Okay, so poster above says there's a stand alone already that will do all this for the poorer people of the world who don't care about editing, just want full converting.
Well, honestly I've looked EVERYWHERE and I've found lots of dead sites, sites that claim to have something and end up being about a different game altogether, and a whole load of importers for super expensive model editing programs. I'd get one and just use the importers, but it seems stupid if all I want is to be able to freely extract a model and convert it for war3 usage. I have not even the slightest interest in editing or creating models, so having a full program would be a real waste.
Then, I've searched these forums and many other forums on other map/model/download/whatever sites about WC3 and I can't seem to get any related results. Searching for...
Gaal said:
"stand alone" m2 mdx mdl "converter"
...ends up giving me anything(together or alone, in no discernable order, and not always with any of my words actually in the page) with the words: stand, standing, stands, alone, marriage, 2-years-old-picture-album-of-some-random-ugly-kid, mid-life crisis, middle-aged-men-in-lady's-clothing-sale, convert, converter, converting, converts, and several topics on religion and the crusades and forced converts from pagan worship to christianity to save the lives of their families and why chicken is better than beef.
Anyway, you get the picture. Can anyone here elaborate on just who I'm supposed to ask, since he/she/it apparently knows it exists but refuses to clue me in himself/herself/itself? Just link me in the right direction or something.