Sacridshadow's Music and Scenarios

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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
I started making songs when I joined band in school. The band wasn't good enough to record, and besides, all we really did was play songs on sheet music. We never tried making our own. Eventually, I quit and went into game design, since gas prices were high and we didn't want to drive every Friday night to play at football and basketball games. So now i work at home making song from peices I enjoy and so far, I think I'm pretty darn good. I'm an arranger, not a composer, if you couldn't tell. Below, I will post the music and scenarios I have made. these songs here are my creations. All original songs used belong to their respective owners. Please feel free to comment, critique, or even rep!:thumbs_up: but no flaming or negative comments about how I make it, k?


Trial of Blood: I originally called this trail of blood, but that didn't quite work out. this was my first song, so it starts somewhat suddenly, not like I had much of a choice back then.
View attachment Trial_of_Blood.mp3

Jetstream: I love this one. It probably came out the best. As for the name? It flows. Like the song.
View attachment Jetstream.mp3

Dark Empire: This took about two hours to complete. I am really happy about how it turned out. I hope you feel the same. This file was too large for this site, so I have posted a link. This is one of my longer peices by the way, and one of my best. I have to reuplaod it every 10 downloads, or 90 days without downloads. if you can't get it, just tell me and I'll refresh it.

Elluminoth: This is made from the Luminoth themes from Metroid Prime 2. Enjoy!
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Blockade: This is a Freespace 2 scenario. If you've ever played this game before, then you know what it's like sometimes. The ending is a little messed up, and I can't quite fix it. Believe me, i tried..
View attachment Blockade.mp3

Star Fox Tribute: If you're a Star Fox fan and at least have Star Fox 64, then you'll recognise this. It's the last two missions on the hard path (Area 6 and venom).
View attachment StarFoxTribute.mp3

Star Fox meets Freespace: By far, NOT MY BEST. This is actually quite confusing and it doesn't quite make sense when you think about it. But, still, the intro is funny.
View attachment StarFox_meets_FreeSpace2.mp3
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Level 3
Apr 1, 2009
I've listened to "Trial of Blood" and "Jetstream".

...oh boy, that's great theme songs. Or "action songs" if that's the case.
Except sometimes that "opera-thing" doesn't really fit in.

But keep up the good work.
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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Thanks NIck! I love these songs too. The songs with the opera in them are from Freespace 2. 3-D space combat simulation game. If you ever try it, get the SCP (Source Code Project) The music is really great, but sometimes, I don't hear it over the laser nd beam fire. lol

well, Pyritie..... I change it alot. I'll take parts of songs and then change them to what I want as I build the songs. I never have anything really planned out. just an idea. and anything that I think goes well with another song, never does. I hate that sometimes. lol But I've morphed some pieces, changed speed, pitch and rate, and volume. Heck, i've even doubled or quadrupled sounds to get a certain sound type from them. i.e. metalic sound to the song. (Dark Empire used that alot) I do CnP, but I change it alot to make it my own.
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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Now, before you go judging me on how I make my songs, listen to them. I really have no clue as to what you are getting at when you go on about recolor and filter. yeah I CnPed some, but I changed it alot for each song. So far, you haven't bothered to say whether my songs are good or not, but instead continue to blame me for stealing and claiming as my own. That's what I'm understanding from your comments. and really, I don't want to have this conversation if you're going to be kicking me down. I don't accept that. k?
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Trial of blood: that song triggered a flashback to when i fought the tyrannoid thing in Ratchet and clank up your arsenal, its kinda broken too.
couldn't control the beggining. lol I aimed for the combat theme.
jetstream: no flow, seemed like horror movie music + opera
really? It doesn't sound like a horror theme, unless you mean after the moment of silence after about 1 minute. it's supposed to be for the freespace 2 game. Space combat sim.
I listened to Jetstream, and it is very 'buggy'.
Not when I listened to it. It seamed fine. just so you know, I've listened hard to every second, maybe a hundred times, just to make sure there weren't any sudden jumps. now, I realise there are some parts that incease and decrease in volume, but That's to add some drama. I probably should've smoothed it out some.
star fox: ok, better without dialouge, sounded muffled
There's a reason it's under the scenarios section. the dialogue was from the star fox 64 game.
If you only added effects and edited minor aspects of the music, you can't call it yours.
If you're reading Pyritie's coments, ignore them. He didn't understand how much effort it took to make these songs sound like they do. I tried explaining it to him, but since he hasn't heard the original music, he wouldn't know the differences. I love making music, and I have some WIPs that I have to finish. Right now, I haven't found music that goes with the epicness of some and the lazy, peaceful tune of others.

Isn't it funny how combat or danger themes are always easier to make than the peacful ones? I guess they have more sudden starts and stops it makes it easier, but the instruments used can keep one from putting them together into a great song. lol
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