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Roman the glorious Witch Hunter

The witch hunter are an elite caste of the human magicians. Their speciality is to destroy heretics and other demoniac animated beings.

Give credits if you use it in your campaign/map, DON'T distribute to other sites and DON'T edit without my permission.
Have fun with the model.

Human, gun, epee, witch, witch hunter, power, magic, witch,

Roman the glorious Witch Hunter (Model)

Roman the glorious Witch Hunter (Model)

21:00, 18th Oct 2009 shamanyouranus: Great mesh and texture use. The animations are kinda meh, but those are probably the best animations your going to find. Approved.




21:00, 18th Oct 2009
shamanyouranus: Great mesh and texture use. The animations are kinda meh, but those are probably the best animations your going to find. Approved.
Oh, so you named it after frostwhisper :D

True indeed. He was the first who tested and used the model for me a long time. I just think that the name chosen is just right not remember his awesomeness.

the mesh and the chosen textures are wonderful, but the sheath looks a bit too stretched to me and the ogre anims for the attack animation are looking a bit too weak :/

haven't found any other fitting animations for him back in February 2008.
Level 4
Oct 20, 2008
Somehow, the hat&neck colf remind me of a Fable character. And that game was esh.

But anyways, he looks damn good. Great for the gunpowder age. 5/5
Level 9
Sep 4, 2008
I tested the model and I think that the animations are fine.
Also,if u put more black clothes and a different black hat,would be equal to Van Hellsing...
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
This makes me want to recycle my Witch hunters 40K army... Too bad the Inquisition is so messed up, this model looks great! I definitely love the hat, and the coat is really swell.
5/5 Highly Recommended