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Risk Next Gen 3.4b

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Reactions: Almia and Lautanen
Risk Next Gen
This is a fast paced map where the goal is to conquer the world. There's only one obstacle: 11 other players trying to do the exact same thing. Conquer regions for bonuses, and secure entire continents for additional bonuses. This map combines many of the best elements of Risk maps before it as well as some concepts from the classic board game. This game requires diplomacy and deception, careful calculations, and micro and macro skills to even survive. The best part? After playing a game on the lagless official hostbots which allow players from all battle.net realms to connect to one another, visit the Official Website to view your stats from any game, see where you rank compared to others, and view replays from any official game hosted.

-NewRelic for helping with the coding and designing an awesome website
-ShadowAbyss for pointing out a few memory leaks
-super_ckicken for hosting the map when I needed to test
-born2modificate for releasing textures to the public (some terrain textures used in this map)
-Debode for the battleship skin
-GeneralFrank for the $ icon
-Paladon for the skeleton icon
-Rayquaza for the 'suspend' icon
-zombie2279 for the laptop icon
-RodofNod for creating Risk Devolution
-Goble-r1sk for making several fun risk maps
-MrPutnam, SinfulNinja, lostcommo, and SpartanofDeath for testing







Version 1.02d
-Added a two minute timer, if timer expires, 1/4 bty, 5 Spawns, Names Hidden, and Bridges are chosen
-Some code changes that will hopefully result in accurate win reports, and not randomly report players as dead when they are still within the game

Version 1.10
-Game will no longer end at incorrect times
-Further attempts to correct position tracking

Version 2.0
-Code optimizations. Lag should be significantly reduced, and crashes should happen much less frequently (hopefully not at all). Game runs much more smoothly.
-Voting. There are now 6 set modes that players can choose from. In future versions this will only be the case in ranked games, otherwise the first slot will choose options via the old method
-Position tracking method changed, possibly fixed
-Base Ownership transfer should work correctly now
-Several bottlenecks widened
-Intro removed
Aesthetic Changes:

* Beacons are now colored. (Will change back if players don't like it)
* When a territory is taken, it is announced on the multiboard. Tent appears immediately.
* Changed the look of the multiboard slightly
* Multiboard displays game mode
* New loading screen, ingame minimap, and minimap preview images

Version 2.1
-Code tweaks
-Battleship SS regeneration rate lowered

Version 2.2
-Bottlenecks widened
-Transports ships can now load and unload anywhere in Transport Ship modes.

Version 2.3 BETA
-Multiboard sorting: The databoard now sorts based on players' revenue
-Multiboard edits: X captured y message no longer cut off past certain length
-Multiple beginning game options
-Players who fail to own land at the end of the turn for three consecutive turns will be considered dead upon the fourth.
-Terrain changes, bottlenecks widened, some ship accessible places are now blocked, Britain has another access point, a few areas replaced with the transport landing tile. Africa is more accessible from mid east and the river chokepoint widened
-Map now split into two versions: One where the terrain stays the same, and a new one which has a more devo-style feel to it. (complete but other map needs updating)
-Tracking unit kill and train details
-Recruitment Centers/Spawn Buildings now have two new abilities; one to select nearby centers, and another to set the rally point to the rally point of the current selected center.
-20 max transports in transport mode
-Players now able to ping other players via an ability in the control center, as well as enable/disable viewing the pings
-Control center has a camera option 'Lock' which locks a players' camera to the far setting even if they accidentally scroll etc
-The method of sorting when multiple units are leaving a Circle of Power now takes into account the units % health and does a better job of keeping a weak unit as defender
-When loading units into a transport, one unit stays behind in the Circle of Power preventing empty ports
-SS no longer target empty land Circle of Powers
-Player position tracking code changed
-2 Player Timer increased to 18 minutes

Unit Changes:
-Selecting units now prioritizes them based on the importance of their abilties. (IE Roar units first, than heal, and so forth and last units without abilities.)
-All unit ability hotkeys changed to use ERTY
-Knights now have bloodlust with autocast on by default
-Private, Marine Private, Medic Lt, Marine Major, General movespeed increase
-All tank movespeed decreased
-All tank's range increased
-All tanks hp regen rate decreased
-Tank A 300hp increase
-Tank A new ability based on taunt
-Tank A defense increase
-Tank B and C attack speed and damage increase
-Tank C defense increase
-Generals now have an autocast roar ability
-General starting mana increased to 300
-Marine major gold cost reduced from 5 to 4
-Marine major defense decreased
-Marine Major health reduced by 150
-Marine Major mana starts at 90
-Marine General new ability - Berserk
-Marine General new ability - Throw Net
-Marine General damage increased
-Medic LT have a ranged attack
-Medic LT new ability - Focus Heal
-Medic LT new mana max increased to 385
-Medic LT mana regen increased
-Medic LT starting mana now set to 125
-All ship movespeed changed
-Sniper Captain renamed to Artillery Captain

Version 2.3b BETA
-Bounty and Fog Options removed from ranked voting
-Transport Cap Increased to 40 from 20
-Attack ground new image remove, replaced with default

Unit Changes:
-Tank taunt ability [Provide Cover] area of effect increased from 450 to 700.
-General mana reduced to 225 from 300
-General autocast roar off by default and mana cost increased to 155 from 125 (...Removed)
-General autocast War Cry replaced with Battle Cry
-General ability [Reckless Frenzy] mana cost increased to 65 from 50.
-General defense reduced to 11 from 12.
-Marine Private Range reduced to 400.
-Marine Private movespeed increased to 285.
-Marine Private Icon changed (thanks yun, kept forgetting about that, haha. Actually you gave me the wrong path, but the reminder helped.)
-Major health reduced from 650 to 625.
-Major defense reduced from 7 to 6.
-Marine General armor reduced from 9 to 8
-Tank A range reduced to 650
-Tank B range increased to 785
-Tank C range increased to 725
-Transport Ship new ability - [Kill Transport]
-Medic LT starting mana reduced back to 75
-Medic LT new ability- [Extinguish Morale] (Dispel roar buff)
-All ships now avoid empty land Circle Of Powers

From 3.0 Beta to 3.0d Beta
-Unit Data tracking removed, caused lag
-Tank A attack type changed to magic
-Tank A range decreased to 575 from 650
-Tank A damage reduced to 65
-Tank B hp increased from 1250 to 1300
-Tank B armor type changed to unarmored
-Tank C range reduced from 725 to 685
-Tank C damage type changed to piercing
-Tank C armor increased to 8 from 7
-Tank C movement speed increased from 250 to 275
-Major defense reduced from 6 to 5
-Marine General health reduced by 25
-Marine General defense reduced from 8 to 7
-General defense reduced from 11 to 9
-Max transports increased to 50 for transport mode


Risk, Strategy, Next, Gen, Devo, Devolution, Micro, RNG, World, Generation, Risk Next Gen, team, devo, risk, dota, strategy, generation, diplomacy, ra

Risk Next Gen 3.4b (Map)

09:49, 24th Jan 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 6
Sep 19, 2005
Currently, you cannot ally players. I have plans to add many additional modes for non ranked play, but currently I'm trying to perfect ranked gameplay. I'm not sure if you played the earlier versions of the map, but there were several options for the person in the first slot. I will re-enable that for non ranked play, as well as adding more options.
Level 2
Oct 22, 2010
remove the timer please?,and also it would be extra fun if i can ally people but the islands are so small even hawaii is not that small and green land doesn't have any thing coneected to others try to remove the bridge it makes the ships useless and also in europe put the suez canal so it will be easy to transport units,i know im asking alot but the unlike the map the asia and the australia has no land bridges and those land bridges are the philippines try putting a very informational and realitic islands,thanks (i know im asking a lot but its just a suggestion its your choice.)
Level 1
Feb 12, 2011
Just wondering.... I'm banned from risk devo.. no reason at all.. And was wondering how can you play with AI? I set them to human. But the quests say to allow the game to have computers play.. I dont know how to do that. I would really enjoy playing and practicing against bots.
Level 2
Jul 12, 2012
I find that Risk always feels messy the moment you finish conquering enough countries to fill at least two whole continents. But it's one of the things I love about the board game, and the same applies here. :)

Wish this map will get some advanced AI in the future. I've always been dreaming about playing Risk with advanced AI, maybe something similar to chessmaster standards. Maybe that dream will come true someday with this map.
Alright so my rating for this is 3.4/5.

I find it good, but it needs some more polishing on object data and triggers as well terrain. There isn't much to do and it gets boring quite fast just like melee. May I suggest some bases have advanced training unit systems or a game mode option for it?

It also contains vulgar language and swear words as well useless junk at the start.
By the way did you use the same load screen for all three of your maps?
Level 7
Jul 25, 2008
Not sure if it is a bug, or just possibly needs to be re-worked, but I played this last night with a bunch of friends and one of them was defeated in the first few minutes. He still had a fair bit of land, enough that he was getting extra spawns from it.
Level 6
Sep 19, 2005
Alright so my rating for this is 3.4/5.

I find it good, but it needs some more polishing on object data and triggers as well terrain. There isn't much to do and it gets boring quite fast just like melee. May I suggest some bases have advanced training unit systems or a game mode option for it?

It also contains vulgar language and swear words as well useless junk at the start.
By the way did you use the same load screen for all three of your maps?

Polishing on object data? Care to elaborate, each unit has been very finely tuned on both unit sets to create intense gameplay.

What swear words? The loading screen is the same because it is the risk next gen brand of entertainment.

Advanced training unit systems..? Wtf is that?

What is wrong with the code? Where else have you seen 4,000 units killing each other at once so smoothly?

How does it get boring, and who are you playing with?

@Hellraider sounds like he must have forfeit from his control options section.
Some more suggestions, a new type of selection system because 12 is limited in Risk maps.
A custom unit training system using cargo load is possible.
It gets boring because there isn't much to do...
Is your map really unprotected so I can view the code?
I have never seen 4000 units killing each other at once smoothly, mind sharing?
Last edited:
Level 6
Sep 19, 2005
Maybe I will just ignore your posts. You talk about custom models, which are unneeded here. Lu talk about random weird changes that make me abd everyone else here assume that you've never even played the map. Have you?

If its only fun 3 times then don't play it, your suggestions are not those of an experienced player or map maker, you are simply upset that I asked earlier to get a dc. Come back with legit map related concerns, if you want.
Level 6
Sep 19, 2005
Why would I care if you are a better map maker than me? Mr. 0 playable resources. 300,000 ranked players from across the globe playing my maps for days on end has been rewarding enough.

Your suggestions show you dont understand this map therefore it would be pointless to listen to them.

A custom unit training system using cargo load is possible.
It gets boring because it needs a non-wc3 interface combined with better game play if the minimum.

I mean really, what is this even about?
No, I never said this map was unprotected. But you can easily view its code with little skills.
shouldn't this map thread be kept to only be used for the map development?
if both of you still interested in continuing this pointless debate, wouldn't it be honorable to continue it via PM/VM rather than here?

I am not interested at all, just reviewing a map that is in its own class :grin:
I figured it'd be honorable to review it here so he would appreciate someone taking the time to look at one of the most epic maps EVER on Wc3 of the RISK genre. :thumbs_up:

Though I do agree, he should be PM'ing or VM'ing me with those mean words rather than here. It makes his map look bad :goblin_cry:
Level 11
Jul 4, 2016
Apologies for replying this late. Every time someone tries to host it on mmh or ent, it will freeze at the loading screen and fatal error.