A piece of the collection of models I'm making for the 'Wrath of the Kaiser' Campaign (scripter needed)
With this model I had to choose between showing you a picture of the model in-use, or a screenshot of it from both sides as to not confuse people.
I opted for the former, and humbly apologize for the generic and hilariously boring picture seen above, 'tis gnawing at your soul no doubt!
-removed 'AmmoDump' title
-Changed Wood Color
-Added side-boards
-Messed with sandbag mesh
-Adjusted UV wrapping to remove the line going down the sides
-Fixed flickering problem (not visible in editor, didn't notice it immediately)
-Removed Death Splat (Thanks Fingolfin)
-Added ring variant
Wrath, Of, The, Kaiser, Sand, Bags, Trench, Defensive, Wall, Chest, High, WWI, World, War, I, One, WWII, II, Two, Fortification