Alright then..... I have somewhat mixed feelings about this map. It is well made, not too flashy, but still with seveal unique ideas. Nevertheless, I think that if on a competitive levels, some of the stuff simply wont work.
Technically, I see only two issues:
-(edited): The creeps at the expansions are on camp stance, but creeps should not be on camp stance at expansions.
-The items dropped by barrels: they are freely accessible in the night, as destroying the barrels does not awaken the creeps. Yes the items have only a minimal effect, but giving away items for free is a concept we have not seen at all. My tendency is to be sceptical with this kind of stuff, and I think on this map in particular it might backfire (see below).
Now for the more subtle issues:
-Humans get level 2 for free at the labs. It is not possible to contest this in the slightest for ne/ud/other humans (unless they immediately send the first units over, but who ever does that). The creeps can be killed by 16:00 ingame time with militia support. The enemy hero cannot be there any sooner. This does not happen on standard maps. Even on TS_LV, where creeping the merc camp gives level 2, the camp is located in such away that the distance for the enemy is much shorter and as such there will be creepjack, should the enemy go for it. I believe it is similar on any other competitive map.
-Even worse for the harasser, the human can buy a boat right next to the merc camp (yeah, it's expensive early on) and save any injured peasant or footie by putting him into the boat. And then the human can get the healing item from the barrel to counter attacks on the AM (mayb the harasser goes for it first). So overall, harassing seems much less viable than on other maps.
-On the other hand, normally nightelves can use AoW-creeping in locations where humans can pull off militis-creeping. However, here there is the small change that the only possible spot to build and AoW next to the merc camp will be blocked by a critter. And then getting to trees for the free AoW heal takes much longer than on standard maps.
-The highground: Most competitive maps use highground very sparingly, or even not at all. Irrespective of whether it is a good idea in general, I believe here on this map this is an indirect nerf to boats, being in a boat means you will have restricted vision in most parts of the maps. Whereas a zeppeling usually comes with the advantage of providing additional vision even if you dont use its carrying ability at all.
-I'm not really sold on the 50% permanent/50% charged item drops.
-Unfortunately, the variance in strength of the lvl 5 charged items is currently too strong for them to be used in competitive 1v1 maps.
-The satyr soulstealer with manaburn is simply obnoxious and even if the might be balanced, makes the map less fun to play.
-Creeps at shops normally sleep, to make sure any races can buy items without aggroin the creeps (and not just the blademaster with ww).
-We've never seen lvl 7 artifact items on 1v1 maps as far as I'm aware, but I struggle to image that a tc or make with Blink or a blademaster with Frost orb will be balanced.
-Generally the map is very large, and there isn't too much that can be accomplished in the middle before the lategame, unless a player decides to expand. This could make for some rather passive games.
-The main goldmine can harassed with air units from behind, with no possibility of building a ziggurat behind or at least on the side ofthe mine like on most other maps.
-Footies can play hide and seek bhind some of the trees that are next to, but not precisely near the edges of cliffs.
-With the location of the shipyards, they are not rally a tool for surprise attacks, as you have to bring them along all the way from your main base. Maybe add 2 shipyeards in more central locations of the map?
So overall, I the expansion creeps should be on camp stance, and in all likelihood, the item-dropping barrels shold be removed. Therefore the map goes back to Awaiting update until then.
Beyond that, I think you should also look at some of the other issues. I would suggest to relocate the merc camp and/or strenghen its creeps to the point where creeping them becomes risky, and therefore harassing has some potentiall to achieve something. Possibly change some highground to lowground, ideally shallow water to make boats more attractive. Maybe add some two more shipyards. I'd also like to see the map be smaller overall, but I know this basically requires reworking huge parts of the map entirely..... If you want to do it, then consider adding/moving a earlygame creepspot in a more central location.