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This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is my second real skin iv made, and first skin using freehand. Everything thats custom, is freehand done by me. I made a custom chest and legs.. but the original just looked so much better, so i removed them.

This was made at 512x512, but I reduced the final to 256x256 to reduce file size.

Comments, suggestions and criticism Requested.

Enjoy :)

Scout, Dwarf, Rifleman

Scout (Texture)

15:48, 2nd Sep 2008 Dan van Ohllus: [Rejected] Skin is too blurry, and most have some repetitive patterns and recolor.




15:48, 2nd Sep 2008
Dan van Ohllus:
Skin is too blurry, and most have some repetitive patterns and recolor.
Level 7
Dec 11, 2004
Your skin is lacking borders. You need to make the borders on the edges of things like his shoulders, his cape, etc more visible.

The chest and legs look great. But the beard is a recolour and much too shiny. Well, you went over it with an, appoximatley, 70% opacity brush. I would consider that a recolour.

I guess you could call it a kind of recolor, but to recolor it I painted over it with orange(100% brush) and shaded very similar to the beard underneath.

Update: Fixed the alphas with my own
Last edited:
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
The beard look like the original I'd (not meaning its a recolor) I'd like to see it a little different (not needed though).

where you cut the shoulder pads to the cloth the shading is good but it need to be a little bit better, Try a little darker. The face looks the same but darker and different color mixtures. The nose on the face needs more shading alright. The green leaves are blurry try fixing that. The muscles are good just need a touch up shade. I love the gloves but the shoulder pad hangs out some on the model so try casting a shadow down on the glove just a little bit. Also I've love to see you do some free hand on the shirt and pants and gun you left alone.

Also it'd be nice to see you change the beard color to something like hex: ba5822. But this is unneeded if you don't want too.
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
The beard is, if anything, a recolour.

Well I take great effort in looking at skins I looked at the original and this one they have the same details, but there is some added things. So it might be a recolor but it does have some free hand detail in it and that would be enough so we do not call it a full recolor its a part-rcolor it'd wouldn't hold the skin back unless it has more recolor then free hand in the beard But the beard lacks shading and detail in the lower areas so thats why I would like to see it changed up a bit or even repaired by free hand.
Level 7
Jul 7, 2008
Man you say you couldn't pull off the chest and legs because they couldn't match that of Blizzard's. Yet you managed to pull of the rope!!?? lol I always though making rope that wraps around armor easily the hardest thing to make. Nice