Sea Amazon.blp

Okay, took some time. This is my first skin, and I am proud of it. :D
I use Photoshop cs3 for drawing, and Photo Impact X3 for the coloring.
Thank you very much oh_snap, Misha, 67Chrome and Pyramidhe@d. Some of you
help less then others, but thank you guys very much :)

Give credit if you use, and enjoy it :)


Naga, green, blue, amazon, armor, warrior, protector, guard, guardian, spirit, female, snake, fish, fins, spikes, enjoy.

Sea Amazon (Texture)

16:58, 13th Dec 2009 67chrome: The weapon could be better, but overall this skin has a really nice quality.




16:58, 13th Dec 2009
67chrome: The weapon could be better, but overall this skin has a really nice quality.
Level 2
Jun 22, 2009
beautiful color combination, good work. This is really epic.
Why don't u redesign the Naga Sea Witch skin? And I agree with tleno's opnion, the naga buildings they have to be redesign.
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Great work as itself and outstanding work as your first skin. I honestly like it more than the Blizzard one, the sea-ish harmony caused by the color scheme is just charming. Putting up an armor also re-defines its purpose, adding a whole new level of usefulness to the naga lovers. Keep it up.

5/5'd, repped.

(Note: The blister-like things on her face are stretched out on the wrap. You might want to remove that.)
Level 2
Nov 1, 2009
This skin is really neat. I like it a lot, though the shading on the top of her breast seems.. much to overdone, unless she's a pornstar who has done a failed plastic surgery.

Also, as stated in the mod rating, the weapon could be improved, it just.. looks weird tbh.

But keep on working! :)
This skin is really neat. I like it a lot, though the shading on the top of her breast seems.. much to overdone, unless she's a pornstar who has done a failed plastic surgery.

Also, as stated in the mod rating, the weapon could be improved, it just.. looks weird tbh.

But keep on working! :)

you sir, are not normal.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
This skin is really neat. I like it a lot, though the shading on the top of her breast seems.. much to overdone, unless she's a pornstar who has done a failed plastic surgery.

Also, as stated in the mod rating, the weapon could be improved, it just.. looks weird tbh.

But keep on working! :)

Failed gene-engineering experiment actually, since nagas were actually people earlier, just cursed...
And she is a amazon, everyone knows that amazons had light clothes...
Level 2
Nov 1, 2009
you sir, are not normal.

And your point in that was, what? 0?

I ain't normal because I don't like weird looking breasts? Sure.

I recon somebody around here took an overdose of "the internet" :)

Failed gene-engineering experiment actually, since nagas were actually people earlier, just cursed...

No comment..

And she is a amazon, everyone knows that amazons had light clothes...

And what does that have to do with anything, except proving my point?

Since amazons wear light clothes, and I don't think I've ever seen a naga wearing a push-up bra, those breasts are just.. Weird. Reducing the shading above them , trying to get more of a "Y" shape in the cleft, would make her both look better, and more attractive (if that's of any importance in a strategy game?).
Level 23
May 19, 2008
And your point in that was, what? 0?

I ain't normal because I don't like weird looking breasts? Sure.

I recon somebody around here took an overdose of "the internet" :)

No comment..

And what does that have to do with anything, except proving my point?

Since amazons wear light clothes, and I don't think I've ever seen a naga wearing a push-up bra, those breasts are just.. Weird. Reducing the shading above them , trying to get more of a "Y" shape in the cleft, would make her both look better, and more attractive (if that's of any importance in a strategy game?).

Behave towards others, thank you. Second, it's fine that you don't like her breats? But I did it on purpose, because she was looking really flat chested, like a male, and she shouldn't. And Amazons didn't exist? Neither did nagas? So I can give her what clothes I want. And in diablo, the amazon has dark clothes on. And when googling "amazons" most of them are either naked, or have dark clothes on.

edit: Misha, you should also behave towards others.
Last edited:
Level 2
Nov 1, 2009
First, don't flame people, thank you. Second, it's fine that you don't like her breats? But I did it on purpose, because she was looking really flat chested, like a male, and she shouldn't. And Amazons didn't exist? Neither did nagas? So I can give her what clothes I want. And in diablo, the amazon has dark clothes on. And when googling "amazons" most of them are either naked, or have dark clothes on.

Please, phrase the sentence where I flamed anyone, thank you.

I was merely questioning the part where "Misha" said that I wasn't normal, which is in my opinion a offense that is a lot harsher than Anything I've said so far.

I don't wish to turn this into something major, so I'll leave it from here. If you don't wish for my advice, I wont force them down your throat.
Please, phrase the sentence where I flamed anyone, thank you.

I was merely questioning the part where "Misha" said that I wasn't normal, which is in my opinion a offense that is a lot harsher than Anything I've said so far.

I don't wish to turn this into something major, so I'll leave it from here. If you don't wish for my advice, I wont force them down your throat.

You could've kept your opinion for yourself, yes.

the rest i refrain from answering.
have a good day.
Please, phrase the sentence where I flamed anyone, thank you.

I was merely questioning the part where "Misha" said that I wasn't normal, which is in my opinion a offense that is a lot harsher than Anything I've said so far.

I don't wish to turn this into something major, so I'll leave it from here. If you don't wish for my advice, I wont force them down your throat.

dude. be quiet. no one really cares what misha said to you so if you want to babble on like a baby about how someone called you names then do it in a VM or PM with him. cuz no one wants to listen to it here.

comments and critisism only plz and thanks.

P.S. if misha says your not normal, you probably arent.
Level 9
May 23, 2009
My opinion is that is just stays nice :D I really like that the fins on her head are not all green but that you have made some teal :3
and the weapon looks fine to me. better then the blizzard skin has.
and it doesn't look lame while you actually used 4 colours. so its great for the first skin :)
Level 1
Jan 7, 2010
i dont know If I will be banned, but Is it okay if I allow this to be shown as a suggestion on sotdrp forums? I think theyd really appreciate it.