first of all "P.S. this is my first upload so be kind to me"
doesnt work here.. gonna check it and i will be back with a full review
Gameplay: the game itself was easy,good keys for movement,but it lacks fun would be nice with some cool music and stuff.
Bugs: didnt find any
I compared this to blizzards and i must say i liked blizzards more due to the bonus multiplayer and stuff i actually used the spell there i only used ice blast once in this one and i only moved for 4 seconds in start which made it boring
im gonna rate 3/5 but since it isnt that original its going down to a 2/5
you can get my rating up by : making the game harder overall,spells becoming more usefull,special effects like music and some rockin arthas in the sides xD and then no more
Vote for rejected until updated