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Level 10
May 7, 2006
SAGA is the working title for my new rpg/hero arena map.

In SAGA up to 8 players will be pitted against each other and the environment in a randomly generated battle field. It is set in a fictional "norseland" harsh winds, heavy snows and aggressive fauna will challenge players as they battle for supremacy. A single player mode will also be included where players can complete quests and explore the maps features.

Einherjar -
Primary Attribute - Strength
Heavily armoured, high attack damage and hit points. Powerful against Forester hero. Compensates for lack of mana with brute force. Pictured in screenshots (has a metal arm)

Norselander -
Primary Attribute - Strength
Lightly armoured and weak to ranged attacks the Norselander must use a multitude of skills to his advantage. His longer range gives him advantage over the Einherjar using poison and ensare spells to keep foes out of range. Pictured in screenshots (has a spear and blonde beard)

Forester -
Primary Attribute - Agility
Lightly armoured native of the north. Mobility, stealth and living off the land makes the Forester a competent foe. His usage of traps make up for lack of sheer damage which others heros have. (model still in production)

NOTE: Intelligence hero has been removed. Intelligence is useful for all characters for usage of the spellbooks.

Skills - These will be low mana cost spells. Each hero has a set of unique skills, only 1 skill can be learnt at a time. Increasing the level of skills will improve its effectiveness. Skills are unlocked from quests. Some Skills will be dependent on the heros stats.

Quest Spell - These are given to the player through quests. Very little influence on pvp but useful for quests. Range from enchanting items to awakening bosses.

Spellbooks - see below

Passive - Heros will have access to 1 passive ability, passive abilties are the same for all heros. Some will require quests to unlock. Due to their nature of all being the same some will benefit one hero more than others. +10 agility is more useful to the Forester than the Norselander.

Spellbooks occupy 1 of the learnt spell slots for heros. The are aquired from quests of varying difficulty. Other Spell slots from heros are taken by other spells generally requiring much less mana cost than those of the spellbooks but useful nontheless.

Fire Spellbook - This book is based purely on damage output. The most damaging spells in the map are included in this book. If a target is under effect of an ice spell then fire magic will do even more damage.

Ice Spellbook - This book is based around shutdown along with moderate damage, spells will slow attack speed and hold a unit in place. Useful for mages trying to avoid a warriors sword :)

Arcane Spellbook - This book is based around absolute shutdown of a target, useful for bosses or pvp. Spells will lower attack damage, steal mana and deal damage whenever the target casts a spell.

Death Spellbook - This book is based around using an opponents hp against him. This spell book combines self heals with moderate damage. Life stealing is precident along with summoning the Blight Golem familiar.

Life Spellbook - This book is based around healing and damaging undead. Simplicity at its finest :)

Daemonic Spellbook - This book is based around harnessing the power of daemons and unleashing it on foes. Hexes are combined with high damage and summoning. This will only be available through the killing of bosses and questing.

Dark Spellbook - This is technically another daemonic book acquired from the Pitt Daemon. Combines Diseases and hexes with summoning to create a battle of attrition then win it.

Spellbook of the North - This is the "ultimate" spellbook. Available through pvp only. It has the power to change the landscape and summon spirit armies. Very powerful but getting it may take a while.

Core Quests will always be in the map somewhere, so a hero may always get the lower level spellbooks and items. Along with this there shall be randomly generated bosses and side quests for a player to conquor. Some may require teamwork. The items available from these activities are generally more powerful than those which are available at other times. The map may need to be played several times to discover every opportunity, but each game shall contain enough to keep a player occupied.

Currently Quests are simple "go here, deliver this" "collect 10 raptor head" type quests. I am however working on a system to allow for more complicated quests with betrayal and players competing for the reward.

Most of the terrain is randomly generated at the start of the game ( isay most as some has been preplaced to reduce the "lag period". Player one will select the landscape he/she desires and this will configure which creeps you encounter along with the weather and style of scenery. Lush Forest will have most of the map covered in beautiful forests abundent with rabbits, deer and wolves. Barren wasteland will be a harsh desert with dead trees and a whole different fauna.

I'm still deciding on wether or not the landscape setting should influence the quests is there are any ideas people can offer on this I would be grateful.

I was having trouble on if or not I should include this but it might interest people where I got ideas from or why I decided to make my map in this way.
The map itself is based off an area in runescape. The idea has developed alot since then so players might find it difficult to draw parallels. I've tried to include viking themes in this map, on release hero and boss names will be based off viking mythology, in the screenshot there I a hero with a spear, I've tried to model all the heros in the "barbarian"/norse style. A few ideas come from age of mythology, particularly early building ideas which might be implimented into the final if the map doesn't run out of space. The random quest system I decided to make after playing arma 2, where the computer randomly assigns tasks to recon or defend an area. Obviously it has moved on alot since then.

I do not require any help with this project other than insight into ideas, feedback from screen shots and maybe in the future beta testers. My real life will stop constant updates on this but I shall put time into it until I say its finished or failed. On the occurrence of me giving up or getting bored, I shall look first for someone to take over the project if they are interested or release the map and models for people to have a play with. Currently I intend to finish so hopefully it won't come to me giving up.

Thanks for reading look at screen shots below.



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Deleted member 177737


Deleted member 177737

ATM all I see is a wall of text, I'll do a review once it's fixed.
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