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shield system 3.0 doesnt work on my map

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kruzerg, I am cleaning up his code a lot as he's using a bad damage detection method. I have re-coded it to work with DamageEngine and made it a lot more efficient:

library ShieldSystem initializer Init

// The_Witcher's Shield System, modified by Bribe to work with DamageEngine
// This is an easy to use shield system.
// it allows you to add shield points to a unit
// the shield works like in the game halo:
// the attacked unit doesn't receive any dmg, the shield gets it
// when the shield is down the unit is damaged
// the shield can reload constantly or after some seconds of not beeing attacked
// to give a unit a shield just use (if duration is 0 the shield will stay without a time limit)
//  call AddShield( towhichunit, hitpoints, RegPerSec, TimeTillReg,  damage factor, colorcode, destroy when shieldhp = 0, show the bar, Duration  )
//                    unit         real       real        real         real           string       boolean                  boolean       real
// you can check whether a unit has already a shield with (it will return a boolean)
//  UnitHasShield( yourunit)
//                  unit
// to implement this system, just copy this trigger in your map
// it requires jngp to be edited/saved
// To get rid of a shield just use
//   call DestroyShield( which unit's)
//                         unit
// to show or hide the shield bar use
//   call ShowShield( WhichUnits, Show? )
//                      unit     boolean
// to get information about an existing shield use:
//    HP:           GetShieldHp(  unit  )
//    maxHP:        GetShieldMaxHp(  unit  )
//    percentHP:    GetShieldHpPercent(  unit  )
//    regeneration: GetShieldReg(  unit  )
//    TimeTillReg:  GetShieldTimeTillReg(  unit  )
//    DamageFactor: GetShieldDamageFactor(  unit  )
// to change the values of an existing shield use:
//    HP:           SetShieldHp(  unit, NewValue  )
//    maxHP:        SetShieldMaxHp(  unit, NewValue  )
//    percentHP:    SetShieldHpPercent(  unit, NewValue  )
//    regeneration: SetShieldReg(  unit, NewValue  )
//    TimeTillReg:  SetShieldTimeTillReg(  unit, NewValue  )
//    DamageFactor: SetShieldDamageFactor(  unit, NewValue  )
// have fun^^
// The (very small^^) Setup part
    // the shieldbar's size (should be (7.5 * 0.023 / 10 - 0.00625) or 0.01(which isn't working for everyone) for a good result)
    private constant real size = 7.5 * 0.023 / 10 - 0.00625

    // the timer interval (should be 0.01 but if laggy then just change it)
    private constant real interval = 0.01

    //the path of the special effect for untis with a shield
    //another good effect: "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\DivineShield\\DivineShieldTarget.mdl"
    private constant string sfx = "Abilities\\Spells\\NightElf\\Rejuvenation\\RejuvenationTarget.mdl"

    //the attachement point for sfx
    private constant string AtPoint = "chest"
// end of Setup!!
private struct shield
unit u
real hp
real fullhp
real reg
real f
string code
texttag t
real r
effect fx
real remain
real time
boolean kill
integer i
boolean show

    private trigger trg = CreateTrigger()
    private integer array h
    private integer total = 0
    private unit array units
    private timer tim = CreateTimer()
    private real gameTime = 0.00

function UnitHasShield takes unit u returns boolean
    return h[GetUnitUserData(u)] != 0

function DestroyShield takes unit whichunits returns nothing
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(whichunits)]
    local shield dat2 = h[GetUnitUserData(units[total-1])]
    if dat != 0 then
        call DestroyTextTag(dat.t)
        call DestroyEffect(dat.fx)
        set h[GetUnitUserData(whichunits)] = 0
        set total = total - 1
        set units[dat.i] = units[total]
        set dat2.i = dat.i
        call dat.destroy()
    if total == 0 then
        call PauseTimer(tim)
        call DisableTrigger(trg)

private function regeneration takes nothing returns nothing
    local shield dat
    local string s = "''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"
    local integer k
    local integer i = 0
    set gameTime = gameTime + interval
        exitwhen i >= total
        set dat = h[GetUnitUserData(units[i])]
        if gameTime >= dat.time then
            if dat.hp < dat.fullhp then
                set dat.hp = dat.hp + dat.reg
                set dat.hp = dat.fullhp
        if dat.remain > 0 then
            set dat.remain = dat.remain - interval
        elseif dat.remain != -100 then
            call DestroyShield(dat.u)
        set k = R2I(50 * (dat.hp / dat.fullhp))
        call SetTextTagText(dat.t, dat.code + SubString(s, 0, k ) + "|r"  + SubString(s, k + 1, StringLength(s)) , size)
        call SetTextTagPos(dat.t, GetUnitX(dat.u) -40, GetUnitY(dat.u), -100)
        if dat.hp <= 0 and dat.kill then
            call DestroyShield(dat.u)
            set i = i - 1
        set i = i + 1
    set s = null

private function attack takes nothing returns boolean
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(udg_DamageEventTarget)]
    if dat != 0 then
        if dat.hp > 0 then
            set udg_DamageEventAmount = udg_DamageEventAmount * dat.f
            if dat.hp > udg_DamageEventAmount then
                set dat.hp = dat.hp - udg_DamageEventAmount
                set udg_DamageEventAmount = 0.00
                set udg_DamageEventAmount = (udg_DamageEventAmount - dat.hp) / dat.f
                set dat.hp = 0.00
        set dat.time = gameTime + dat.r
    return false

function AddShield takes unit towhich, real hp, real RegPerSec, real TimeTillReg, real dmgfactor, string colorcode, boolean destroy, boolean ShowBar, real Duration returns nothing
    local shield dat
    if h[GetUnitUserData(towhich)] != 0 then
        call DestroyShield(towhich)
    set dat = shield.create()
    set dat.u = towhich
    set dat.fullhp = hp
    set dat.hp = hp
    set dat.reg = RegPerSec / 100
    set dat.f = dmgfactor
    set dat.code = colorcode
    set dat.r = TimeTillReg
    set dat.time = gameTime + TimeTillReg
    set dat.kill = destroy
    set dat.t = CreateTextTag()
    set dat.show = ShowBar
    set dat.fx = AddSpecialEffectTarget(sfx, dat.u, AtPoint)
    set dat.remain = Duration
    if dat.remain == 0 then
        set dat.remain = -100
    call SetTextTagVisibility(dat.t,ShowBar)
    set dat.i = total
    set units[total] = dat.u
    set total = total + 1
    set h[GetUnitUserData(dat.u)] = dat
    if total == 1 then
        call TimerStart(tim,interval,true,function regeneration)
        call EnableTrigger(trg)

private function kill takes nothing returns boolean
    call DestroyShield(GetTriggerUnit())
    return false

function ShowShield takes unit u, boolean flag returns nothing
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        set dat.show = flag
        call SetTextTagVisibility(dat.t,flag)

function GetShieldHpPercent takes unit u returns real
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        return dat.hp / dat.fullhp * 100.0
    return .0

function GetShieldHp takes unit u returns real
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        return dat.hp
    return .0

function GetShieldMaxHp takes unit u returns real
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        return dat.fullhp
    return .0

function GetShieldReg takes unit u returns real
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        return dat.reg*100
    return .0

function GetShieldTimeTillReg takes unit u returns real
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        return dat.r
    return .0

function GetShieldDamageFactor takes unit u returns real
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        return dat.f
    return .0

function SetShieldHpPercent takes unit u, real new returns nothing
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        set new = RMaxBJ(new, 1.00)
        set dat.hp = dat.fullhp * new

function SetShieldHp takes unit u, real new returns nothing
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        set dat.hp = RMaxBJ(new, dat.fullhp)

function SetShieldMaxHp takes unit u, real new returns nothing
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        set dat.fullhp = new
        if dat.fullhp < dat.hp then
            set dat.hp = dat.fullhp

function SetShieldReg takes unit u, real new returns nothing
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        set dat.reg = new/100

function SetShieldTimeTillReg takes unit u, real new returns nothing
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        set dat.r = new
        set dat.time = gameTime + new

function SetShieldDamageFactor takes unit u, real new returns nothing
    local shield dat = h[GetUnitUserData(u)]
    if dat != 0 then
        set dat.f = new

private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
    local trigger tt = CreateTrigger()
    call TriggerAddCondition(tt, Filter(function kill))
    call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(tt, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH)
    call TriggerAddCondition(trg, Filter(function attack))
    call TriggerRegisterVariableEvent(trg, "udg_DamageModifierEvent", EQUAL, 4.00)
    call DisableTrigger(trg)


I was trying to find the code where you create the shield when an ability is cast, but I was unsuccessful. All you need to do is call AddShield when the ability is cast.
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Level 6
Aug 5, 2015
bribe something is wrong with override function

  • unbreakble
    • Events
      • Game - DamageModifierEvent becomes Equal to 1.00
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
        • If - Conditions
          • (DamageEventTarget has buff Unbreakable ) Equal to True
        • Then - Actions
          • Set DamageEventAmount = 0.00
          • Set DamageEventType = DamageTypeBlocked
        • Else - Actions
when i add OverRide equal to true on condition, the damageeventamount not working, but when i remove condition , its working, what happened?
i thought we set override equal to true when we set damageevent directly
You are never obligated to do it. The situation would have to be pretty unique - for example, if you have two different modifiers that convert the damage to a heal, the second one would reverse the heal and turn it back to damage. Most people will never run into this problem, so I recommend don't even use DamageEventOverride unless you are sure you need it (and it seems like it's not needed).
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