first i have to excuse me of my bad english, i try to explain that in the best way as i can.
the rocks are a modificated version of the goldmine, modificated by xXm0rph3usXx (i dont know if i wrote it right, but they who know him, they will remember ^^). so i downloaded it and changed the uvw map, so it has the skin of the rock-tile. then i modificated the model a little bit for my own. i uploaded it for them who need it.
i (re)started this rpg when born²modificate uploaded the aventurien (or real texture) pack, so many people started rpgs with realtextures. i tried to stay at the cartoon style, but then i found morpheus goddamned awsome house models and i coundn't hold off to use them ^^ so it has a contrast cause of the low-res and high-res models, but to have only high-res models it needs too much work and only low-res it hasn't the vantages of the high-res models anymore like the enabling of the use of indoor-rooms.
Do you mean the trees on the rocks or the others? if you meant the others, i never thought about. and it doesnt looks bad. thanks for it, finally the region of the rpg lies in the border of the lithosphere, so there are many earthquakes etc.
it really doesnt look so bad, does it? ^^