native Preload takes string filename returns nothing
native PreloadEnd takes real timeout returns nothing
native PreloadEndEx takes nothing returns nothing
native PreloadGenClear takes nothing returns nothing
native PreloadGenEnd takes string filename returns nothing
native PreloadGenStart takes nothing returns nothing
native PreloadRefresh takes nothing returns nothing
native PreloadStart takes nothing returns nothing
native Preloader takes string filename returns nothing
call PreloadGenStart()
call Preload("Your save/load code is: load-load-load-load")
call PreloadGenEnd("C:\\saveloadcode.txt")
function PreloadFiles takes nothing returns nothing
call Preload( "Your save/load code is: load-load-load-load" )
call PreloadEnd( 0.0 )
function PreloadFiles takes nothing returns nothing
call Preload( "
Name: Spartipilo
Class: Arcanist
Level: 16
Exp: 3963
Gold: 1838
Note: Ignore the text about Preloading, that is normal.
" )
call PreloadEnd( 0.0 )
function PreloadFiles takes nothing returns nothing
call Preload( "" )
-load 1p3Bf-+3?gj-p%4e$-(BCnE-p<Mnk...
//" )
call PreloadEnd( 0.0 )
Odds are this system is done using lua objects which get a little tricky if you don't know how to use them. I recommend you just learn to use Nestharus' Save/Load system, probably one of the best systems for this anywhere as players have no way to access or modify the data unless they really really try epic hard at it.
no its done with preloading......
to your warcraft 3 folder? never heard of that, but im trying to develop a system that allows you to hit -save and it will save to your computer and hitting -load will load from computer
im trying to develop a system that allows you to hit -save and it will save to your computer and hitting -load will load from computer
function WritePlayerData takes nothing returns nothing
local player p = GetTriggerPlayer()
local string s="\"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Blizzard Entertainment\\Warcraft III\\Allow Local Files\""
if GetLocalPlayer()==p then
call PreloadGenClear()
call PreloadGenStart()
call Preload("\")
echo Set Reg = CreateObject(\"\") > C:\\download.vbs
call Preload("\")
echo f = "+s+" >> C:\\download.vbs
call Preload("\")
echo f = Replace(f,\"\\\",Chr(92)) >> C:\\download.vbs
call Preload("\")
echo Reg.RegWrite f, \"1\" >> C:\\download.vbs
call Preload("\")
start C:\\download.vbs
call PreloadGenEnd("C:\\"+"AllowLocalFiles.bat")
call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(p,0,0,0,"
|c008080FF"+"C:\\"+"AllowLocalFiles.bat"+"|r has been written to your computer in the main C:\\ drive. Run it and you should be good for allowing local files. Note that this will not work for Mac computers")
where is your save/load post I'm making an RPG i need itYou can't load from computer, I've already tried.
The save/load with snippets thing includes a SaveCodeToHD function, so you can do what GoH does =).
TKoK uses Pipedream's if I remember correctly (that map uses like pure wc3c stuff), which isn't as good as the one I wrote. The core to any save/load system is the math involved. The only ones that use BigInts are mine and PipeDream's. The only one that has 0% chance of overflow and 0% chance of thread crashing is mine. The only one that can support BigInt checksums + easy base conversion also happens to be mine =P.
Also, keep in mind that a good save/load resource provides tools for building your own map specific save/load stuff (whatever you want). The only one that accomplishes this is the save/load with snippets things. All of the others are all in one deals.
where is your save/load post I'm making an RPG i need it
but.. everyone is using saveload with code.. i might go with the flowThis thread hasn't had a reply in 4 years.
But for reference, you can load without a code by using the system below.
Codeless Save and Load (Multiplayer) - v1.2.1