Good Evening,
I'm having several little problems with mapping. Im gonna start with the easiest first:
1) What I wanna do: If a player enters a certain command (e.g. -cam 2000)
the cam should go to the distance "2000". The only solution I found is:
Event -> player1(red) -> chat message
Action ->camera -> set camera field (player 1(red)) (timed)
Now I can just copy it 12 times and then change the player 24 times, but how can I do it faster?
2) Event -> time elapsed -> 0 sec
Action ->Cinematic -> letterbox mode on (all players)
Action -> disable user control (all players)
First Problem
Action -> visibility -> create visibility modifier region (PROBLEM: only works for 1 player at a time)
Action -> Camera ->Apply camera object, Camera goes to object (PROBLEM: only works for 1 player at a time)
You can imagine the rest...
Event: Periodic time event (every 600 sec)
Action: A specific number of units shall spawn in a region, then walk to another region (surrounding a gold mine with creeps in front of it) and attack there
Now I need a condition of course.. I tried everything but it is not working with any of my conditions.
I want the following: Periodic Event -> every time when 600 sec pass -> check if there is any player building or any player that already built a structure at that goldmine. And ONLY IF THERE IS A PLAYER, spawn the units and attack there.
I tried the condition with : boolean comparison -> If "Region" contains constructed structure = True.
It does not work!
Thanks for helping guys
I'm having several little problems with mapping. Im gonna start with the easiest first:
1) What I wanna do: If a player enters a certain command (e.g. -cam 2000)
the cam should go to the distance "2000". The only solution I found is:
Event -> player1(red) -> chat message
Action ->camera -> set camera field (player 1(red)) (timed)
Now I can just copy it 12 times and then change the player 24 times, but how can I do it faster?
2) Event -> time elapsed -> 0 sec
Action ->Cinematic -> letterbox mode on (all players)
Action -> disable user control (all players)
First Problem
Action -> visibility -> create visibility modifier region (PROBLEM: only works for 1 player at a time)
Action -> Camera ->Apply camera object, Camera goes to object (PROBLEM: only works for 1 player at a time)
You can imagine the rest...
Event: Periodic time event (every 600 sec)
Action: A specific number of units shall spawn in a region, then walk to another region (surrounding a gold mine with creeps in front of it) and attack there
Now I need a condition of course.. I tried everything but it is not working with any of my conditions.
I want the following: Periodic Event -> every time when 600 sec pass -> check if there is any player building or any player that already built a structure at that goldmine. And ONLY IF THERE IS A PLAYER, spawn the units and attack there.
I tried the condition with : boolean comparison -> If "Region" contains constructed structure = True.
It does not work!
Thanks for helping guys