Sandbags (Ring and Single)

A piece of the collection of models I'm making for the 'Wrath of the Kaiser' Campaign (scripter needed)

With this model I had to choose between showing you a picture of the model in-use, or a screenshot of it from both sides as to not confuse people.

I opted for the former, and humbly apologize for the generic and hilariously boring picture seen above, 'tis gnawing at your soul no doubt!

-removed 'AmmoDump' title
-Changed Wood Color
-Added side-boards
-Messed with sandbag mesh
-Adjusted UV wrapping to remove the line going down the sides
-Fixed flickering problem (not visible in editor, didn't notice it immediately)
-Removed Death Splat (Thanks Fingolfin)
-Added ring variant

Wrath, Of, The, Kaiser, Sand, Bags, Trench, Defensive, Wall, Chest, High, WWI, World, War, I, One, WWII, II, Two, Fortification

Sandbag Ring (Model)

Sandbags (Model)

11:03, 3rd Apr 2015 MiniMage: The death AOE crater effect is a little ridiculous considering its small size. Fix this. 10:30, 11th Jul 2015 MiniMage: Changes has been made, approved.




11:03, 3rd Apr 2015
MiniMage: The death AOE crater effect is a little ridiculous considering its small size. Fix this.

10:30, 11th Jul 2015
MiniMage: Changes has been made, approved.
Level 67
Dec 23, 2013
I fully agree, though I've had some strange scaling problems here and there, so the depth I had with it in the well-- 'alpha' version for lack of a better word, obscured over two thirds of the sand-bag texture when viewed from the default camera angle.

Right now I'm aiming more at making the back wooden wall not look like it was painted on, once that is out of the way, you'll probably see some aesthetically pleasing changes to the model as a whole.
Level 67
Dec 23, 2013
I use mdlvis and with my mouse I dost weave each and every polygon into existence, linking and chaining them into the fine art of my m-- what I'm getting at is my method is rather primitive right now :D

'Twill improve over time, I assure thee, good sir man mcPerson of the highest cloth that man can cut from, whot!