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Need you to rate/cast opinion

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Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Hi. I recently began terraining for my own maps (these are not my first terrains, but some of the first serious, I guess). So I made these terrains below for my, now abandoned, project. Currently, I'm terraining an Epic-sized map for another dude. I'm just showing this because I want to hear opinions from more people now.




1st and 3rd are playable terrains, while number 2 was made for a loading screen.
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009

You know, despite it's lacking some level of deatil and having couple of mistakes (like water pouring out of nowhere), it looks rather decent.

Haha! I know. The water was thrown in just before the screenshot was taken. I thought, "there's something missing here, isn't there? ... little waterfalls, ofcourse!" But true, that's kind of odd. (learned from mistake)

3th is a bit from Sunken Ruins to Desolace and that doesn't really fit imo.

Hmm.. True. If you saw the rest of that map, you'd notice that I've mistakingly tried to make a gradual makeover from desert to jungle, in a 64x64 map. And the background in that image should have ruins trees, vine plants, etc. But wth. It was made for a project in a very unrealistic world, anyway.

Btw. I agree the background on the last pic is wrong, but what is it that people have against such cliffs? Just that they look unrealistic? Imo, the right kind of unrealism can contribute to making things interesting.
Level 7
Oct 24, 2008
Looking pretty decent. I've got some things to point out though:

Please for the love of the terraining gods, save your immages as jpeg and don't use those ugly trees =[. There are some great custom palm trees around.

Also the terrain is hungry for some more eyecandy. Try to give the player the idea he's in an epic world. Not a piece of ground with trees on it.
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
Thank you Arcany. These are not my gems btw. Half-finished as they are, they're now rated by ppl.

The trees in the middle-pic are actually great, because I just needed the rough picture, whereafter I GIMPed it for the loading screen, with nice filtering that made stuff look cartoony. Therefore these edgy trees fitted quite well for the style in the final result.
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