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Sc2 editor help

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Level 2
Jan 13, 2011
Can I change the way armour works. Instead of reducing the damage by the amount of armour and change it to a % reduction in wc3. And can I add armour types?

And also can I change th way heroes gain damage by lvling, coz I want it was just base damage when lvling and +damage from items and affects. Stats also apply base stats is from lvling and + from items and affects.

If not, can I upload sc2 models to wc3?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
1. You can not directly alter the way armor works but you can add damage reduction via a behaviour in the way you want.

2. No clue what you are on about, they will only gain damage if you tell them to gain damage, they do not default to being even levelable until you make them so.

3. No as porting models is against ToU.
Level 2
Jan 13, 2011
When a hero levels in starcraft 2, it goes 25 +100 or something, and as it lvls it will be 25 +350 and with a item at that lvl it will go 25 +500, but i want it so its 725 +150, because the way i can get it now is no good for damage & increases, such as adds 350% normal daamge.
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