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Seal of Light

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Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Type: Instant (No Target)
Description: Activates a seal which causes the Paladins attacks to restore X health.
Seal Duration: 10 sec

I was wondering how do I make this spell work properly? Using the Event "A unit is attacked" does not work, because if I spam the stop button its like the Paladin is spamming out attacks which does not deal damage but heals him.

Thanks for any help on this!
Level 11
Aug 11, 2009
Ok, i was thinking if there is à system on this site that could detect if damage is dealt from an attack and then cause the heal. I found à gui damage engine, but not sure if it works like that.
Level 4
Aug 5, 2011
vampiric potion does just that
u can modify the field 'data is raw value' which is standard on false to make it a specific number
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