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Sci-Fi RP - YOUR thoughts?

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Level 4
Jan 16, 2008
I'm in the process of making a series of sci-fi/future RP maps. While recently returning to the WC3 RP scene, retiring finally from StarCraft, for those of you who used to RP on Brood War, I was CrIpGaNgtA (a silly account name, I know). I came to find horrible RP maps being hosted relentlessly.
Path of Ashes, though a very nice idea and concept and one of the better RPs (terrain wise, mostly) that I've seen on WC3, I felt still lacked. It could have been better. I'm not even going to discuss that thing called Solaris.

So the reason I started this post was to ask you - the Role Playing community - before I get started with the hardcore work what YOU want to see in a sci-fi/future RP map. I don't want to read things like "OMG SKINS AND MODELS", like that isn't obvious. Just mainly what sort of terrain you would like to see, as the more recent RP maps I've looked upon lack the most in what some would dare call terrain, what sorts of features that most RP maps lack in these dying days. All suggestions and ideas are welcome and appreciated.
Anyone who may want to help me with the projects to come are welcome. Again, any and all suggestions and feedback are appreciated.

A dedicated role player - Legion.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Solaris was a good success, to many people, even if you might not think so. Alot of people liked it, even though its obvious i shouldnt i dont see anything wrong with it. And it is, after all, a first release.

But anyway, i think its great someone is going to make a Sci-Fi RP, i could help, if you want. But face it because most people these days want Skins and Models, Rping Riflemen pretending they have Machine Guns and RPG's just doesnt cut it these days im afraid. Your aiming to make an RP in a hard Genre, because Warcraft was not made for future, there arent many Skins, and as much as you are creative its not easy to make do with what little resources there are for a Sci-Fi RP.

You need to make a diverse terrain, thats at the same time Sci-Fi. So different planets, a reigon for space, many interiors of course. With Warcraft limitations its not an easy thing to achieve though. I'm always open for help, if you need it. But thats my suggestion.

And many people like how "That thing Solaris" turned out Tyvm.
Level 2
Feb 24, 2007
Too many rp maps are beeing created these days.

About Sci-fi, i personally think its better to wait for starcraft II and create a RP map on that then creating one on warcraft III since warcraft III is very limited on other themes then medival/fantasy. You need to import models/icons/skins to make it special since making a footman and calling it an android is weird in my opinion. And importing is ok, but the 4 mb maximum map size makes it hard to add a whole techtree of structures and units to the map and especialy with the biggest terrain size its a real challenge.
Level 4
Jan 16, 2008
I am aware that skins and models will need to be imported, believe me. As for the seperate regions suggestion, I'm gonna have to say its not going to happen. Instead I am going to make a series, probably around four maps. The first will most likely be a metropolis setting, though I have not completely decided on that note. As for Solaris, I wasn't (completely) bombing it. I just happened to be really drunk last night and didn't feel like putting all my thoughts down on it. Don't get me wrong, It's a great RP for what it is, it's only problem is it's extremely plain terrain. I just have a criticism problem for the most part with ridiculous standards :)

As for medieval/fantasy, I intend to make a few of those after the sci-fis are completed. The main reason I am focusing on sci-fi is because years back myself and a friend had intended on making one, but I took a long break from WC and returned to Brood War.

What sort of help do you offer Steel_Stallion? As before, It's all appreciated.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Oh, Well i'm glad that was sorted out early before we get into a fued.

I can offer help on Triggering, actually, i CAN terrain, really well, i just never had the inspiration to. And seeing as your coming from Starcraft, i've never tried its editor, but i know its different. And having mostly all nesscary RP map triggers i can tell you ways.

Im beginning to expriment with Modelling and Skinning (Skinning existing units in Wc3 replacing their texture). I know how, but i lack the skill, which im praciticing. Hell, i can partner up with you if you want, 2 heads better and all that. I also feel left out seeing as that every other RP maker has atleast 1 partner.

On a side note, i agree that the terrain on Solaris is a bit bland. But i thought i'd leave some breathing space for people to make their own things.
Level 4
Jan 16, 2008
Haha, well like I said before, I just have a criticism problem set with high standards, so don't take what I said to heart. I just speak my mind about how I feel about some maps. I actually liked what you did with it aside from it being bland. But hell yeah, let's partner up and do the damn thing :D
My account name on WC is I.Am.Legion so throw me a message whenever you're on, and we can make some things happen :)

As for you Mr. BlackCat, four maps is -NEVER- illogical!!! The way I see it, if you're gonna do it, go all the way towards epic proportions :)
Level 8
Mar 20, 2007
Futuristic roleplaying maps lack the items; projectiles, and custom abilities that they should have.

I want to type 'energyshield or 'heatseekingtorpedoes.

I want to be able to deploy mines, have cloaking devices and reinforced hulls, and have automatic machinegun turrets.

EDIT: If you need a triggerer, just ask me - I have experience with RP triggers.
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