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Save/Load System

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Level 13
Feb 5, 2018

I think this is the one.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
The principle is that you take a set of data, usually integer values representing the player's progress, and then encode them into a text string. This text string can then be decoded later to recreate the integers to set the player state. Ultimately a good save/load system just acts as an interface between the integer values and the encoded string. Features they might offer include basic account locking, obfuscating the output, integrity checking and basic compression.

Modern save/load systems usually go a step further by both writing and reading the encoded string from locally stored files. This is more complex and abuses preload to handle file I/O and uses the synchronisation natives to handle bulk data synchronisation of the locally read data between clients. The above linked Codeless Save and Load by TriggerHappy is one such save system.
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