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Roleplay 1

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The morning breeze gives off a faint whisper along the shore of Tortuga. A new ship is arriving, its appearance rather both grand and terrifying at the same time - the Queen Anne's Revenge. The regular noise of the townspeople was kept at a minimum as they gazed at the huge ship while it makes port.

As the captain makes his way down, the people's worries dissipate; it's not Blackbeard. It is the Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea, Hector Barbossa. And because he's here to procure a crew, the men with him proceed to enlist people in the tavern.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, a men was talking to another about renting his ship. "I'll need to know yer name and age", said the ship renter. The man replied, "James... Smith. 21 years of age".

With a laugh, the ship renter jokingly said, "It ain't too hard to invent surnames, aye?"
"Uh, what?"
"Nothing lad, just kidding. For how long will ye rent?"
"About half a week, sir", came the reply.
The ship renter whispered, "That will be 50 shillings in down payment", leaving a grimace on James' face as he hands his fee over.

James Smith is my character; you may introduce your characters in this same fashion.
Level 14
Oct 8, 2012
"The down payment will be 50 shillings."

As the man with scars on his face, Caster, heard this statement from the ship renter in front of him, he suddenly pulled out his musket ready and aimed at the renter's head.

"How about 1 shilling and the chance for you to live a slightly longer life?"

As they gain sight of this strange man's foul behavior, the townspeople around them then pulled out their swords as well and pointed them at the level of Caster's head down to his neck.
Silence filled the area, lasting for at least a minute until Caster finally broke it with the words:

"Or how about 50 shillings and this musket instead?... And long life of course."

Townspeople still pointing their weapons at him, while the ship renter gave Caster a slightly bored and analytical gaze.
"I'll take the latter." the renter answered as he took the money and the musket from Caster's hands without hesitation.

"Y... Yay~."

My character'll be called 'Caster'! A young soon-to-be-broke traveling merchant, who always acts around like a though guy.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
On an unknown breezing cove near Gibraltar, six men and one woman at the age of 27 above.
Finally finished the ship they've been working for years, aye, that was us my friends. For our task is done, we shall sail, to the highest of the tides, to the darkest of the deeps, and to the eye of the storm. We shall meet new comrades, enemies, and the goodiest of all, treasures and ships, "Said Edgar Willer Turner", aka Edge.
As James walks up the rented ship, he looks back and sees a man threatening the ship renter. "Hah! I hope his fat belly gets shot off", he says to himself as he tries to start sailing. Another glance at the ship renter, and the threatening goes wrong. "Wishes coming true are really hard to come by nowadays", he mutters.

As he proceeds, he finds the rudder chain disabled. He has to go back to the ship renter for the enabling he seems to have forgotten.
*A large luxurious pirate ship appears*
*it turns out to be the Thousand Sunny, but hijacked by...someone*
Captain Kaloten: Ah, we just brought a new ship from tha other dimension! Let go back to Tortuga!
*crews cheer*
*Thousand Sunny arrives on the shore of Tortuga*

@Everyone: I'm not familiar with the storyline of PotC. I'm not sure what am I going to do here.
Captain Unbeard: Argh!! Lets Go And Recruit someone that is Bald
Going around at the Tortuga
Janitor #1: We can't find Anyone Bald Sir
Captain Unbeard: Lets go and find the Island of Bald then
Janitor #1: Aye Sir
Janitor #2: So, Which Direction Should we go?
Captain Unbeard: Random Direction Beard Pointer Activated!, Set Sail to East, Err.. I mean Random Direction

Captain Kaloten: Let we starten!
*morale rises*
*Kaloten's pirate crews cheer*
Captain Kaloten: *points to a nearby Pawn Shop* Let we take their things!
*approach Pawn Shop*
Captain Kaloten: Ahoy! Shopkeeper, give us all yer money and stuffs!
*aim his SMG Machine Rifle at the shopkeeper*
Shopkeeper: O...Okay.
*gives Kaloten all things in the shop*
*Kaloten kills the shopkeeper*
Captain Kaloten: Today, yer going to eat this dead pussy!
*cheer joyfully*
*return to Thousand Sunny*
*chefs cook the Shopkeeper*
*the crew of Kaloten's pirates eat the cooked shopkeeper*
*the Thousand Sunny starts sailing*
*a chrono vortex appears nearby*
*a ship was brought near Thousand Sunny by the chrono vortex*
Sailor #1: Eh, apa kapal itu? (Eh, what's that ship?) *points to Thousand Sunny* Kami, orang Melaka-- (We, the Malacca people--)

Captain Kaloten: Eh, what're yer talking 'bout? Arr yer insultin' we?!

*a sponge falls*
Captain Kaloten: What is this?!
*slices sponge*
*throws it back to Unbeard*
*'Orang Melaka' boards Thousand Sunny*
'Admiral': (Stop! We're the people of the glorious Malacca!)

Captain Kaloten: I have no time for boring games!
*slices Admiral face*
*slices the Admiral's followers*
Captain Kaloten: Chef! Yer cook those idiots immediately! I wanna eat 'em all!
Captain Unbeard: oh, They Responded!, Ah Half of the Sponge, what?!
Janitor #1: Nevermind, we still can use it to Clean our Deck

*Hang Tuah the Warrior of Orang Melacca Came to Challenge Captain Unbeard with a Fleet while the other admiral is challenging Captain Kaloten which is currently Dead*

Hang Tuah: Apa engkau buat di sini?! Pergi dari Melacca Lanun!! Aku akan Menghapuskan Kamu Semua.
(What are you doing here? Leave Melacca now, Pirate, I will destroy you all.)

Captain Unbeard: Nononon, we don't want fight, We come In peace, I just need to get more rum, and im searching a Bald guy to join our crew.

Hang Tuah: Berani Engkau menghina Sultan Kami Ye?
(How Dare you Insult our Sultan)

*Hang Tuah Sprint toward Captain Unbeard

Captain Unbeard: Kami Bukan nak cari pasal, kami cuma mahu sikit Rum dan seorang yang Botak. Kami akan Bayar.
(We are not here to make Bad things, We just want some Rum and a Bald guy, we will pay)

Hang Tuah: Kalau Kamu Janji tak Rompak Siapa Siapa, Aku akan memberi Kebenaran, Sebelum itu, menurunkan bendera kamu dan saya akan menyimpan senjata kamu.
(If you promise to not Rob anyone, I will give permission, before that, Keep your flag and give me your Weapon. )

Captain Unbeard: Ok

Captain Kaloten: "Alright. Those *cough* aliens--"
Malacca Temenggung: "Apa?! Engkau berani untuk menghina kita orang Melaka ye? (What?! You dare to insult us the people of Melaka?)"
Captain Kaloten: "Stop speakin' yer gibberish language--"
*Malacca people attack Kaloten and his crews*
*battle and argument ensues*
*in the peak of the heat*
*a large chrono vortex pops up all of a sudden, in the Malacca lands*
*some futuristic troops, with red uniforms and with the symbols of a fierce ram teleported by chrono vortex*
???: "Only House Hark--Wait wut? Where are we?"
Futuristic Troop #1: "Erh... looks like we're wrapped into Planet Caladan of the weak Atreides--"

*Malacca troops approach futuristic troops*
Malacca Troop #1: "Eh! Siapa kamu? Ini tanah Melaka! (Eh, who are you? This is the territory of Malacca!)"

Captain Kaloten (small voice, to his crews): "Yer sit back and enjoy a movie. Ahoy, fascinatin' drama!"
Futuristic General: "Don't you dare insult about the House--"
*Malacca assassins eliminate Futuristic General*
*starts a battle against futuristic troops*

Level 14
Oct 8, 2012
Caster - My character
James Smith (stranger) - Mythic's

"Just to be clear stranger, I can take care of that without anyone's help."
"See these scars?" points out to the scars on his face.
"This are results of countless battles!"

"But even though I know you'll just burden me in the end, I'll take your offer."
Unsheathed his sword.
"Listen newbie, you might learn something from this, so watch closely."

Caster took his time and formed a grand throwing stance, and then threw his sword towards the ship renter's position.
The sword was thrown very unprofessionally, swinging in different angles at mid-air, and hitting the ground with it's handle first one meter away from the supposed target.

"Uh... I'm better with muskets actually."
Captain Kaloten: Ah, alright. Enought of tis' shi--
Futuristic Trooper: In thaaa name of House Harkonnen!
*blasts Thousand Sunny*
*Harkonnen troops approach Thousand Sunny*

Captain Kaloten: They don't have water-swimming fools! Go further the sea--
Captain Kaloten: Oh, screw it...
Hang Tuah: (You will pay dearly for messing with the Malacca people!)
*Malacca military ships approach Thousand Sunny*

*Kaloten is in great dilema*
Captain Kaloten: Which shall we choose? Engaging with futuristic fools or be sunken by Malacca navy?
*suddenly, Directive255 opens a portal from Planet Vestroya, Omega Multiverse, RACC Roleplay*
*arrives to Tortuga, Planet Earth, Pirates of the Caribbean Roleplay*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Hmm. It's filled with deathly silence and almost everyone is frozen in time.
*sees Caster talking to Mythic*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Yo, Mythic! By the way, *points to Caster* is that your new friend?

NOTE: Directive255 the Cakemaster is syncionized with his RACC counterpart, so if somethings happen in either Pirates of the Caribbean or RACC roleplay, it may affect this character.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
*Within Gibraltar*
*The Spanish flag flies over it*
...: 3 spanish frigates, 132 guards, none at the tavern, perfect
*From Gibraltar's skies, flies a ship, its sails shined from the sun, from the sides of its deck, boosters are seen, powered by gunpowders it flies, bombing the town, the spanish guards are under alert, but seemingly crippled, they fly to the tavern, and out of it, 3 men and one woman, entering the unweary tavern, it goes from a rough house to a desolation, as the four stoled every belongings the tavern has, spanish guards run over there, but seen the ship flied away to the see, they pursued the flying ship using their three frigates, as they pursued, they see its flag, a skull of a bird smiling with bones going from the upper right to down left across the skull and a sword with small blades from its steel going from the upper left to down right across the skull, they see them as pirates, and they try to shoot them down, but cannot because they fire the cannons to the sky, they pursued continuously......
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
Prompting Edge to destroy the Cake Directive, and he was extremely successful. The world is now rid of the Cake Directive, thank you Edge...

Meanwhile, the Nagas hear about this news and returns his waifu, safe and sound. A happy end for the hero Edge... ♫ Heroic fanfare music roll ♫
*A big ship with many passengers passes on Malacca Strait*
Captain : "well, we're passing Malacca Strait, we will reach our destination, Gilbratar within a month or so."
Passenger 1 : "this is boring, I though the trip will be fun."
Passenger 2 : "yeah, I thought so."
Passenger 3 : "I have to say, it's very boring."
Passenger 4 : "just shut up, okay?"
Passenger 1-3 : *a little loud* "okay!"
*a cloaked passenger approaches them*
Cloaked Passenger : "be warned, your lives are in danger."
*the cloaked passenger suddenly disappears*
Passenger 1 : "what babbling that was?"
Passenger 2 : "beats me."
Passenger 3 : "I don't even care."
*Passenger 4 leaves them*
Passenger 4 : "perhaps there's something awaits the passengers here..." *talk to himself* "Daffa, what will you do?" "Fallen Mage, don't question me, I know what I'm doing." "You'll die before you know it." "I don't think so."
*Passenger 4 (Daffa) looks at the clouds*
Daffa : "well, I hope things are going well."
*Directive255 attacked by Captain Kaloten's crews*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Ouch, that hurts very much, bro!
Captain Kaloten: Shut the fuck up, you cake kissing, retarded idiot!
*Captain Kaloten, along with his crews, laughs at Directive255 and insults him mockingly*

Directive255 the Cakemaster: Miscalculation. You pirates are true barbarians who underestimate others and don't know anything else other than mocking others and crying when defeated.
*hurls a gigantic, energetic Psiarcane Ball towards Captain Kaloten and his crews*
*some crews have their mind altered to be loyal only to Directive255, while others are having great strains and headache*
*some even coughs, those who resist are having their nervous systems destroyed gradually*
*leaves the scene*

*few hours later*
*sees Passanger 4 (Daffa)*
*waves his hand at Daffa*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Hey! Greetings, homie. Are you Daffa the Mage of the Magic Kingdom?
Daffa : *confused* "Who? What? What is he yelling about?" *leaves Directive255, ignoring him*
*back to the ship's restaurant*

*at the restaurant*
Daffa : *take some food* "yummy!"
*after eating*
Daffa : "well, why I feel my mind is very dizzy."
Voice in Mind : "all you seek are pointless, fate awaits."
Daffa : "shut up!" *slams the table, surprising others on the restaurant*
Daffa : "now I feel ashamed.." *leaves without a word*

*outside the restaurant, Daffa sees some of his friends are playing football on the ship*
Daffa : "well, they doesn't seems to be bored anymore."
*leaves his friend*

*at Passengers Room 15, Daffa enters*
Daffa : "well, it's boring that there's nothing to do here. No dangers, no challenge, just pure nothing."
*open his book, a script of "The Blackest Night" that he writes few months ago*
Daffa : "literally the script is dark in meaning. Same as myself, dark and lonely."
*closes the book*
Daffa : "the sea aren't very much interesting, seems almost every rumors, from Lake Monsters into Sea Monsters are just truly rumors."
*someone knocks the door*
Voice from Outside : "Daffa, May I talk with you for a second."
Daffa : "I'm busy, meet me later."
Voice from Outside : "Okay, sorry for bothering."
*hears footstep leaving the door*
Daffa : "alright, I must go outside now."
*goes outside and back to the ship*

*at the ship*
Daffa : "this is truly boring, only seas that can be seen from miles away from here." *sigh* *suddenly feels dizzy*
Voice in Mind : "surrender to your darkest desire, embrace the dark desire."
Daffa : "I never will!" *the voice is loud, making other passenger looks at him*
Daffa : "not again.." *leaves the deck to his room, again*

*as Daffa leaves, some male and female Passengers whispers to each other*
Passenger #1 : "seems Daffa looks strange, isn't he?"
Passenger #2 : "he doesn't sleeps well, according to others."
Passenger #3 : "he doesn't sleeps at all last night, I was awake too, and he seems to scream, talk nonsense and such on his room, and it's quite loud."
Passenger #4 : "yeah, thankfully I can sleep."

Note : Passenger #X doesn't refer to the same person as the last post
Also, My Character partially resembles my RL personality
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Wrong person. Sorry.
*few hours later*
*brings in a Bazooka*
*shoots a Psiarcane Missile at the Passanger Ship that Daffa was in*
*the missile hits the ship, dealing critical damage to the ship*
*many who were caught in the blast are suffering headache and mental problems, some are paralyzed*
*some Passangers got their minds altered by the Psiarcane energies, making them loyal to Directive255*
Brainwashed Passanger #1 (sleepy, stressful tone, very LOUD): In the name... of the Cakemaster... All hail... hail... Epsilon and... NDCE... Death to the... the... Magic Kingdom and Illidari... Illidari Empire! For... for... Directive255!
*many other brainwashed passangers cheer joyfully for Directive255*
Brainwashed Passanger #2: For Directive255 the Cakemaster! For the New Directive Cake Empire! I... am... Opera...
Opera (Brainwashed Passanher #2): Punish those who oppose the Cakemaster!
*the brainwashed passangers, led by Opera, starts an intense fighting with other passangers*
*Daffa makes a quick escape, along with some of his friends*
*jump from the ship to the sea*
Daffa : "what did we all do to deserve this..."
Friend #1 : "we must quickly find nearby ground!"
Friend #2 : "yeah, before we died drowning!"
*swims to a nearby island*

*reaches the shores*
Friend #3 : "it's sad many of our friends are left behind.."
Daffa : "yeah.." *wipe his tears* "it's sad." *becomes dizzy*
Voice in Mind : "surrender to the darkest wishes of your desire, few stand in your way."
Daffa : "no, NO!!!!"
Friend #4 : "calm down!"
*Daffa calms down*
Friend #4 : "okay, we must find some food, I'm thirsty and hungry.."
Friend #3 : "me too..."
Friend #5 : "let's take a rest here."
*the survivors take some rest on the shores, and build 2 shelters, one for the males and other for the females*
*nighttime comes...*
*everyone take some rest, except Daffa*
Daffa : "I can't sleep, the horror in the dreams..."
*he hears footsteps from the nearby forest*
Daffa : "humans?"
Voice in Mind : "surrender..."
Daffa : "never!"
Daffa : "I must find a way to cure myself, before I lost my sanity!"
*leaves the shelter*

*morning comes*
Friend #1 : *awake* "well, that was quite some..." *notices Daffa is missing* "everyone! Wake up!"
*everyone at both shelters become panicked*
Friend #1 : "we're in a bad situation here... No food, no drink, and now one more missing?"
Friend #2 : "we must find him, and quick!"
*start searching for Daffa*

And again, different references.
*Directive255 arrives on an island*
*sees a bald man, with some black line thingys attached from the back of head to the neck, wearing a purple-violetish colored suit*
*approaches the bald man*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Hmm... Wait. Are you... Yuri Prime? Yuri Prime of the Epsilon serving my NDCE?
Yuri Prime (Bald Man): Bingo! I am your loyal servant and advisor -- Yuri Prime. We still haven't find others yet.
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Who are still missing?
Yuri Prime: Sabercake, Jaina, Lady Darkscale, Proselyte Kofi, Libra, Gil--
*an Epsilon Elite Infiltrator approaches*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Look, Yuri! 说曹操,曹操就到! Speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrives!
Gilbert the Expert Infiltrator: Cakemaster? Yuri Prime? We finally met again!
*hugs Yuri Prime and Directive255 friendly*
Gilbert the Expert Infiltrator: Besides, we have located a camp, with two shelters nearby. Perhaps we visit the camp?
Yuri Prime: Hmm. Sounds good. What's your opinion, Cakemaster?
Directive255 the Cakemaster: It is a nice idea, proselytes. Let's move.
*approaches the camp that Daffa and his friends built*
Yuri Prime: Hello? Anyone there?
*the shelters seems noisy with screams of "Daffa" and can't hear Yuri Prime*
*Directive and his forces are being watched by the animals*
*a snake suddenly attack the party*

*at the forest*
Daffa : "there's no cure here, this insanity... I will lose my sanity.... More than I ever had..."
Voice in Mind : "surrender!"
Daffa : "never... I won't surre...nder..." *passes out*

*back to the shelter*
Friend #1 : "I can't believe he's leaving us!"
Friend #2 : "It's just ridiculous."
*a female friend of Daffa calls everyone to her position*
Friend #3 (Female) : "guys! Look what I found!" *shows a note*
*everyone moves to her position and read the note*
Friend #1 : "I suppose that he leaves us, for a strange reason?"
Friend #2 : "he's losing his sanity? What nonsense he's talking about..."
*sees the snake*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: *involuntarily wets himself, as he's nervous and fascinated* Woo, I love this snake!
*Yuri Prime shakes his head*
Yuri Prime: Cakemaster, you seem to be charmed and attracted by the snake.
*Directive255 ignores Yuri Prime*
*Directive255 approaches the snake*
Directive255 the Cakemaster: Hey snake, can I befriend you?
*stares at the snake, with savila coming out from his mouth and mucus leaking from his nose*
*wets himself again, while continue staring at the snake*
*the snake bits Directive's feet, inflicting venoms*

*back to the forest, Daffa regains consciousness*
Daffa : "what, who...." *thinks for a second* "my name is Daffa, I'm 15, a class captain from the Navy School, story writer..."
*stand up*
Daffa : "well, I suppose I..." *feels dizzy*
Voice in Mind : "you must surrender, obey, or suffer!"
Daffa : "I don't care who are what you are, but that ain't happening."
Voice in Mind : "you're calm now, interesting. Soon, suffering shall haunt you forever."
Daffa : "I shall not be haunted by fear and suffering."

*suddenly, a huge wave approaches the island shores*
Friend #1 : "everyone, back to the shelters!"
*everyone rushes to their shelters*

*Daffa sit on a tree's branch*
Daffa : *still dizzy* "what am I doing here..."
Voice in Mind : "surrender to darkest desire in your heart..."
Daffa : "your babbling doesn't bother me."
Voice in Mind : "soon, your friends shall all traitor you, none shall remains."
Daffa : "friends, what are you talking about!?" *trying to remember all about himself*
*the snake died from the strike*
*suddenly, several tigers attack the party*
*a tiger roars*

Daffa : "I am here to escape... A sudden attack on my ship... I..." *keep remembering things one by one*
Voice in Mind : "surrender..."
Daffa : "never!"

*meanwhile, a pirate ship arrives near the island*
Pirate Captain : "alright laddie, find all the Loots ya can! Steal the women! Get the golds!"
*Pirates cheers*
*the pirate start searching for any village at the island to ransack*

*Nusantara Navy patrols near Malacca Strait*
Ship #1 : "there's no sign of threat here!"
Ship #2 : "make sure to patrol the whole area!"
Ship #1 : "understand that."
*sees a pirate ship on an island*
Ship #1 : "there are pirate ships over there!"
*the Nusantara Navy ships move to the island to destroy the pirates*
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