Shield-like effect from Dota

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Level 4
Jan 8, 2012
Hello, how would I go about making a trigger so that upon having a shield (obviously dependant if the unit has it equipped or not) it would have a buff like this: upon taking damage, there's a 50% chance to take 50% of the damage.

If you've played dota, then you know what I'm talking about like with the Poor Man's Shield and Vanguard, thanks in advance!:)
Level 12
Feb 22, 2010
In dota those two items block a fixed number of damage, not a percent damage.It directy uses an object editor ability which mountain giants from night elves have.(stone skin? or something like that)
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
You can trigger it that you have a chance of regaining health equal to 50% of the damage taken which has the same result with one exception that if the unit has 50 hp and he takes 60 damage (-50% = 30) he would die instead of living with 20 remaining health.

For now, that is my best quess.

You can ofcourse also make a custom damage system, but if you won't have more difficult damage modifying spells, you should consider the amount of time you will have to put in it compared to how much profit it gives.
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
He wants to remove a percentage of the damage and not a true amount and it should have a 50% chance that it will be reduced.
The Defend ability (footman) is something he wants but I don't know how to make the button invisible so you cannot deactivate it before it should be finished.
He wants to remove a percentage of the damage and not a true amount and it should have a 50% chance that it will be reduced.
The Defend ability (footman) is something he wants but I don't know how to make the button invisible so you cannot deactivate it before it should be finished.

He said like in DotA, and DotA doesn't do percentage either. He must've mixed.

And Defend is only able to reduce Pierce and Magic.
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