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Level 2
Aug 12, 2007
I've began creating a RuneScape map about 5 days ago, and it's working pretty well. If you don't know what RuneScape is, it's a MMORPG by Jagex in which you are in a fantasy world where you do defeat quests and battle enemies. The map I am creating so far is only the free world, but I may eventually create part of the members world. I plan to incorporate all free player quests, and most of the items. The website is in this like here.

I currently don't have any screenshots, only for the fact that I don't know how to take them without taking a fullscreen screenshot.

Anyone who has played RuneScape and who has experience with the World Editor would be helpful. :)

- Sergeant_Major (Zairgoth on Warcraft III
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
<3 copyrights.
I remember the good ol' days back when Runescape was actually addicting for me, but then I discovered other games and it sucked and still does. Good luck with your map/campaign, If it turns out to be a good replica of the game I will try out this mod and if I really like it, I'll help you terrain it as accurately as possible. ;-)
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Meh a game for the worst game ever? i hated runescape took me 3 seconds to ask myself wtf i was doing. well anyways it cant be worse then runescape u could add 2 hostiles and 1 hero and it would still be better IMO. goodluck
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
Glad i've made your day craka just checking up on this thread I haven't checked the site yet but im assuming its an rpg so since its an rpg you have my support =)
Level 4
Jul 25, 2007
nah runescape is alright, the fighting system is alittle boring but I've seen worse the graphics arent all that great but I've seen worse, I liked runescapes quests and stuff. where you had to do puzzles instead of just killing such and such. Main bad thing about runescape is its full of nasty children. Who have no morrale. Luckily the game doesnt require you to have teams like other games ... lol I'd like to see this map. and guys, lets not make it to wher ehe thinks this map isnt worth making just becuase we 'think' the real runescape sucks. I'd suggest to make this map a little revolutionary to the actuall runecape like I did with my Dofus map.
I know, HT.

In the starting town of RuneScape, there is a castle. I've tried to make the castle without the village, house, and stonework kits that Morph made. It didn't turn out good. Why? Not because it looked bad (which it did), its because I couldn't make the doors, and the multiple levels which was needed. With those kits, I am pretty sure you could do a lot more accurate job than using Cityscape tiled walls.
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
I would actually like to make a Runescape campaign. Not because I like it (Which I don't) but because it'd be so easy to make. Even the gameplay elements would be easy. The terrain would be easy too, no question about it. Making the entire Runescape game in one map is impossible though. Thats like making a World of Warcraft map for BNet in only one map.
So if you're really planning to go with this mod and make it as accurate to Runescape as possible, I can surely fill in the Terrain spot and perhaps do some triggers here and there if I can.
Level 6
Sep 19, 2007
Well I use to play runescape until about 3 months ago when I got hacked for mask set n 20m, so I quit but i know alot about it I played since classic I would be happy to help you out if you post some screenies

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Level 6
Sep 19, 2007
Yes me to I personally would really like to see this project come to life, Give us some updates how this project is going.

Level 6
Sep 19, 2007
You talk like your a man of Runescape lol, I'm just joking, But there pvp system is pretty good it still could use alot of work, mabye in this map you could add some features where people could team up and not be able to attack each other. That has happen to me when i played many times -_-, like i said before i know alot about this game i played since classic need any info im willing to help.

Level 19
Jun 16, 2007
Same here,

I'm probley in the sadd section

A Member off Runescape fromm 2001 - 2007

Accounts 40+ (20+ Banned) (3+ Forgotton passwords) (+5 Still got)

You shouldent add a team trigger you should disable auto attack when you see in range you have to right click on the "NPC" or "Player" to attack, and then it auto attacks it till it dies or you die or run.
Level 18
May 27, 2007
Same here, But there is too much dishonesty everywhere in Runescape, and you cannot just kill them when they fuck you over and take your stuff back lol, plus all of the hackers and such, I have basically had only three accounts, but I have played since Classic, so I know a lot about most things, but any new updates I will not know
Level 2
Jun 10, 2007
Well, i started making a runescape map and had a bunch of saving functions, and it saved your unit and loaded it and everything, a bunch of really cool stuff.... Well, I could help with triggers if u would like me to... but i decided to quit because i figured it would be such an extremely hard map to make.... All the loading integers and crap like that... Well, ask me if u would like help, i would love to. Also, just a few ideas, make an ability for each thing, like fishing, cooking, mining, stuff like that, and then have them in a spell book, and you can see like, what level or w/e.... I have a bunch of ideas, just too lazy to write them down at the time.. Just ask, PM me preferably because i dont come to this area very much... Yes, please PM me, and i'd love to chat. Good Luck!
Level 25
Mar 25, 2004
PvP is so horrible for Runescape, I can't believe they still haven't improved it much since it was introduced to Runescape! And the fact that you must Click to walk is a major no-no for PvP games. But I've played a couple MMO games that were decent that had click-to-move styles, such as Shadowbane.
Level 6
Sep 19, 2007
Another game I find isnt the best for PVP is Guild Wars, I could never geting into that game for some reason, Guild Wars to me isn't that fun. I find it comeplety Borning acctualy lol, But thats just me alot of other people like it.

Heres a quick tip for RuneScape combat,set EVERY monster and units attack damage to range from 0 to whatever.Try using the interfaces and such to make it so your Hero can go upto lvl90 and so that he starts off with only 0-1 dmg,10HP and 1 in every stat.Mana could act as runes(1 Rune,1 mana,) Mana Potions could recharge the runes.The thing about making runescape maps is the floors.Make it so you can only enter certain parts of large buildings,use a body of water or a mountain to hide away the 2nd or 3rd floor of certain buildings.
The best way to make Black Knights though,you have to find a footman without a shield and set his tinting to 35,35,35.Iron should be 135,125,125 and steel only 175,190,175 and white,just 255,255,255.I tried doing these maps before,but I got bored and decided to quit.Also,try making Spell Books for Strike,Bolt,Blast,Wave and other spells.
When it comes to player interactions,try these:

Set the acquiring range to 100 except on NPC's.

Make a trigger to stop you from attacking outside of wilderness or duel arena type areas,like you hit a player and a trigger steps in and damages you for about 5-20 damage per attack.

Make a trigger to put the Curse buff graphic above a player killers head for 10 mins.Respawning is simply just waiting 2 seconds and reviving INSTANTLY right back in the starting village,then theres item loss,which is just editting the "Inventory" ability.

I did a WC:RoC campaign for a friend,explaing a HUGE war between my clans and the Sabres,hardest thing was making it interesting around the Lava Maze,but I did some good work making a defence/adventure map of Varrock where it starts.
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Level 6
Sep 19, 2007
just go into world editor and press print screen above the insert button then go to pain and press ctrl+V, then save it as a jpeg file and upload it here.

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