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The sword wielded by Fradz

Now uploaded due to request.

File size: ~11kb
Uses only in-game textures

The sword was originally supposed to have electric themed texture animations & effects but they ended up causing problems/not showing up correctly with the Fradz model so they were dropped.

sword, attachment, fradz

Shocklotus (Model)

02:47, 26th Mar 2011 anarchianbedlam: interesting looking sword. works ingame, might be useful etc. approved




02:47, 26th Mar 2011
anarchianbedlam: interesting looking sword. works ingame, might be useful etc. approved
Level 4
Nov 20, 2016
This is a great model, and I would like to use it as a missile for your Fradz model (since he's a dragon hunter it feels like he should be able to attack air units, and this is the best model I can think of for the missile ^^) and it doesn't have a Death anim. Have you considered giving it one? If not, may I get your permission to make one? (I have never done it, but I can't get it to look good I just won't use it. Wouldn't dare to spoil such a nice looking model with a bad anim. Worst case scenario, I'll just have the sword dissappear so it just doesn't stay there in mid air). Thank you anway for the model, is really cool-looking!