• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


Added some details on the helmet.
The shield is now more "variegated" with tusks and a crystal.
Added a small crystal on the chestplate, unfortunately, those crystal aren't on TC areas.
Thanks to the community for all the suggestions!

I made a revenant skin very similar to this time ago, but it wasn't "officially" runicize.

This one must be some sort of fallen warrior spirit with magical skills.

I've planned the last 3 or 4 runic units, then i'll stop and will focus on other textures and maybe the runic transportation units or runic buildings.

Give credit if you use this skin, thanks!

revenant, runic, warrior

RunicEinherjar.blp (Texture)

02:15, 31st Jul 2014 Kwaliti: Great execution, though this amount of detail would definitely be lost in the game.




02:15, 31st Jul 2014

Great execution, though this amount of detail would definitely be lost in the game.
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
I got to say, it's not as impressive as the rest of the group. Don't misunderstand, it's fairly better than most skins here on THW, but on your criteria, it's not that good. It feels as if it's wrapped in plastic, perhaps overuse of metal/stone theme :).
Edit: to make it clear, the 'skirt' thing looks fine, the shield over-bright, and the head looks like it's wrapped in plastic. :3
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
Btw, i know this skin sucks a little, i will try to update it, maybe those metal tusks on the shield could be real bone tusks.
Yes that would!
Also if you can, you should consider making the bone tusks wrapped around the shield in leather 'rope' instead of the metal parts.
As Misha and Heinvers said, the quality is lost in the grey color overuse, some diversity(like leather, rust, holes, etc) would be great.
Einherjar were fallen warrior in the Nordic mythology.

Btw, i know this skin sucks a little, i will try to update it, maybe those metal tusks on the shield could be real bone tusks.

I see.. cool

i think a bit of a 'bonemold' might be a cool idea (bonemold is an armor from the elder scrolls games) and also lill rust
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I love you... I love (obscure) mythological references, but I'm always concerned about being too obscure & picking something "perfect" that no one recognizes ("seneschal", "draugr", etc). You're showing me that the word "Einherjar" might be common enough to be used.

Or at least, you're pushing the envelope & that helps me too. :p

Anyway, like usual, excellent work. Seriously, this race is turning out to be one of the coolest ideas I've seen, & really makes me believe in Skinning again (I'll be honest, I've pretty much been "eh" to Texturing for a long time).

Not really an artist, so all I can say is 'Lookin' good'... Although your screenshot shows an awful lot of metal without much relief. What if that brown-stuff was wrapped around the front as well?