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My RP Ideas

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Level 7
Oct 24, 2006
Hello guys!! I know that RP maps are starting to decay, but I also want to keep it's spirit up.

Well the first and last RP I've played is Demise of Brotherhood RP (DoBRP), and all of it's terrains such as Ice, Felwood, Continental and it's final version, and it's the only RP I've played. I also plan to create an RP but that will come in the near future I guess. I could even create RP's in Sc2 but I don't think so.

I've got an advantage in creating RP's. I'm good at terraining and GUI triggers, and creative terrain as well (hey I'm not creating a Continental, a different terrain). I'm also planning to create an RP clan. Here are my ideas for my RP.
  • Each player will be provided with a Spawner that looks like a small Start Location, like in DoBRP. It instantly teleports to where you have issued the Move order and it's invulnerable.
  • In a corner of the map, all of the units will be placed there. To spawn that unit you have to click on it.
  • You have commands such as -hp or -mana or -size or -tint that changes a unit's properties.
  • It's a simulation RP game, meaning no quests, no defeats (except ban) and no victories. Just a simple RP.
  • It's just like DoBRP dude!! But I'll have to make my RP different compared to DoBRP by making additional units/commands and some tweaks.
Thanks in advance. If I'm successful I'd be the first guy to create an RP in SE-Asia and in my country. How are my ideas? Any suggestions, comments and criticism are welcome!! Just no flaming.:grin:
Level 2
Feb 24, 2007
The idea's are almoste the same as the things that are already in DoBRP. Think of something that makes your map more special instead of "New commands and more units". Why do rpers want to play your map instead of other maps? Whats better in it? You should think in that direction.

Other then that good luck with it.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Some helpful suggestions that have been ignored in past RP maps:

Able to remove abilities
Able to remove SFX
Make attachments not be items
Start from scratch, but with the same commands (and more of course)
Make many custom heroes and items, but simple ones, like Cloak and Platemail and then for heroes stuff like Mage and Warrior so people can go wherever they want with it.
Don't use cliffs for terrain, it makes it difficult to build things on.
Try your absolute best to eradicate the selection bug.
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
Void have you been living in a cave?Removing abilities is possible with @abilityname then to remove sfx its just remove sfx.And attachmensts are afx.
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
Ok now that everyone is being helpfull ill be too ^^.Ok but make sure that your
terrain isnt too flat becouse that would be boring.Create diverse terrain ranging from on one end snowy mountains on the other end Murloc beaches or whatever.Make plenty interrior sections.Also make sure that the shops are well organised.
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