ refers to Object, and # refers to Object value that you recieve
    * From creating.)
    * ** Usefull ones **
    * @create(owning player, startX, startY, facing angle)
    * @createEX(owning player, startX, startY, endX, endY)
    * #SetObject(NewUnit, DestroyEffect?)
    * #Homing(to make the missle homing? requires to set your own target, or else it wont do nothing but lags!)
    * #RegisterImpactAction(OnImpact.function name) // must be above the calling function.
    * ** Editing specific values **
    * #distance(new distance)
    * #damage(new damage)
    * #height(new height)
    * #attackType(attacktype)
    * #damageType(damagetype)
    * #weapontype(weapontype)
    * #toKill(kill object on impact?) #hitEnemies(to hit enemies only, or allies too?)
    * #attack(attack boolean for damaging units) #ranged(ranged boolean for damaging units)
    * #scale(the missle size (doesnt really change, just acts a colliseun size))
    * #checkOffsetZ(check offset Z of the missle, or ignore it?)
    * #arc(to use arc for the object?) $arcCurve(the curve of the arc.)
    * #setEffect(the model path for the object model) #hitTerrain(hit terrain, or ignore it?)
    * #heightDiffrence(the diffrence of the height that units can collide with each other,
    * ** for example, object has 200 height, enemy has 100 height, diffrence is 100, they will collide.
    * ** enemy has 0 height, diffrence height is 100, they will not collide.
    * #duration(the duration of the missle untill it gets released)
    * #maxdistance(the max distance of the missle untill it gets released)
    * ** duration and maxdistance cancel each other. (the last one called, is the real usage of the missle)
    * ** optional library **
    * ** theres a optional library called StunTarget, it allows you to
    * ** stun units on impact with object.
    * ** this is how you register the impact event:
    * ** important also: interval = 0.032 seconds.
    * #StunOnImpact(real damageperinterval, real duration, boolean StunCheck)
    * ** the check is used for disabling/enabling the stun event.
    * ** so if you want it off, you just do
    * #StunOnImpact(0, 0, false)
    * ** if you want it on, you do:
    * #StunOnImpact(damage per interval(interval = 0.032), duration (the duration that the stun lasts for) boolean true)
    * **************** Last Words By Me **************************
    * ** hope you find this sytem usefull!                       *
    * ** Enjoy making your map =]                                *
    * ***************** just a Example: **************************
    *                ** this is how i called the defaults for the objects.
    *                call this.distance(Missle_Distance_Traveled)
    *                call this.damage(Missle_Damage_On_Impact)
    *                call this.height(Missle_Height_On_Creation)
    *                call this.toKill(Missle_Destroy_On_Impact)
    *                call this.hitEnemies(Missle_Enemies_Only)
    *                call this.attackType(Missle_Damage_Attacktype)
    *                call this.damageType(Missle_Damage_Damagetype)
    *                call this.weaponType(Missle_Damage_Weapontype)
    *                call this.attack(Missle_Damage_Attack)
    *                call this.ranged(Missle_Damage_Ranged)
    *                call this.scale(Missle_Default_Scale)
    *                call this.checkOffsetZ(Missle_Check_OffsetZ)
    *                call this.arc(Missle_Use_Arc)
    *                call this.arcCurve(Missle_Default_Arc_Curve)
    *                call this.setEffect(Missle_Creation_Model_Path)
    *                call this.hitTerrain(Missle_Hit_Terrain)
    *                call this.heightDiffrence(Missle_Default_Height_Diffrence)
    *                if Missle_Run_On_Duration then
    *                    call this.duration(Missle_Duration_Traveled)
    *                elseif not Missle_Run_On_Duration then
    *                    call this.maxdistance(Missle_MaxDistance_Traveled)
    *                endif
    * ***************** End Of Example ***************************
    * \\Another important note i probably will have after i finish some more.//

everything is 100% working exept homing,.
since i cant find why it returns allways angle 0..
if any 1 knows what Cos and Sin make atan 2 as, and what facing angles, and everything use.. (radians, degrees, etc)
tell me, i really could use help on that part.
Level 11
Sep 12, 2008
well, i've done like 10% of the game.. (triggers was allmost done.. modes and everrything too)
i just needed this:
since i couldnt get any of those, i stopped working on it.. and i left wc.. kind of sad ;p
Level 3
Jul 24, 2010
You should make 3 types of maps,
Killbox - Small Map, Pretty much everyone in a small region that's fairly open with some blockage and obstacles and they basically just kill each other. First to get X kills wins.
Power ups like turn invincible or invisible temporarily or blink... etc... Basically whoever has the highest APM (actions per min.) will do best.

Sniper - Large Map, fog or mist maybe, make "hiding" spots, give long range weapons, power ups like increase of vision or ping locations on map. Strategic map, everyone is on edge and alert.

Hunt and Kill - Medium map, Maybe a dungeon with large rooms that are connected by tunnels. Basically just move around the map searching for enemies. Power ups could be teleport to diff rooms or get diff weapons etc... Your choice
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
You should make 3 types of maps,
Killbox - Small Map, Pretty much everyone in a small region that's fairly open with some blockage and obstacles and they basically just kill each other. First to get X kills wins.
Power ups like turn invincible or invisible temporarily or blink... etc... Basically whoever has the highest APM (actions per min.) will do best.

Sniper - Large Map, fog or mist maybe, make "hiding" spots, give long range weapons, power ups like increase of vision or ping locations on map. Strategic map, everyone is on edge and alert.

Hunt and Kill - Medium map, Maybe a dungeon with large rooms that are connected by tunnels. Basically just move around the map searching for enemies. Power ups could be teleport to diff rooms or get diff weapons etc... Your choice

It DOES look like a "Game Mode" or something
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