Saving Ability Handles

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Level 10
Sep 21, 2007
I was using Hashtables just now as i wanted to make an ability inventory system made in gui using the 1.24 Patch WE. I wanted to store an ability attached to a handle but once i clicked on the "ability" link, no options came up and world editor closed. Btw by the link (sorry about my diction) i mean the place where you click on something to fill it up, for example A unit uses "ability", that would be the link (technically like a link x_x>. Please help me out guys ;P i cant do this system without it.
Level 10
Sep 21, 2007
eh... i dont really use jass and i dont really mean to annoy you but can i have the functions, i know its the ability rawcode and stuff, but i just never use jass X_X Thanks for help bro. Appreciate it. +rep
Edit: Just dont send the functions, i dont want to be some troubling gui user seeking functions from experienced jass mapmakers and being a pain in the ass. Thanks for your suggestion bro ^^
Level 3
Dec 6, 2005
i also get the crash on trying to click the Ability link... so i did a convert of
  • Hashtable - Save Handle OfBlood Mage 0004 <gen> as 0 of 0 in (Last created hashtable)
  • Hashtable - Save 0.00 as 0 of 0 in (Last created hashtable)
to jass and got

call SaveUnitHandleBJ( gg_unit_Hblm_0004, 0, 0, GetLastCreatedHashtableBJ() )
call SaveRealBJ( 0.00, 0, 0, GetLastCreatedHashtableBJ() )

so maybe try something like

  • Custom script: call SaveAbiltyHandlelBJ( rawcode, 0, 0, GetLastCreatedHashtableBJ() )
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Level 10
Sep 21, 2007
yea man i dont really like to second guess jass and stuff like htat, il just wait for hte final fixed release of the hashtables and until then i wont finish this system xD, but thanks for trying to help, +rep ^^ btw are you interested in creating a warcraft 4 melee map type of game with me and a friend?
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